'Why the heck she's absent for two days? She's not like that. Is she avoiding me?'

Zhang Feng became worried as he thought of something.

'Oh, god. I don't know what happened to her since she left. I hope she's okay.'

His thoughts were shaken by LiMin's surprising entrance.

"Hey bro! Your eyebrows are furrowed. Who had the power that makes you worried?"

"Stop asking LiMin, we already knew who it is. ShenYi, of course!"

"That's right. We haven't made a plan how to compensate to her."

"Can you two please shut your mouths up! We have one major problem. She wasn't attending our class. I don't know where she is!"

Zhang Feng felt that his friends were getting more and more annoying day by day.

"What?! What happened to her brother Feng?"

"I don't know LiMin, why are you asking me?!"

Tang MingYu felt his head aches just by watching the two.

"Zhang Feng, where did your brain go? What are your intelligence force doing? Why don't you command them to search for her location?"

Zhang Feng smacked his head. He was annoyed by himself. He felt getting dumb as he kept on thinking ShenYi.

"Shit! Why I haven't think of that?"

"Feng, if you wanted a successful plan, then keep your mind on focus."

"That's right! I'm calling my subordinates now."

"Heh, no need. Look! Those two were ShenYi's dorm mates. Let's ask them."

MingYu didn't know when, where, or why, but he suddenly noticed the two.

"Come on Brother Feng! Let's go!"

The trio walked towards Han Ri and Yu Li.

"Hey! You two! Can we ask you about something?"

Han Ri answered, "Are you Zhang Feng? Oh, we have no time speaking at you."

"Yeah, you're the enemy of our Xiao Yi, we hate you!" Yu Li childishly added.

"Hey two girls, we're here not to brought harm. But we're going to ask you about something." MingYu calmly said.

"Sorry we're in hurry. Let's go, Xiao Li." Han Ri ignored the three.

"Wait! What are those? What's inside those plastic bags?" Zhang Feng asked.

"You don't need to interfere about what we are doing. Please stop bothering us."

Zhang Feng didn't move at what Han Ri said. He was getting impatient. He abruptly snatched the plastic bag from Han Ri's hand. But he was surprised by how tight Han Ri's grip was. They both pull the bag on their sides.

But Zhang Feng was stronger than Han Ri. With a strong force, he successfully removed the plastic bag from Han Ri's hand but the items inside the bag were scattered on the ground while Han Ri stumbled down.

"Ah! You jerk! I told you not to meddle in our business!"

MingYu wanted to help Han Ri but he froze on the spot. In the end, Yu Li helped her to stand up.

"Ah! It hurts! Ouch! Be careful!"

Han Ri felt her ankle was sprained. MingYu felt that this is the right time to help her.

"Climb here, I'm going to lift you up."

"Hell no! I can do it myself."

She tried to walk properly, but failed.

"Urgh! Ouch!"

"See, come on. Climb on my back."

After minutes of thinking, Han Ri allowed him.

"Pshhh, fine. I can't go to the dorm in time if I don't walk fast. Go on! Sit down, I'm going to climb your back." She said while slapping his shoulders.

"Hey you two! Stop being lovey-dovey there! Tell me why do you have these medicines?!"

Zhang Feng was pissed to the highest level.

"WE'RE NOT LOVEY-DOVEY!" Han Ri burst in anger. MingYu only gave a smirk.

"It's obvious as to what those medicines are for! It's for our ShenYi!" Han Ri added.

"Why you didn't tell me instantly?"

"Because we're not trusting you!"

Yu Li started to calm down the two.

"You know what, our time is getting small. We must give those medicines on time!"

"Alright stop blabbering, let's go to your dorm!" LiMin calmed the two also.

"What if ShenYi's fever worsens if she saw Zhang Feng?" Yu Li asked.

"Then how Han Ri will walk towards your dorm?" LiMin answered.

"Uuuuurghhhh!!! Fine let's go!"


*opens door*

"Xiao Yi! Wake up, you're going to take your medicine!"

They hear no response.

"Xiao Yi, wake u-"

Yu Li was flabbergasted after seeing ShenYi chilling and pale.

"ShenYi! Wake up! Omygosh, you're so hot! Guys help! She's unconscious!"

Zhang Feng panicked after what he heard. Even though males aren't allowed inside the girls' room, he still barged in.

"Let's bring her to sick bay!"

Zhang Feng carried ShenYi who was still shivering in his arms. He couldn't help but to worry.

The four went immediately to the clinic.

"I'm going too!" Han Ri looked willful.

"No you can't." A solemn voice stopped her.

"Why? I want to check on my friend and besides, I want my ankle to get a bandage too."

"I can do that." MingYu insist.

"Heh, you're not even a doctor."

"But you knew I'm the best in science. I studied human anatomy, I could heal your sprained ankle."

Han Ri was tired from the start. So she gave up.

"Fine, the kit is on the cabinet's fourth drawer, near the refrigerator."