Prairie's Shame (2)

"Do you guys need help?" Mu Qing Lang turned his attention to the goblins and Ka-Ba is the first one to shakes his head. This fellow is too competitive he's trying to fight four fighters at the same time without other help.

"I can do it! I'm a cultivator too!" Ka-Ba charged at the four fighters and fight with them using his sword. The weapon is fit to be called as his custom weapon. Using this sword in his fight, Ka-Ba is at least twice stronger than when he's without.

But the most remarkable part of his fight is the flow of his sword. It wasn't the single slash attack, but a continuous flow. The limited amount of sending the blade out technique conserve his stamina, hence the sudden speed up or speed down depending on the situation.

Sometimes, the sword completed a flow quicker, but sometimes, it is more to a posture and not a strike. This confused the four fighters, and on the first five minutes, one fallen, leaving three.

On the seventh minute, the second fighter fall. The third guy had his head and body separated, with the fourth had his chest pierced by the sword. Both third and fourth guy died at ninth and tenth minute respectively.

The killing of four allowed him to understand deeper into the sword. Unexpected by everyone, Ka-Ba requested to be allowed to return to their hut to comprehend the enlightenment that just came into him. Mu Qing Lang allowed that of course.

The twenty-five corpses are gathered at one side before the goblin rummaged their belongings. Anything worth a stack of edible Meat Grass is taken as a precious item worth keeping. Other than that, their corpses are buried together in five different burial pit.

It was counted as paying sufficient respect to them, as the Mu's Camp still yet to have a proper digging shovel or hoe. They are entirely dependant on the short goblin stature to assist in reclaiming the land, loosening the soil before it was used for farming.

Alongside with the slaves captured by the Namu's Settlement, they lead everyone back to the camp and making sure everyone is fed. Only after that Mu Qing Lang asked them a question.

"Do you want to stay, or leave?"

The majority of them, goblins, immediately answered him. They wished to serve the Mu's Camp. This brings the satyr-like creature hesitates. It stares on Mu Qing Lang patiently, until the latter decided to ask a few questions.

"Do you want to stay with us?"


"Can you live with the goblin and humans?"


"Let us help each other." Mu Qing Lang finishes his question. Practically, it's just as simple as question and answer to hiring this satyr.

As for the two female humans, they did not reject the invitation sternly, but because they got nowhere to go, they'll be treated as a temporary worker for the camp.

In fact, there wasn't any loss in choosing to become a temporary worker. The only thing they might miss out is the Recovery Ointment distributed once a while, but for a human, applying the ointment is the same as putting on a miraculous first aid.

Additionally, the two lasses requested to be put together when helping the camp. Through this way, they can protect each other, as well as helping to get rid of those mere temptations. It was funny to Mu Qing Lang, especially when he not even thinking about tempting them with anything at all.

"Girl... No matter young or old, smart or dumb, this world or the other, all of them are quite lively and troublesome. I wish I won't get entangled with them on anything." Mu Qing Lang hated all these wild imaginations.

"Can both of you introduces yourself to everyone?" he asked.

"My name is Remi, she's Tasi." The smarter Remi is a lass with moderate bust, acceptable waist, and a nice hip. She dressed in clothing made from the fur of Ashen Wolves and is a skillful worker in sewing. From what he was told, the clothing the two lasses wearing is made by her.

As for Tasi, she's a petite little loli, buttock length black hair, timid, has no figure at all, and a daughter of a hunter. In this case, she can help Mu Qing Lang in rearing the Prairie Horn Rabbits as he tries to catch more.

That night, everyone sleeps soundly without a hint of worries within them.


Day eighteen.

The number of goblins turned thirty overnight. Amongst them is five evolved, three Hobgoblins with a Goblin Teacher and Goblin Leader. As for the human, their number rose to eight, two boys with six girls. Other than that is the solitude satyr.

With the existence of a Goblin Teacher, many kinds of information and lesson can be taught without trouble. This made the newcomers immediately caught up with the knowledge on how to farm and what to do in the Mu's Camp.

The increase of workers means on their harvest three days later, the camp can immediately increase their farm to fivefold. In their previous yield, the entire farm produces 4kg of flour. This time after they doubled the number of plants, it is expected to yield at least 9kg of fine wheat flour.

For them, 9kg of flour might be a small amount for this harvest as well, but what about their third yield? If the number of Wheat Plant field is expanded into five, it will yield them 45kg of Wheat Flour alone. By eating them adequately, 45kg of Wheat Flour is enough for them to eat for seven days with some leftover for their next week.

In the afternoon, the entire farmland has been taken cared of. Two thousand stalks of Xian-Ren Grass is harvested, along with 280 Demonic Jupiter Fruit after 1,000 of them is replanted into the soil for next day's harvest. After that was the Amber Root, where they harvested another 1,000 units.

Left with nothing to do, Mu Qing Lang proposed the group to cooperate with each other to create some useful tools. The gourd of Binding Solution is brought out to be used on the spot, teaching them on the way of assembling the tools.

It was a great move, especially with Luoli here. Because of the lack of usable metal in the camp, she failed to craft a few farming tools for the goblins. But with the adequate amount of stones prepared by Mu Qing Lang, along with the Binding Solution, she can start working again.

Surprisingly, the satyr is actually a skillful mason!

Well, he was neither master or superior in masonry, but his skill is good enough to help them handle the stones easier. After an entire afternoon in playing with the Binding Solution and rocks, they armed the farm with two stone hoes for loosening the soil.

It was the newcomer's second time eating the sweet Xian-Ren Grass. The meal was simple, but after the hobgoblin and Qing Yi shared about the existence of knife cut noodles, the lass, Remi, and Tasi become more interested in the noodle they will enjoy three days later.

At night, Mu Qing Lang prepared the raw materials in his Storage Chest. But before that, he must inspect what can be made from the Demonic Juniper Fruit.

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Demonic Juniper Fruit [Unranked]

Condition: Matured / one of five miraculous medicine found in Chang Emperor Prairie

Maturity: 22 hours in a natural condition (6 hours if nourished by Spiritual Thread)

Harvest: 2 seeds when the flower withered


Item Description: Matured Juniper Berries. Stored within the fruit is a multivitamin oil with sharp flavor, infused with a hint of Spiritual Energy inside to create a new kind of edible, processable flavoring oil. Further processing option available at Material Preparation Shelf.

= = = = = = = = = =

"Hahaha! This is fun. So I ended up making something that can be processed into Balsamic vinegar or Truffle Oil? What's wrong with the hint of Spiritual Energy inside? Don't tell me the juniper flower actually produced Spiritual energy on its own?" Mu Qing Lang laughed his way to the Material Preparation Shelf.



[New Ingredient Found!]


[Type: Fruit]

[Name: Demonic Juniper Fruit]

[Amount: 280 units]


[Please choose from the following option:]

[1] Refine (50) fruits into (1) Infused Juniper Oil.

[2] Refine (100) fruits into (1) Demonic Seed.

[3] Refine (500) fruits into (1) Spiritual Thread.


"OH! There's an option to increase the number of Spiritual Threads I can get. Not bad, I would say. But for now, let's try making the Infused Juniper Oil and a Demonic Seed first. We'll see what so special about it." Mu Qing Lang tapped on the first two options, using 110 fruits from his trial.

After waiting for one minute on each product, there's a marble-size seed on top of his palm, alongside with a gourd half the size of his palm. Inside the gourd is the Infused Juniper Oil. The fragrances of this oil exceed his expectation, where the smell already reaches his nose before he opened the cap.

"What the hell is with this Juniper Oil?"