In the beginning

In the beginning 0100 There was Eru 0100 In a distant and second-hand set of dimensions 0100 The Wheel of Time turns 0100 Centurion 0100 Wolfshtein 0100 Civilization 0100 Warcraft 0100

It was starting to end, after what seemed most of eternity to him.

He attempted to wriggle his toes, succeeded. He was sprawled there in a hospital bed...

He was walking toward a mirror.

A mirror? It was reflecting this dark... hall? just a moment ago. And him - in his white underwear. It was showing some weird farm now. Looked like one of these agricultural games too.

An appliance with part-time mirror job? Now it was 'reflecting' a young lad in high class oriental clothes that have seen better days. And it's him again. Right next to the 'mirror'. A watch on his hand... what time is it? Nothing. Not a single digit. The battery had run out of juice, so it seems. But there were some letters engraved on the bracelet. Dick? Was it his name? It would have to do as he had no other ideas at this point.

The hall was full of these 'mirrors'. The second one gifted Dick with a sketch of black castle and a picture of frontier stile outpost in the garden and a boy about to graduate from his school in humble but neat clothing. Another boy in the third one. With his PC... and some really independent looking shadow.