Chapter Thirteen (Unedited)

David has been away for three days due to family emergency and he's curious as to how the two ladies he left at the cafe were doing. He slowly pushed the door and was utterly shocked when he saw the long lines at the counter.

Just when their café did became this popular?

"Sophie is soo pretty.." he heard the man wearing a school uniform whispered to the man at his back who nodded continuously at the other's statement.

Pretty? Hm! Sure Sophie is indeed pretty. He was a bit baffled when he first saw her. He thought that she's more of a model material than a café attendant. She has the brownest eyes he'd ever seen, whenever she smiled it lit up like a those little star sparkling amidst the dark sky. Her eyelashes were velvety against her glossy milky skin. She also has a tempting heart-shaped red lips that looks like an open invitation to men whenever she smile or pout. And how could he forget the luscious captivating body of hers that even a grown man like him would give a second look.

"Boss" Tina greeted him which made him groaned. "Something wrong?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "You're still more beautiful than Sophie." He said and walked towards his office which was located at the left corner of the café.

Tina knitted her brows wondering what the perverted man is thinking.


"Haaaa…" Sophie groaned stretching her hands above her head.

Tina placed a cup of tea in front of her.

"Drink it. It'll help soothe your muscles."

She muttered a thanks and start sipping the tea.

"There sure are a lot of customers today." Tina said.

She nodded. "Is it usually like this?"

"Nope," she (Tina) shook her head. "you gained a lot of fan boys that is why." She grinned.

"What are you saying!" she (Sophie) giggled. She then noticed a familiar black BMW parked outside the café. She looked at her watched. 04:30 PM. Uh-oh! She told Josh to pick her up at four. Dis he actually wait that long?

"I need to go. The husband is outside." She informed Tina who glanced outside the café.

"Go!" she (Tina) thought that Sophie and the big fish is in a rocky marriage but aren't all married couples like that.


She halted her steps and stared at the car's tinted window. Where should she sit though? Should she sit at the passenger seat with the scumbag or should she sit beside Leon on the driver seat. She unconsciously puffed her cheeks. The window at the back seat slowly rolled down.

"Get in!" the man's smooth baritone voice resonated from inside the car. Chill run down her spine and goosebumps appeared on her arms. His voice was clear and calm but at the same time warm and gracious. It was one of the many things that attracted her the most. She gulped. She extended her hands towards the door handle and opened the driver seat.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking that you might wanna be alone at the back?" she said in an unsure tone.

"Get in here."

This demanding scumbag! She cursed him at her head while gritting her teeth. When she was finally settled beside him at the back seat, the car then slowly made its way to the supermarket.

"How's your day?" Josh asked.

She glanced at him with wide eyes as if she a ghost inside the car. She slowly raised her right hand and feels his forehead.

"What?" he asked.

"You don't have fever though. Are you perhaps possessed by a supernatural being?"

He smirked. She peeked at the man beside her. She saw him raising his right hand and loosens his tie. She lightly gulped; this is the moment when she thinks men are the sexiest. She can see the vein popping out on his arms and the up & down movement of his Adam's apple. She noticed that he also unbuttoned his polo and revealed his clavicle. Ugh! People think that only women have beautiful clavicles, but that's where they are entirely wrong. Josh definitely has a gorgeous clavicle that accentuates his hardened chest muscles.

"Seen enough?" he said with a smirked on his lips.

Her eyes widened. Is she that obvious?

"I can still unbutton some more if you want to." He teased.

"Hnmp!' she sneered and looked away.