Chapter 3:Understanding the strange memories

The man frowned at her action but he decided not to harm her because he's got some vital matters to settle with her. Lookin' at her peaceful, sleeping, pouty face he sighed in defeat. Women's weapons lay on their face especially if they were pretty. Unfortunately, this man had no time to consider women. It's a miracle he hadn't cut her to pieces yet. When he confirmed that Theresa was fine, he lifted her bridal style and carried her over to the bed of the deceased concubine.

The bed was ancient and shaky, and the man wondered how the deceased concubine lay on it for so long.

He then covered her with a blanket from his storage ring and blew cold air unto her face, which made her relax even more in her sleep.

He sighed again and brought out a chair from his storage ring.

It would fill anyone who saw this with envy.

Storage rings were not something you could pick up in a treasure trove. Some might not even see its image throughout their entire lives.

But here this unknown young man had it. Storage rings had grades.

Inferior quality, medium quality, high quality, supreme quality, and divine quality. The one in this young man's hands is a divine quality storage ring, though it looked like a normal fancy ring.

The man sat on the chair and brought out a book from a storage pocket in his sleeves and read to kill time.

Occasionally, he would glance at the peacefully sleeping Theresa on the bed and smile slyly.

"I would like to know the woman who can force me out of my peaceful home to become her contracted pet." the handsome man thought as he stared back at the book.

Meanwhile, the sleeping Theresa was organizing the memories of the deceased concubine. After a while, she could get a clear picture.

The deceased was really the 3rd miss of the Han family. She was exquisite at birth until 16. Three days to her marriage to the emperor her step-mum poisoned her, weakening her body and implanting a hideous scar on her once pretty face.

Despite that, they forced her to wed the emperor two years ago and then sent her to an isolated courtyard.

There she stayed, having only one servant to attend to her needs. The emperor had visited her 5 months ago because she had twice saved his life before their marriage. He wanted to bring the best physician in the kingdom, but on entering her bedroom he smelled a fragrance that Han Fei Fei could not even detect.

He knew this fragrance as it was what killed one of his loyal subordinates in a battle. He got furious and sent her to the cold palace as punishment.

Her survival could only depend on herself.

Normally a normal human couldn't last over 2 hours in the cold palace, but since Han Fei Fei was in the foundation realm, she could only last 5 months.

One in the foundation realm could last 8 months without food. The foundation realm was difficult to achieve. Some became foundation practitioners at age thirty. The geniuses would reach this stage at age 14, depending on their spiritual roots.

Han Fei Fei's roots were only slightly above average and since they had isolated her in a courtyard for two years, she had much time to cultivate before being thrown here and left to die for a crime she knew nothing of.

Now Han Fei Fei's only wish is for the ones who made her ugly and the ones who made her suffer in the cold palace to get what they deserve but that they should not die.

She had learned a summoning technique from a traveling powerhouse at age 12 and that is why even though this involved her life she could do it with no fear.

She wished that whoever takes on her identity to clear her name, make the wicked parties pay, and then the person is free to do whatever she wants in this world. She never got to see the emperor's face even once before dying. Even when she had saved him from drowning and a sneak attack, she never saw his face. This was her only regret. She felt she had lived a meaningless life.

Theresa truly felt pity for the deceased concubine, but her complainant side kicked in. Why did it have to be her? She wanted to attend a concert with her idol performing. Ah! The wasted money, the now useless tickets, and even her doll were gone. Without that doll by her side, she never felt secure.

Now, what would she do? How would she even start taking revenge for the deceased? Now Theresa wished for nothing more than to tear Han Fei Fei to pieces.

While Theresa was deeply involved in her dreams, a certain man was getting impatient. Why won't she wake up? She needs to explain why she forced him out of the home to be her pet.

Looking at her sleeping peacefully, he felt some kind of familiarity toward her, like he'd known her for a long time. What was this feeling? He had never felt like this before.

Oblivious to the man's thoughts, Theresa dreamed that her parents were in a heated argument. Suddenly her dad picked a gun and shot her mum in the head.

"No" she shouted in her sleep, waking the man from his thoughts. Alarmed, he looked at her to see she was sweating and she was shivering.

"Woman, you are bad luck," he muttered. Now he was going to take care of her taking on the role of a parent.

Cursing her in his heart, he walked towards her, a frown on his face. But the frown did not destroy his beauty. When he wanted to check her pulse, he heard a farting noise.