The Upcoming Mu's Settlement (6)

"Master! We got a few orc visitors! They are calling you to meet them instead of coming over and exchange greetings. I'm afraid that they're trying to test our strength and what our opinion towards the orcs." Fengbu, the smartest of the lot came to report the incident.

"I'll go. What kind of relationship the Ka-Ruo Settlement have with the Orcs? Is it a friendly relationship or just business?" Mu Qing Lang knows that Ka-Ruo must have something with the Orcs since both of them had their base on the Yan Emperor Grassland.

"There are three Orc Villages in the Yan Emperor Grassland. The Iron Skin Boar Tribe, the Ashen Boar Tribe, and the Goldfang Boar Tribe. We're in a friendly relationship with the Goldfang Boar Tribe. They often exchange boar meat and boar hides to our settlement for other foods." Fengbu shared everything related to the Goldfang Boar Tribe to Mu Qing Lang for his understanding.

Just a few minutes is what they need to reach the entrance with Orcs standing by the gate. Mu Qing Lang smiled as he tries to greet them, but who knows! One of the three orcs brandished his crude stone axe and attacked!

Mu Qing Lang was equipped with the Complete Ashen Full Armor, and with his protected gauntlets, he grabbed the weapon. From there, Mu Qing Lang continued with an armored fist! It struck the orc straight to his stomach and sent him grumbling on the ground painfully.

"Next." Mu Qing Lang moved his fingers and called the two orcs to continue.

The two orcs looked at each other and gave out a smile. True to their battle-loving nature, exchanging a greeting using fist is much more fun compared to the boring "hello" and "How are you?"

Mu Qing Lang did not end on the losing side, even though he's fighting against two orcs. While they're stronger than the hobgoblins with at least 8 points in strength, they're too weak against Mu Qing Lang's 21.5 points strength!

He doesn't even feel threatened by the sight of fighting against two Orcs side by side! With one hand on the throat of an orc and another pressing the orc down on his knees, Mu Qing Lang defeated them in a one versus three battle!

"Chief Mu is powerful. Please accept Tiezu-Yu's apology." The one Mu Qing Lang grabbed on throat introduced himself after the defeat. Their tone now is much polite compared to before. Following from Tiezu-Yu's apology is the other two name Tiezu-Wu, and Tiezu-Gu.

They're then escorted to the Dining Area, where Qing Yi and Luoyi prepared the food for their master and three Orc guests. Of course, when the noodles with Prairie Horn Rabbit's leg is delivered to their table with few drops of Infused Juniper Oil came to their table, all their calmness is gone.

If the first battle exchange made their camp better in the eyes of the three orcs, the food score the remaining point. The presentation of theirs after losing to their appetite is funny, yet understandable. Once the meal was done, the three Orcs no longer carried a solemn face, but a happier one.

"Human food is delicious. How good if the Iron Skin Boar Tribe can enjoy this kind of food every day." Tiezu-Yu is the first one to comment after finished the entire bowl of noodle and the soup.

"Younger brothers, what do you think? I believe we all know that cooperating with Chief Mu is a good idea." he continued without letting his two brothers have their comment. But no matter how, his sentence brings a smile to Mu Qing Lang's face.

"Chief Mu, if you're willing to exchange the noodles with our Orc Village, I'll send you ten human girl slaves," Tiezu-Wu said, but the moment his word came out, Tiezu-Yu slapped his brother's head.

It was seen as an offensive remark, although it was said for goodwill purposes. As a fellow human himself, Tiezu-Yu worried that Mu Qing Lang might reject them due to the human slave's matter. Worst of all, Tiezu-Wu mentioned the word "Female" which is also another offensive word with a rude meaning.

[Ravaged. Rape. Abused]

That's why mentioning the "female" and "slave" together in one word is not wise in front of a human. First of all, the Mu's Camp is not as simple as they'd seen from the outside. By using the Ka-Ruo Settlement as a comparison, Mu's Camp indeed has more to offer.

Furthermore, four hobgoblins, a leader, a teacher, and ten fighter class human is no simple feat, not to mention the potential youngsters looking at them. And the lone satyr, won't that be even weird? How can there be a satyr out of sudden in their camp?

"Chief Mu, please forgive my brother's rude remark. Please understands that we Orcs weren't interested in female slaves for sexual reason." Tiezu-Yu immediately remedied the matter with the human female slave.

"Oh? So the slave wasn't taken for sexual purposes? Then that's something new." Mu Qing Lang was puzzled by their remarks. He moved his sight to the youngsters to see what is their reaction.

It looks like the Orcs explanation is not a lie. The human is indeed weren't abused sexually inside the Orc Village, but why do they need the human for?

"Humans? We need them to clean, farm, and work!" the orcs answered the same words together.

"What? Clean? Farm? Work?" Mu Qing Lang jaw dropped when he hears the answer. To make sure that he understand clearly about that, Mu Qing Lang turned to the youngsters for a proper explanation.

"Master, the Orcs did not lie. Many human works in the Orc Village in exchange for food."

"Yes, master. The orcs need us to work on the farm because their strength is too much. They practically cannot do farming works because it'll ruin the farm before harvest."

"Yes. Plus the boar often came into the field to eat the plants, so they can't farm at all. As for the cleaning, of course, it's for their pig shed and also to receive birth for their piglets."

The explanation becomes more ridiculous as they go. But, the deadliest one is the sentence Tiezu-Gu said.

"Human does not look likable to the Orcs. We prefer female orcs with a beautiful snout," said Tiezu-Gu

"Yes, do you remember Tiezu-Mu's two daughters? Their snout is so marvelous I want to bite at them." Tiezu-Wu said.

"Alright, guys. What are you looking for? I have a few products to trade if you want." Mu Qing Lang thinks it is wise to bring them back to the correct topic.

"Food. Be it short-life or long-life, we need a large amount of food to prepare our army." Tiezu-Yu replied. He prevents himself from trying to lie to Mu Qing Lang to obtain more of his favor.

"I have a few, but I am not sure what would you like to have. What about recovery products?" Mu Qing Lang continued with their discussion. If it is possible for him, he would like to make a tremendous exchange between them.

"We can provide few products. Boar Meats and Boar Hides, metal ores, war slaves, and even weaponry. We can produce them without worries." Tiezu-Yu answered with a few kinds of products to choose from. And in between them, Mu Qing's attention is on the word Boar Meat and War Slaves.

Especially when Tiezu-Wu mentioned about the slaves, it actually caught his attention. After all, he's just two members away from turning it into a settlement, furthermore, its Boar Meat!

How much has he longed for the Boar Meat? With the Orc trading making it possible, it is almost impossible for him to not fancied that delicacy.

"In term of food, my camp might have a very limited produces. Food product such as Soybean, Wheat, Herbs, and Potato is available. If you're looking for certain products, I have a small plot of land is rearing Prairie Horn Rabbits, so that might be interesting for you?"

"If you're asking about the Noodles, we're a little limited for now, but I suppose we can start doing the exchange by next week. As for distinctive goods like Infused Juniper Oil, Medicine, and Binding Solution, they're slightly different in price."

Mu Qing Lang was not a proper merchant at all, but the experience from haggling in the market, asking for leniency from his landlord, looking at how his colleague pushes the responsibility overturns him into a Master Merchant in this world.

"We're very interested with the Wheat Flour, but if you can teach some human cook on how to knead the noodles would be helpful. You must understand that meticulous work like this might be ruined by the orcs." Tiezu-Yu added.

"That's not an issue. If traveling is possible, I'll let the noddles be delivered every two to three days to make sure you had the freshest ingredients. What about others?" Mu Qing Lang is happy. Like his expectation, the Wheat Flour is the first product chosen for the exchange.

"We're wondering if Chief Mu has a product for masses. It has to be enough to feed two thousand orcs for three meals a day, more than enough for fifty days! This will be crucial for us to win against Yelu Settlement!" Tiezu Yu's following sentence surprised Mu Qing Lang.

"Help you to destroy the humans?"