Fei XinLei couldn't think of any lifeline. She had no choice but to seek help for her last lifeline, her husband, Lin Dong. She picked up her phone and tried her luck.

"L-Lin Dong, can you.. please help me?"

Howbeit, she received a cold remark. "If it's another crime that you're planning to do. Stop wasting your time begging for my help."

Sixteen years ago, Fei XinLei planned the crisis without heeding to Lin Dong's advice. The wealthy businessman knew different tactics to reach the capital's peak of business hierarchy, but having blood as the sacrifice never crossed his mind. At the first part of their relationship, he granted wife's wish to make ZhangWei carry the surname Fei, wherein he didn't mind too much about. But as years go by, it seemed like he didn't observed Fei XinLei's personality well. The man never knew when did his lovable wife of his became evil in an instant. Since then, their relationship turned sour. He had been focusing himself working abroad.

Fei XinLei tried harder. She wanted to gain his trust again.

"It's not like that, please help me for the sake of our daughter."

On the other line, Lin Dong became worried. Every father had a soft spot for their daughter.

"What do you need?" He coldly replied.

"Can I use your bank account? Dad just disabled our accounts." She meekly said.

"Alright, I'll send you." He hanged up after replying.

Fei XinLei's eyes glimmered, she still had chance. In a few seconds, she received series of numbers. She grinned widely, knowing it's not the end.


- Tsing University Dormitory -

"Xiao Yi! Attend the charity ball! We can't enjoy ourselves if we're not complete. Only the best students among departments were invited, don't waste the opportunity! " Yu Li sulked beside Cai ShenYi.

"If you're not going because you don't have any partner, then I'll find someone for you." Han Ri spoke in the midst of them.

"No, that's not the case." Cai ShenYi denied.

"Then why?" Both of them asked.

ShenYi sighed, she can't resist the two.

"Alright, alright. I'll attend, but I won't wear extravagant dresses. I'm planning to take on duty at our club. I'll be busy helping at our station."

The two were disappointed but seemed to accept their friend's plan. As long as they were together, they're complete.

"How about you Yu Li? Who's your date?" ShenYi asked her.

Yu Li thought deeply. "If only partners aren't required, I would probably won't bother myself finding someone. Ah! I know someone! I'll contact him, wait." She scampered to her bed and dialled someone.

While Yu Li was away, Han Ri couldn't help but to asked ShenYi.

"Xiao Yi, did you and Zhang Feng..." Before she could finish her question, Cai ShenYi held her hand and smiled bitterly.

"Don't bring back that topic anymore. Nothing will change though." She replied. Han Ri patted her back and played with her hair.

On the other side of the room, Yu Li's happy voice could be heard.

"I already got a companion. I'm not going to tell you who." Yu Li winked playfully.

Han Ri rolled her eyes and teased Yu Li, "It's gonna be Chu LiMin, for sure."

Yu Li immediately denied Han Ri's remarks.

"Guess whoever you think it is, I'm not telling you until the charity night. You still have seven days to think of it."


- Chu Residence -

"Bro Tang, I miss Zhang Feng being with us. His grandfather became very strict." Chu LiMin spoke sadly.

"Not only because of that. He was already engaged. Old Master Zhang wanted Zhang Feng to get accustomed being alone. His wedding will be held soon."

"So, it was already set? How about ShenYi?" Chu LiMin furrowed his brows.

"I don't know. But I know Feng, he's up to something." Tang MingYu smirked.

"Ah, by the way brother, that means Zhang Feng would be paired up with Fei ZhangWei this upcoming event?"

"Chu LiMin, do you really think I can predict things?" Tang MingYu picked up his phone. He can't deal with LiMin's thousand questions.

Chu LiMin let out an annoyed hiss. He stared at the ceiling and let out a sigh. "Hmm,who would be my partner?"

"Yu Li." Tang MingYu answered directly.

"I don't know how to approach her." He sulked. MingYu ignored Chu LiMin. He was busy texting Han Ri.

After a moment, Chu LiMin got an idea.

"Companion... companion.. little companion.." He uttered to himself.