The Date II

Finally I stood next to a coffee shop near the station. I was still chatting with Stella. I could see Antonio hiding beside a shop and stalking me.

Thankfully, I covered the device with my hair. It might look weird but that's the only choice.

I don't hold much thoughts about it to be honest. Maybe because I don't hold much excitement towards it. I just didn't wanted to get another slap, this time. Sigh

"Ale" someone shouted my name and I instantly looked back. She wore a sky blue sleeveless dress till her knees and a brown clutch. She was running towards me and waving her hand.


She had long brown hair waving as she ran towards me and beautiful earings.

I waved her back with a gentle smile but she didn't seem to stop running. Finally he jumped on me and wrapped her hands around me. I was about to fall but maintained the balance. I hugged her around her back.

At last after a long hug, she pulled back and smiled looking up at me.

"You're more handsome in real life" she said.

So, that's why Antonio used to click photo's of me.

I hesitated and scratched my cheek looking away, "Ya..!" I said.

"Aara, Aara. You're more shy than I thought" she said and grabbed my palm as we walked inside the coffee shop.

We sat near the glass wall at the end corner. I now realised that my forehead is sweating.

"Oh, you're nervous?" she asked as she sipped ice water.

Damn, how did she? Guess Antonio has told her everything about me....

I wiped my forehead and awkwardly smiled. She looked so beautiful with her milky white skin and dark brown eyes with pink lips.

The table we sat on consisted on beautiful flowers that spreaded beautiful aroma.

"Tell her how was your day"

Suddenly a voice popped up in my ears. Almost forgot about it!

I slowly whispered, "Ya!" and asked, "How was your day?" to her.

She smiled at me as the waitress served the coffee.

"Well, fine..." her voice melted in my ears. Almost feather like.

We were awkwardly silent for some time since I was too nervous and she too shy.

"Your name is beautiful Beauituful"

What! My name is beautiful. I never thought so.

"What are you saying idiot" I covered my lips with palm and whispered to Antonio.

"Idiot, I am talking about her"

"How dare you talk about her in such a way" I angrily whispered.

She noticed me, "Ahno? What are you doing?" she asked.

I awkwardly smiled, "Nothing!" and once again we went into our silent mode.

I bet she is thinking of me as a shy person now. Game end.

"Hey, stop being all so silent and talk to her. Ask her your favourite colour, work, preference and workplace...."

"My favourite colour is voilet" I abruptly said cutting Antonio.

She giggled, "I like white" she said in her tender voice. So beautiful.

"Idiot, her favourite colour not yours"

He is annoying me, wish I could shut him up somehow.

"Ask her about her favourite places like theme parks or.....

"My favoruite place is theme park" another abrupt statement. I was panicking alot and that was clearly visible on my face. My lips trembled and legs shaked.

"Yes, it's nice. Let's visit theme park someday! Maybe on our another date!" she joyous said.

I was fascinated by her smile. I wanted to capture it.

"What's your height?" I randomly asked as she looked so young.

"Idiot you ask a girl her height? God, could you be anymore serious. Try to act like a man and impress her and bluh bluh bluh....."

Antonio seriously was lecturing me at a time like this. I was getting pissed off. I was squeezing my thighs and tried to control my anger. Really Pissed.

She laid her coffee down to answer my question, "Actually, I am just ...

"Stupid, idiot, donkey. Stop being so silent and don't ruin....


"SHUT UP!" I yelled loudly and stood up.

Soon that I realise everyone has there eyes on me and Stella, she was astonished.....

God, I was saying that to Antonio.

I gulped and sat down looking at Stella.

"What did you did.... Idiot..

I took the Bluetooth out of my ear and laid it on the table. Stella looked at it and frowned?

"Listen, sorry. I was nervous and asked my friend to help me"

After a few minutes of silence she finally giggled, "You're so cute!"


We walked out of the café holding hands and being all so shy.

"Let's go somewhere" I said to her.

"Where to?" she asked. I could clearly see her cherry pink cheeks. Even I was blushed a bit.

"Wait, I wanna call a friend, could you just wait a bit" I asked and she nodded and smiled.

I need to call Antonio and tell him not to stalk us anymore. He might make our MMS. Dude, I overthinker too much.

I called Antonio who was already busy somewhere. I could hear loud noises of music and shoutings.

"Hey, Antonio. Where are you?" I asked.

"Dude, I am at the pub, can't hear you"

"Okay, no problem. Everything worked up out! Fine" I said.

"Well really? Good for you. See ya later"

He hanged up the phone. Maybe busy partying, god this boy!

I looked back at Stella who was sitting on a bench and waiting for me. I quickly sat next to him and unintentionally laid my palm on hers.

She smiled and looked at me. I was flustered yet flattered the same time.

"Where should we go next?" I asked and tried to sound smooth.

"Maybe, dinosaur museum" she abruptly answered.

Damn, her voice is making me crazy. Sweet as strawberry cake, melting in my ear's.

"Dinosaur Museum" I said to myself but obviously she heard it too.

"Have you never visited one before?" she asked in her sweet voice.

"Well, I haven't" I answered.

Cannot tell her that I spent half of my life in stupid stuff and never had been out with friends.

"Where is your purse?" I again randomly asked what's popped up inside my mind. What a guy am I.

"Well, in my pocket" she smiled and showed me her pocket inside the dress that was almost invisible.

"Oh" I was fascinated, "They have pockets for girls too" I said.

"Obviously yes!" she smiled.

God, I am so out dated on fashion.

To be continued -