Midnight Tick

As the clock ticks midnight

My mind ticks endless thoughts

Seconds passing by overnight

Fighting the fights I've already fought

Loneliness accompanies me

Underneath my own roof

The roof that protects yet limits me

From the stars I've always dreamed of

Under my blankets I'm curled

Raining tears on the hurt I've taken

My disappointment and self hate blurred

Sea of regrets, pulling me right back in

Regrets swallowed my will

Always feeling wrong by anxiety

Wishing to disappear, to not feel

Leaving me as a forgotten memory

Overthinking scenes and fights

Falling into endless depth

As the clock ticks midnight

My mind ticks endless death


"Midnight Tick"

By: MysticalGalaxy14


12:15am and I can't sleep. Trying to write my way out. Making my brain exhausted enough to stop thoughts so I can sleep.

1 month before school again and I'm not excited. I still had tons to do before schoolworks starts again. Hope I can finish them all in time.

Wish I had more time.

Hope all of you are happy uwu,
