"Pay back time:her abduction is devil's game.."

"wake up -wake up -wake up ..it's a brand new day

*alarm ringing~~

"..swipe *turn off the alarm...

oh it's morning already....

.sunshine is coming in through the window and her pastel pink curtains are flowing along with the soft fresh and flowery breeze.

umm..it's 7:00am .

.uhh..I want to sleep for five more minutes...


gud mrng lazy weezy...wake up!! .

.you have classes from 8:30 am ...


wake up sunshine ...

I have already prepared breakfast for the two of you ..n I'm going now..bye..Se-ya

...ya ya I'm wide awake now....

oh did I mention .

.I'm actually a ★F.M.M and designing major ...

n Lara is a ★F.J major...

and Torie is actually a ★G.D major..

we all went to the same college..n recently got our internships from different companies regarding our different interests ...we are all students from "ESMOD UNIVERSITY".. it was hard getting in but we all got the chance due our hard work and caliber and also due to the scholarship...

well I'm going Torie bye.

..ya bye bye babe..;-b

—_—! ...this girl ....

wow today weather looks so sunny n bright

..great I'm gonna have a great day .... :-)..

after college gets over..

uff I'm so tired!!!!

n its past 10am now n I have to go to the Lin Corp now for my 1st day..

oh I'm so excited..!!!

..my 1st paid job.. :-D..


Hey she's coming

...it's her right..

.ya it's her only....

big boss told us to abduct her but no one can harm her or do anything to her remember..


..OK boss.

hey miss ..!!!


.huh!?*about to turn around to look who's calling

.*a sharp hit on her neck ..

.knock off.

.boss we got her.

.good now put her into the car..

.drive off into the busy road and car dissapered into the thin air..

in an magnificent 3storied huge penthouse villa inside one of the master bedrooms a commission is going on.

.Mr guff * no1 lawyer of the country .

..is everything prepared n signed .

.yes Mr Robert

but ....

.what about her signature..?!


it's your job to fulfil.. none of my business..

get her signature or biometric finger stamp ..up to you .

.but you only got 5minutes .to do it or else we didn't need such a useless lawyer in the country....

ye-yes Mr Robert .

.it will be done in no time..

after 5min...

signing the contract is done...

dead silence in the entire room only a man standing on the bedside and women sleeping in the bed can bed can be seen ...

he bends down towards her ..wicked glint flashing on his eyes he grabbed her cheeks harshly and with a cruel smirk he spoke.

. you dare to slap me ..

now I'm gonna make your life a living hell ..

my dear lawfully wedded wife.

and with a evil smile plaster on his face he went off leaving the comfortably sleeping Sara on the bed ....


★F.M.M - FASHION Merchandising Management

★F.J- Fashion Journalism

★G..D- Graphical Designing

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