SPECIAL: An interview.

Hi people, hehe i just wanna use a special way to apologize to you all for the inconveniences you suffered for the past two weeks. My secular job's taking a toll on me and i broke down for two days. Well, I wanna first say a big thank you BERGENTRUNGR now called Godsovereignj. He made the novel go this far. You know for a long time I was very discouraged but I still kept an eye on this book's progress. All it took was a comment from him. It gave me the motivation that I lacked all this time and despite many challenges I encountered, we all stuck to this book. I'm really glad and never thought this book would go this far. So thanks to Godsovereignj and a few others infact all of you for making it happen. So I am using a fake interview with me the author Stella2138 with a few chosen ones. And hey never feel bad if i don't use your name. I've got a bad memory so don't blame this lazy girl okay? Kisses!

Now lets get on to the interview.


Five people are sitting on a long couch and one of them is the camera man.

Opposite them is an average face and heighted lass sitting on a throne (like literally hehe), a book in her hand called Chase and love. Her clothes are pink and her shoes red. Her hair is black and she's a black too. Yeah an african babe!

Author: I'm really glad that you're here to talk to me. You know i like the cold faced guy at the corner. Hey are you single? What's your name?"

Godsovereignj: " *cough twice* Madam, I think we gotta be professional here. You can call me Godsovereignj"

"Author: "Ok! But if you change your mind, here's my number 08045..."

Lie Siang: "Miss, we're here to ask you some questions. Can you be a bit more serious? And please sit properly"

Author: "I'm serious now. But before we start can I ask a question?"

Liesiang: "Ask away,Miss"

Author: "Eh...are you male or female? I just can't tell from your body nor voice."

Liesiang: "No comment"

Author: "Oh, you're shy eh? Come on, even if you're transgender i got no probs. I'll just take you to a mental clinic."

Liesiang: " Miss, can we start the interview?"

Author: "No problem. You can ask anything you want. For example like the size of my booty....blah blah blah"

Godsoverignj: "*cough* Madam, professionalism please!"

Author: :"Come on don't be so cold. Forget it. Let's start with the interview. Hehe I'm so excited *winks*"

Kitsun: "So Miss, you are the author of Chase and Love. What is your real name, how old were you when you started writing?"

Author: "Well, my real name is Elfrida Ihwihwu and I started writing at the latter months of age ten."

Daoist8zpynt:" Wow! mind telling us what motivated you to start your first novel and how did it feel when you completed one?"

Author:"Well, I attended private school for some time but had to go to a public school after a whole term of sitting at home. A bookstore was close by and I wanted all the novels but couldn't afford them. My classmates too wouldn't bother lending me one. I love novels so much and so I said ' if they won't give me novels, then I'll make my own and after writing my short five in one series novel I was shocked to see so many hungry people fighting to read it and so I wrote a longer novel and kept on. It got to a stage where I didn't even focus on my studies just to write. In class I became lazy and preferred writing novels to copying notes. But despite that I fight with geniuses who read daily for the top ten positions... hahahaha. In my final year at highschool, my schoolmates always ravaged my bag to check for novels and if I haven't written anything or worse still, brought no novel to school then I'll be in big trouble. People I don't even know were even more shameless in begging for my novel and I had to be strict or else I'd have no novel on hand. I've talked too much right?"

Kitsun: " No problem at all. So the next question. How many books have you written so far, counting from age ten? How many have you completed?"

Author: " Well I really have no idea. It should be more than two hundred. And as for completed novels...not up to hundred. You know right on webnovel I have 13 reader accounts and 4 current writer account on inkstone. But my preferred account Stella2138 contains 20 unfinished novels. You can say that I've not completed any of the novels I wrote online"

Gigidarby54: "That's quite a ...feat"

Author: "Yeah."

Godsovereignj: "So what made you decide to focus on Chase and Love and could you please let the audience know the challenges you encountered in the course of writing"

Author: "Your voice sounds so nice dear. Hehe...no need to remind me, I'll be professional. But behind the scenes can we..."

Godsovereignj: "*clears throat* Madam, please be tactful. People are watching"

Author: "Oh! Sorry, I'll not do this next time but I can try other ways right?"

Godsoveregnj: "Whatever!"

Author: "Ok, back to business! This book was actually born on a whim 4 days after my Grandpa died. At first I wasn't too serious about it but 6 people added it to their library on the first day and so I focused a bit on it with the thought of stopping at anytime."

Kittycov: "Really? That would be a real torture for us fans"

Author: "Yeah, I know that! If you guys had been with me from day one of this novel you'd know that I've changed the name of this novel up to twenty times along with the synopsis. I was even discouraged by a reader who said my story was trash. I felt really hurt and deleted everything I wrote. At that time I had about 300 collections. But that same day I comforted myself and reposted everything I deleted. Then my writing began to mutate several times until now. And it's still mutating and it's for the better. Why I focused on writing this novel is because I can relate really well to the FL,Theresa Williams. I can say that I've merged with her already and I can feel her pain, sadness and happiness along with Ju Wei and Long Ren. This novel is the only book that made me happy to write. It satisfies me when I write a chapter of this book. Yeah I know my grammar's got problems, I can't describe well and some other faults that I can't say now. But please know that I'm doing my very best, giving my all so as to ease your stress after a day's work. And also I'm happy to recieve power stones and comments. It really gives me strength to write more. You don't know the power of a comment but as an author...hehe, it's the best reward. To know that real people are reading your book and appreciate you...it's really feels very good. And like every author I did face and am still facing some challenges. One is vocabulary, two is stress. I often feel stressed out especially when I'm writing highly demanding scenes and then I encounter several writer's block then I have to go on hiatus. Then since my health is unpredictable, I get sick. I feel very sick during cold weather and not better in hot season. Sometimes the sun is too hot for my skin then I get fatigued...I think I'm going outta track...forgive me"

"Liesiang: " No problems Miss Elfrida. I like your honesty"

Author: "Thank you, dear. You still haven't told me your gender yet. Don't say it. I'm professional now. And also it's hard to find time to write and I don't have my own laptop. I secretly use my boss' laptop to write and thankfully my workmates don't tell him since I hold their own secrets. If they let my secret out, I'll do the same and we'll all be punished. Hehe."

Kittycov: "That's interesting to hear. So you said you planned on buying a new laptop next year December right?"

Author: " Yeah, but I don't know if I can really do that. I've got a family and I barely save much so I might really have to try hard but for now I'll keep using boss' laptop hehe. But at that time, if you feel like helping this baby girl, then don't feel shy. *winks*"

Gigidarby54: " So what are your plans for Chase and Love, do you have a detailed outline?"

Author: " To be honest, I've stopped using outline a long time ago. I keep changing outline every few days so I got tired and decided to write from my heart. And I plan to write this novel to the end no matter what but guys I really need your support hehe"

Daoist8zpynt: "Do you wish to contract this novel?"

Author: "No. I won't contract this book. When I'm done writing this book, if you feel like thanking me then you can do so at buy me coffee but for now let's focus on writing and entertaining ourselves."

Kitsun: " So what else would you like to say to your readers in general?"

Author: " Dear readers, I wish that I can make you happier through my writing. I want this to be a book you'll remember for the rest of your life. I know that majority of you are actually silent readers. To tell the truth, I'm also a silent reader too but I do ask that at least once, tell me how you feel about a chapter and what you think I should improve on through reviews. But if you feel too lazy or shy to do that then you can baptize me with power stones. Let's make our story rival those of the contracted novels alright"

Godsovereignj: " Miss, how many collections do you have now?"

Author: "Since you asked, I'll talk! Currently I have 2500 collections and I have to say I'm really grateful. I never imagined this day would come. Thanks everyone of you for making Chase and Love reach this far and I hope together We can push our story to greater heights no matter the setback we encounter. Thank you, Thank you."

The six interviewers applaud and the Author nods in delight.

Author: " From a young age, I have the gift of lucid dreaming. So I wish you a happy night with Theresa in your dreams. I will be updating soon and make sure you tell me how Theresa looked like...hehe"

Liesiang: " It's been a pleasure meeting you and I hope we meet again. Thanks for summoning us here"

Author: "Of course, I'd do anything for my fans hehe. But before you go you take these food boxes back home with you. They contain the rich Egusi soup and honeywell of Nigeria. Don't use spoon to eat it. Use your hands"

Kittycov: " Oh thanks."

Author: "Hey jesse, you still don't want my number? Or..."

Godsoverignj: "Sorry I have a babe."

Author: " Oh, then recall to invte me to your marriage. I'll bring you lot's of Egusi soup. You'll enjoy it"

Godsovereignj: "Thanks for the offer. I'll keep that in mind"

Daoist8zpynt: "We'll be leaving now"

Author: "No probs. Bye! * vanishes*"

Liesiang: "That's expected"

Kittycov: "Jesse, you've suffered"

Godsovereignj: " No, I think I was the star amongst us hehe"

Kitsun: "Goodluck with keeping a cold face. Hahaha"

Godsovereignj: "Shut up!"

Daoist8zpynt: " Author is more like Ju Wei"

Gigidarby: "No, I think she's more like Long Ren"

Liesiang: " No, she's more like Theresa. I can't envision how the story will be like but I expect Good stuff"

Kitsun: "Me too!"

Kittycov: "Me three!"

Godsovereignj: " * facing the audience* Everyone, I want you to support this book till the end. If you back out halfway, you are simply blind and stupid."

Liesiang: "Don't be harsh. *pushes Jesse to a corner* Everyone please read and support the author in anyway you can. Be shameless if you want hehe"

Kittycov: " And be sure to lucid dream about Theresa. I bet she'd make me drool"

Daoist8zpynt: "Time's out. Let's return"

With that a portal appeared and sucked them all in to return them to their various destinations.

Author appears again dressed as Kagura of Mobile Legends.

Author: " Hey I forgot to tell you something. I'm a gamer too so iif you're interested, download the app and meet me there. I'm 'Bow to this princess' in the game. My favorite hero is called Angela, she's a support and Kagura is a Mage. My game master is from the Philipines so let me say KAMUSTA to all Filipinos."