"miracle does happen..."

that nurse ran as fast as possible towards doctor Mili's cabin ..

. while panting heavily...

huff~~ huff~~

doctor Mili was busy writing some reports...

when a nurse burst into her cabin without her permission


doc- doctor mil- Mili ..

umm um..patience..VVIP ICU Ward no 1..

she stopped whatever she was doing...!!!

what ?!

what just happened to patience Sara?!

..tell me what happened in VVIP ICU Ward no 1?!

doctor that patience just woke up...

the pen on her hand dropped on the floor...

she was thunderstruck...

wait ...WHAT!!??

OMG that's amazing it's such a great news..


doc Mili ran towards Sara's Ward while contacting all the other doctors and also the director of the hospital ....

he-hello the patient in the VVIP ICU Ward no 1

Sara ..

she just came back to consciousness from coma!!!..

plz come as soon as possible to check on her...

when she reached Sara's room she saw that Sara was trying to do something .

.and she was struggling hard..but was unable to move...

...when doctor Mili saw Sara .

..she was really cautious and worried..

so she asked politely

um miss Sara it's OK don't struggle just tell me what you want..I'll help..OK..

but Sara was unable to talk but she wanted to say something....

and doc Mili got that immediately..

after being with coma patience's and treating them for like her entire life she came to know by her experience that if they woke up by some miracle... they won't be able to move or talk immediately after waking up ..because their nervous system will shut down for not moving for months or perhaps for years and their vocal cord will dry down...

hence it will take some time for the patience to talk and walk properly again..

.but nothing is impossible right !!!!

she asked Sara

um miss Sara

it's OK..

don't strain yourself just try to make some gestures using your hand or eyes maybe I'll get it...

Sara got that immediately and kept her eyes intact in one direction in hopes that the doc will get it ..

doc Mili knew what she meant?!..

. so she followed Sara's gaze and got what she wants...

Sara was kept on staring towards the water jug near her bed table...

so doc Sara grabbed a glass of water and helped Sara to drink it...

after sara is done with drinking doc Mili helped her back to laid down on the bed...

after few minutes all the Doctor's including the director came rushing in to VVIP Ward 1

to check Sara thoroughly..

then half an hour later after they are done with her whole body checkup..

they felt like they were the most happiest person alive in the world...

doctors and directors and all of them were happy as they were out of danger zone now and they won't be suffering from devil's wrath anymore ...

after coming to an end of the discussion about who will inform the devil about Sara's condition.. they come to an conclusion...

that it should be done by doc Mili as she was always the one to inform the devil Lord about Sara's condition...

hence after gathering all her courage she once again called the devil Lord....after few rings he picked up the call..

he was in a meeting at that time and was all gloomy ..and furious due to some minor mistakes by the presenter ...and was about to pour his wrath on everyone present in the meeting room when his phone buzzed up..and after few minutes of buzzing he finally picked it up when he saw who was calling...

and everyone present in the meeting room relaxed a bit...

in his usual cold tone he replied ...


um Mr JI I'm calling you regarding miss Sara's condition ..

actually something happened to her..she was...

unable to finish her line when the call went dead... tut tut tut .

..he hung up the phone..!!!

did he just hung up.. !?!

.isn't he concern about miss Sara..

seems like he quite busy right now..

well who cares ...

after she was done with Sara's complete medical checkup and double ensures that everything is fine with Sara she was about to go towards her room when ...

Robert came rushing and grabbed her hands harshly ...

doctor what did you do to Sara !!!

what happened to her..tell me for God's sake damnit..!!

doc Mili war startled with his sudden presence and by being so close to him she looses her conscious mind for a second and then again came back to reality she thought in her mind God..this men is even better looking then God itself !!!


um she is alright...

she just woke up an hour ago..

it took few minutes for Robert to process the sudden news..

.he was shock and so happy that he shook hands with her thankyou doctor ..

thank-you so much for saving her

then he realized what he just did and let her hands go .

. I'm sorry pardone me about that

and he went straight towards Sara's Ward..without a care ...

and on the other hand doc Mili went crazy by the sudden commotion...her mind went dizzy when he suddenly shook her hands ..her nostril and senses were clogged with his husky and aqua manly perfume and bodily warmth that's emitting from his hands and by being so close to him ..she only get to know how tall he actually is.. and she started fantasizing about him

but she snapped out of her fantasies immediately..

cuz she knew it's better to stay further away from a man like him..especially when he have a girl like Sara for whom he cared like anything..

.but she seems to assume one thing ...

does he even realized that how much he cared about her...?!and does he even realized that he's actually deeply in love with her...


.with his type of personality

maybe not...

when he stepped inside Sara's wardroom he was standing in front of the door and kept staring towards Sara

who was staring blankly towards the window...without a care in this world...

he was thinking in his mind..if there's something as miracle then it does happen..

and it's proven today .....