Testing the Security System

After finally waking from his trance, Kirou spent the next half an hour listening to Old Copper talk about certain rare metals that can be found in the area of his secret base, along with those that can be found within the Beast Continent and how to treat them. Following this, Kirou was then teleported to SC Pier City.

Arriving at the entrance of SC Pier City, Kirou didn't enter but instead went to a secluded area, summoned out his Blood Shadow Wolf and made his way towards the underground cavern roughly twenty kilometers away. Along the way, Kirou passed by many players, whether intentionally or unintentionally on their part and just flew by them on his wolf while many of the players he passed by looked at his retreating figure in jealousy.

Around half an hour into the trip, Kirou noticed that he was being tailed by a group of players. He had met this group sometime after he had just left the city and had thought that they were just another set of players jealous of his mount. It wasn't until ten minutes later that he felt like he was being stalked, so he made use of the skill to do a quick check of his surroundings, finding the group following his trail half a kilometer away.

Kirou could have just stopped, waited, and eliminated those players if he wanted to but he decided against it as their presence gave him an idea. He decided that he was going to use this group of players to test out the natural security of his new base.

'Let's hope these guys are sufficiently strong enough to force those jellyfish creatures' hands.' As Kirou thought this, he allowed a smile to form on his face. While this smile looked simple from his perspective, if there was anyone else nearby to see it, they would have shivers running down their spines.

Like that, Kirou continued his journey towards the underground cavern, completely *oblivious* to the group of twelve players on his trail. After another twenty minutes or so of riding, Kirou was now standing before the entrance of that inconspicuous cave. Relieving his mount, Kirou stared in the direction of the players that were over a few hundred meters away with a sneer before he entered the cave, vanishing in the darkness.


Roughly five minutes after Kirou had vanished, twelve players were now standing at the entrance to the inconspicuous cave. The party was filled with classes of all types with the various races to match this. At the head of the group was a human player dressed in cloth armor and was holding a staff, a mage.

This mage turned towards the only thief in the party, a gnome, and asked, "Are you sure that he entered here?"

The gnome thief went towards the entrance of the cave and squatted down and stared at the ground before the cave for a few moments before he answered, "I'm positive, boss. That player did indeed enter this cave." Following his words, the gnome thief stood up and went to the back of the party. From here on out his job was done as thieves couldn't track other players within a cave.

Hearing his words, the group of players grew a bit excited but they did their best to quickly suppress this excitement as they stared at the group leader. Seeing their stares, the group leader formed a smile on his face as he spoke, "Let's go, people. We won't allow him to escape after coming this far. Let's deal with him first and sort out how his items will be distributed after that." The mage then led the group of players into the cave, chasing after their prey.

While the mage had said that out loud, he was inwardly sneering at the group as he had no plans to let this group of commoners get their grubby little fingers on the rare gear on Kirou's body. Now he only had to deal with that gnome thief and he was sure to get away with this scot-free.

While it wasn't possible to examine the stats of a player's weapon and armor without the player sharing the details, it was possible to identify the gear's grade based on the glow that the item gives off. When Kirou had passed by the group of players earlier, intentionally or not, the mage had paid very close attention to the armor on Kirou's body and realized that it was giving off a faint blue glow. This signified that the armor was rare and that caused the fire of greed to sprout within the mage's heart as it thought about the ramifications of a solo player possessing such armor.

'With the two priests here and so many of us, as long as we kill him a few times he's bound to drop all pieces of his rare armor and maybe his weapon as well. I really hope it is of a similar grade.' As the human mage thought this, he had a scum-like smile on his face that was currently hidden in the shadows of the cave. While the cave did possess a form of natural lighting in the form of glowing moss, this light wasn't strong enough to completely light up the cave but instead made the cave all the more creepy.

As the group walked deeper into the cave, they never realized that from the moment they entered the cave, there was a person hidden under the effects of both and standing near the mouth of the cave within the shadows. This person listened to the party and saw their reactions but said nothing as the group entered the cave. As the group had passed him, the man naturally had a sneer on his face as they walked deeper into the cave, completely ignorant of the challenges that they were about to face.

'Don't disappoint me too much. I need to accurately gauge the strength of my security system before I decide on what upgrades I should make to this cave system after I claim that area as my own.' As Kirou thought this, the sneer on his face faded away as he started to focus while following behind the group from roughly fifteen meters behind.

The group of twelve had thought that they were the hunters entering the cave to corner and skin a fact prey, not knowing that the roles have already reversed and they were now going to be used as test subjects by a cruel predator. Fate seems to work in very twisted ways, doesn't it?


The group of twelve has been walking in the underground cave system for over ten minutes now. So far, the group has come across a few monsters here and there along their journey. The group made quick work of these rogue monsters before collecting their spoils and moving on.

Kirou stayed behind the group and watched their every action from over a dozen meters away. While he could have gotten much closer if he wanted to, Kirou opted to keep his distance, just in case some random spell or skill would reveal his presence to the group, forcing him to take matters into his own hands instead of allowing the experiment to take place.

After another ten minutes or so of walking, the group finally happened upon a wide cavern. So far they have been traveling in a tunnel that only allowed two players to walk and fight in comfortably. With the wide cavern before them now, the group was finally allowed enough breathing space to get over any form of claustrophobia that they might have developed.

"Alright people, let's see what's in this cavern before we move on. We can't afford to let our prey slip through our fingers." The mage said this through the party's chat window, making sure to avoid making any sounds that could alert any monster or the prey they were tracking that could be in the cavern before them. The party members responded via the party chat window as well while raising their hands in the air.

Over a dozen meters behind the group, while Kirou had no idea what the details of their conversation were, he could make a rough guess as to what was said. This guess caused Kirou to form a sneer on his face as he watched the group of players enter the cavern.

'Now let me see how you guys fair against those psychedelic jellyfish.' As this thought entered Kirou's mind, Kirou followed the group from a distance and entered the cavern to keep his eyes peeled for the events that would follow. Needless to say, Kirou was treated to quite the show.


Roughly five minutes later, Kirou was leaning on the wall by the entrance of the cavern, watching as eleven players were currently blasting spells and other skills at each other. Kirou looked on and could only shake his head at the sight before him. This was a result Kirou had expected but to see that the group ended up like this in less than five minutes left Kirou feeling very disappointed.

As for the twelfth player not under the control of the singular psychedelic jellyfish within the room, the gnome thief, Kirou currently had eyes on the location of said individual. In fact, the gnome priest was standing right before him under the effects of . From the moment the group had entered the cavern, the thief made the swift decision of entering stealth and staying by the entrance of the cavern while the rest of the group carelessly walked into the cavern.

The group never noticed the gnome thief's actions, or if they did, they just didn't care. It was that attitude that put them in their current predicament, however. As soon as the group made it five meters into the cavern, they all noticed the small lake on the other side of the cavern with a small psychedelic jellyfish float at the top.

Seeing the lone jellyfish in the lake, the group's first thought wasn't to attack the creature but to get close and take pictures. They completely mistook the dangerous jellyfish for a weak and useless monster and now that group of eleven were paying for their stupidity. One would think that they would be wary of any and all creatures they find in this underground cave system. After confirming the deaths of all eleven players, Kirou once again turned towards the still invisible gnome thief.

While the gnome thief was currently at a loss, he felt someone tapping on his shoulder. Momentarily forgetting that he's invisible, the gnome thief turned around, only to come face to face with a smiling Kirou. While the smile was simple enough, it caused the invisible gnome thief to visibly pale as he now remembered that he was under yet Kirou was standing before him and staring right at him.

Just as the gnome thief tried to run away, he noticed that his entire body was bound by a large number of wires. With the wires now binding him, the effects of were completely removed from his body and he was completely visible before Kirou.

"Hello again, little thief. It's been a while, hasn't it?" Kirou said this while staring at the gnome thief with his simple smile.

When Kirou said these words, the gnome thief started to tremble. If it was possible, the gnome thief's complexion was somehow managing to turn even paler than before. Kirou paid no attention to this as he stared at the captive caught in his wires.

"Why don't we have a chat, little thief?" Following those words, Kirou led the gnome thief deeper into the underground cave system.

During the whole trip, the gnome thief never once took his eyes off of Kirou, which resulted in him not seeing where he was going or taking note of how long it took to get there.-Instead, all that was on the gnome thief's mind was the terror he experiences when he looked into Kirou's eyes earlier.