Chapter Three: Troll's Are Accurately Named

Carrow push open the large doors of the Crypt, only to have to brace as harsh winds and snow blasted through the crack of the door. The outside was dark as it was currently night, and the weather was blizzard like. Morning Star was a winter month, and Dawnstar was located in a very northern location. Pushing his weight into the door, Carrow made his way out, giving a small flinch as the doors behind him slammed shut under the heavy winds. Snow and ice pelted his armor while the cold permeated his body.

It didn't bother him as the cold was merely a feeling and not an unpleasant one no matter how cold it got. He did feel some stiffness in his joints as the cold increased, so he knew not to stay cold for too long lest he end up a frozen ice block. Not seeing any hostiles, he sheathed his sword using some clever usage of Telekinesis, and opened his palm to a bright light. Clairvoyance was an interesting spell that worked of intent, will and visualization. For his part he visualized the in game map of Skyrim and focused on the Dawnstar Icon. A path of glowing gas spread from his hands as magicka flowed into the spell.

His other hand called up the Flame spell. The spell radiated heat before his fingers flexed, the rolling ball of fire shrunk into a small white speck of flame the size of a candle light. Despite it's size, massive amounts of heat radiated from the flame. The heat was then controlled and guiding into his armor, the high quality suit was made for this weather and navigating the landscape of Skyrim with insulation that kept the ever increasing amount of heat inside of the armor.

Feeling his limbs loosen up was a pleasurable feeling as he started on the path his Clairvoyance spell created. His feet crunched upon the soft snow, the heavy weight of his armor not helping in traversing the snow, yet his undead nature made the trip merely boring and slow rather than exhausting. Fifteen minutes into his journey he canceled the while not exhausting still rather expensive spell modification, merely expending magicka into manipulating the heat to stay inside of the armor and not leak from any seam or hole.

His vision was low as blankets of snow and ice covered any distance he could possibly see, yet his hands started to clench into fists. Something was watching him. How he knew, he couldn't tell, but instincts alien yet ever so familiar warned him of this phenomenon. His surroundings were obscure, and he had no line of sight to what had to be a hostile entity. His hand went up to his shoulder, glowing a green and loosing his sword from his back.

With a sudden quickness, Carrow caught the sound of movement from his back, muffled by winds, snow and ice as it was. When he heard the sound it was followed by a sharp spike of focus and narrow minded action. The glow of his hand spiked in opacity, causing his blade to fly out of fits sheath and into his hand, pivoting on his right foot, and holding his greatsword by the hip, pointed toward a great blur of motion.

To any other man, all they would see was a white blur of muscle and savage hunger. To Carrow he saw a muscled Frost Troll bearing down on him and reacted accordingly. With a quick shuffle of foot working that was only slightly hampered by the snowfall, Carrow aligned his blade with the incoming swipe of an arm. The blade tore into the forearm of the beast, the second the wound was made, Carrow in a great spurt of motion dashed to the side in something of a half roll. He did this to avoid the following shoulder check that was created by the charging momentum of the Troll.

A grand roar echoed out into the blizzard. The Troll had a shaggy mane that draped over its well muscled body. As it turned to face Carrow, he saw it had a clear and developed muscular system that resembled that of a human, but more primal. It reminded him of a Great Ape, yet one more evolved and obviously magical. His memories sighted Trolls as exceedingly powerful and deadly foes to most any Warrior. Mages had it easier to a degree, but burning a Troll without enough power just pissed it off and usually ended in a very messy mage.

Seeking something of a challenge to his martial ability, Carrow lowered himself into a stance and prepared for combat. The Troll started moving toward Carrow trying to generate enough momentum to body the far lighter warrior, yet Carrow wouldn't let it. With a few strides forward, Carrow interrupted the Troll's half finished charge with a strike to the knee. Retreating to dodge a desperate grab from the Troll's fist, Carrow leveraged the range of his greatsword to plant another blow on the Troll's face. The slash cut out a its left eye, and damaged the right. The troll screamed rather than roared and on all fores leapt at Carrow in an attempt to tackle. Instead of dodging the attempted grapple, Carrow angled his sword tip to the now lowered and unguarded collar bone and throat.

As the Troll sailed through the air, the blade penetrated the Troll's throat, passed by the collar bone, and entered its chest cavity without touching bone. The Troll died as the blade continue through its body, but Carrow braced himself for the weight and momentum of the carcase. Jolting at the collision, Carrow used his left arm to pry his blade from the impaled cadaver. With a savage tug, the blade came free and splash sanguine liquid across the growing field of snow.

Carrow cocked his head at the corpse, as he realised the Troll didn't exactly regenerate during that fight and found himself at a loss. Then he realized that Troll's while having regeration, didn't real mean much in a fight other than stamina, staying power, and the ability to shrug off minor wounds. To a lesser warrior with a blade that could only do just that, the troll would easily win, out lasting such a warrior. But, to an undying warrior that never tired and had a blade that was made from the blood of a god, a Troll was just a heavy meatsack with muscle.

"Got my hopes up." Carrow muttered as he sneered at the fallen corpse. A troll would be a troll after all, something that ate the weak and died to the strong.

Sheathing his blade, Carrow recasted his Clairvoyance. To Dawnstar