First Settlement War (2)

Early in the morning, the human farmers already headed into the field to start lancing the opium fruit for their latex. As for the goblins, their duty includes harvesting the Xian-Ren Grass, Amber Roots, Demonic Juniper Fruits, and the Prairie Sugar Roots.

While the harvest remained the same, Mu Qing Lang ordered the goblins to replant half of the Prairie Sugar Roots back to the field and only taking up 500 rhizomes from his thirtieth-day harvest.

Left with a night harvest of Medicinal Opium Latex, Mu Qing Lang went back to his carriage and refined two more Pure Growth Crystals, and tapped on the Root Sucrose choice to cultivate 20ml extra with 100 spare rhizomes.

At the same period as he joined them for lunch, Mu Qing Lang withdrew a modified gourd bottle and poured all the Root Sucrose Liquid on one of the stone-made bowls. It was viscous and transparent liquid, almost comparable to the honey.

One by one, the goblins, orcs, humans, and even the Ashen Wolves tasted the Root Sucrose. All of them were surprised by another addicting flavor that brought out from processing the Prairie Sugar Root.

Through food, medicine, and other specialized local product, Mu Qing Lang thoroughly obtained their approval. Even the orcs agreed that the food they used to enjoy and treated like treasure was worst compared to the pig-food.

"Master. Thank you for all the food provided to us. Please pardon the thirty of us to leave the camp to start mining for the stones." Tiezu-Gu, the leader appointed for this Stone Mining Expedition request for his approval to leave the settlement now.

"Approved. Just go there and familiarize yourself with the surrounding. The proper mining and moving the stones can be done after that. Two days. In two days, we're going to send some people over and build the storehouse."

Mu Qing Lang expressed his care to them before they leave. To make sure the group is capable of protecting themselves outside, he makes sure each of them carried a weapon with them. As for their rations, it would be Xian-Ren Grass, flatbread, and meat jerky.

"Master, I have a piece of great news to report." Tiezu-Wu talks to him when they're done sending Tiezu-Gu off to the Stone Vein.

"Oh? What is that?" hearing the word made Mu Qing Lang get interested to know about it.

"Yesterday night, fifty-five Iron Skin Boar is reaching their adulthood. Amongst them, fifty successfully evolved into Tiezu-Orcs, so we're now 200 orcs strong. As for the remaining five, we had them bleed and slaughtered."

The part about fifty boars evolved into orcs is absolutely great news, but is slaughtering the five failure needed? They weren't lack of meat at all!

"Master, you're worried at the wrong thing. The most important part was not because they're slaughtered when they failed to evolve, but because that's the last chance to butcher them before their meat goes bad."

"Once the unevolved Iron Skin Boar past adulthood, their temperament will become worst. Other than that, an old Iron Skin Boar meat taste like chewing on a rock, and it smells rotten."

"This is why we breed the Iron Skin Boar on a large scale. Master doesn't have to worry. Just this morning, about a hundred of them gave birth. We have about six hundred piglets now." Tiezu-Wu's last sentence confused Mu Qing Lang.

"Five butchered. Fifty evolved. Six hundred born... No wonder the previous Tiezu-Orcs Village has this number of orcs!" Mu Qing Lang can only laugh in the heart. After sending Tiezu-Wu away, he went into one of the newly built stone community rowhouses.

Such a design is created by Mu Qing Lang to reduce the wastage of space in his settlement. In total, there are two complete community rowhouses, one for the female human and goblins, and another for the male goblins and the male human.

As for the others, Fengbu and Luoli shared a house, with Luoyi, Yulin, Remi, and Tasi sharing another. As for Ka-Ba, that fellow enjoyed sleeping on the straw barricade, so nobody went to bother him with that particular spot.

He moved from one building to another and went to the farm later. After making sure the field is well taken cared of, Mu Qing Lang place down his guard on their capability and chose to give them more trust.

After the inspection is done, Mu Qing Lang returned to his carriage.

One by one, he removes the Ashen Set Equipment from his body before starting with his meditation. Following the verse is written on the Wheel of Cause Sutra, he continuously used the energy felt flowing throughout his entire body to create a repeating cycle.

Each time a cycle completed, it burst into a surge of comfort. The comfort then creates the particle of energy. The energy then takes to repeat the same thing all over again. Every cycle flows without any awkwardness, which was far natural than how it should be.

His cultivation lasts for two hours before a knock came from the door. From how rushed is it, Mu Qing Lang knows that trouble has arrived! The Ashen Set Equipment went onto his body like it was a plain t-shirt and a trouser.

"What happened?" Mu Qing Lang tightened the crown on his head and questioned Qing Yi. From everyone's expression, it must be something troublesome for all of them to be deployed in this alarm.

"The militia from Namu is here! A pack of Ashen Wolves that traveled with the Stone Mining Team returned to report. Their number is between 280 to 300 men strong, armed, and with a weird person following behind the team." Qing Yi quickly reports everything said by the Ashen Wolf.

"About how many hours before they're here?" Mu Qing Lang knows that based on their urgency, it must be less than five to six hours.

"About five hours if they rest. Four hours if they don't." Qing Yi replied with a crude assumption.

"That is enough. I'll depart first. Ask Guan Yi to prepare a group of two hundred people and follow behind me. Ignore the preparation of food as there's plenty in my carriage. And Yulin, follow me." Mu Qing Lang distributed a few tasks for Qing Yi to complete on his behalf, while he's making his way into the battlefield first.

With Yulin steering the donkey, Mu Qing Lang returned to his carriage to make himself some preparation. For starters, Mu Qing Lang produced nine Medicinal Extract from 900gm of Medicinal Opium Latex. After that, the nine extracts are put together with an equal amount of Recovery Ointments to produce nine powerful Healing Ointments.

After giving two Healing and five Recovery Ointment to Yulin, Mu Qing Lang left her to drive the donkey, while he makes haste to meet with the enemies in the frontline. With the Copper Sword sheathed on his waistbelt, Mu Qing Lang moves like a tank.



"Fifth Master, should we get a rest before tomorrow morning?" one of the militiamen questioned their leading officer, Namu Jin for his next instruction. Beside Namu Jin is his fourth elder brother, Namu Yuan.

"Brother, what do you think?" as the younger of the two, Namu Jin decision must go through his fourth brother approval before he can order them to either stop or continue moving.

"With sixth and seventh brother incident, I believe we should rest before we attack them tomorrow. Are you sure the chief of this settlement admitted that he's the one that creates the Recovery Ointment?" Namu Yuan too accepts the suggestion to rest before they continue in the next morning.

But at the same time, he understands his fifth brother too well. To make sure that they did not make a mistake in this attack, Namu Yuan decided to ask his brother to speak out what he heard for the last time before attacking.

"I promise! Fourth brother! That Chief indeed said that to concoct three bottles of the Ointment, he'll have to harvest the ingredient for one whole week. If he's not the maker of this ointment, then how can he reply to my question like this?" Namu Jin explained to his brother for the fourth time.

"Alright. We'll proceed with the attack the next morning. Mister Zizzi, are you happy with this arrangement?" Namu Yuan decides to trust his brother's word for the last time. But at the end of his sentence, Namu Yuan mentioned the name of someone else.

"Of course! Young Chief Namu Yuan is too generous. I've said to Chief Namu many times that your side should receive the first three bottles of ointment, but you're still trying to give me first!"

"Such kindness, how can our Jinjiang Town repay it?" the person named Master Zizzi replied and revealed himself in a corner. Almost putting all the word available to express gratitude, Zizzi remained quiet like he was having his own series of meditation.

"Brother..." Namu Jin stares at his fourth brother, but a finger on the lips seal his mouth from continue talking.

"We should leave Mister Zizzi as he cultivates. Let's check our people and make sure they're ready for tomorrow's attack!" Namu Yuan pulled his brother away from the spot and left Zizzi by himself.

Hidden from everyone's sense, Mu Qing Lang sneaks from one corner to another, calculating their total number before he took action. To make sure he did not alert them from the sharpness of his copper sword, Mu Qing Lang stored it on his back and crawled closer to their first group.

There's three of them in the group, with one asleep while two of them talking to one another. Mu Qing Lang sneaks to the one sleeping not far from him, and with the power of his Ashen War Gauntlet and high Fitness stats, Mu Qing Lang breaks his neck before he can cry in pain.

"Hmm? There's a life lost in our group..." Mister Zizzi said as he opened his eyes and stopped meditating.