If Only For A Day

You are always yourself

Every second of everyday

You are who you are

Every step of the way

You have your whole life

To treat youself with teasures

And yet you do the exact opposite

And others you pleasure

You dedicate your life

To provide others happiness

But who provides yours?

As you swallow in darkness

You always watch

The backs of others

But who watches yours?

When you're already watching another's

Please I beg of you

If only for a day

Find the positive in the bad

And be happy for your birthday

A whole day for you

And not him not her

Be selfish for once

And look in the mirror

See who you are

The one you'll forever be

Me, myself and I

We're the only ones that can heal me

Heal us

The broken little girl

Because we only have each other

In this isolating world

So once for your life

Take off your masks, tear down your walls

Cut off all strings

And burn all your paper dolls

Because in all your life

Nothing will pain your more

Than losing your will to live

And forgetting who you are


"If Only For A Day"

By: MysticalGalaxy14


Author's note:

I wrote this one for my birthday.

Examination days were coming and I was stressed af.

I was not feeling the joy of my birthday.

I was not happy. In fact I felt cold.

That realization of me sitting alone in our dining table sorrounded by books and notebooks with no one else.

My birthday came and nothing special happens. I know that. But it was different this year. I felt lost. Nobody knew it was special, but I did. And I was a complete doormat.

Friends celebrated it with me for the first time, yet for some reason I felt more lost and alone than when I celebrated it alone with my family the past years.

Maybe it was because all my classmates don't know me enough to care or maybe it's because I was down low to the point I realized how while I was there drowning myself in books and knowledge, others lived their lives and made friends and tasted life. Had fun and drama and thrill.

Last year really took a toll on me, changed my perspective. It opened my mind to the point of no return. It's like it sucked all the things I valued for and disintegrated it into ashes scattered in the wind. Life lost its colors. I was lost.

This year started with me looking for scraps and dirt to help me to stand back up again. Like a lost pup seperated from the pack and is stranded in a burning desert.

I don't know how long it will take me to find a haven or if I'm even able to find a single drop of water. But I have no other choice than to wander and hope there is still something to find.

This was really depressing, sorry, I had another mood again.

I hope you're happy.

Hope you enjoyed.