Planning For Future (1)

Day Thirty-Two.

This morning, the lack of plants to harvest allowed the residents of this settlement to relax. Due to yesterday's blunder at allowing the Eastern Sea Oyster to come inside their field and ate all the Xian-Ren Grass, Mu Qing Lang ordered them to move the Xian-Ren Grass aside to a more spacious area.

To provide sufficient Xian-Ren Grass to the Eastern Sea Oyster, Mu Qing Lang ordered his people to move the new Amber Root Field and Demonic Juniper Flowers here before replacing their field with Xian-Ren Grass. Altogether, there are five fields with 1,000 plants each available for harvest on the day after tomorrow.

Although there's no Xian-Ren Grass available for today, they still harvested a thousand of Amber Roots and Demonic Juniper Fruits. As for the Prairie Sugar Roots, it was the usual 4,500 rhizomes, with 500 of them replanted into 5,000 slots.

But today was the day for the bamboo harvest. After waiting for a total of ten days from when it was planted, the Yunxia Bamboo finally matured for their first harvest. In total, fifty Yunxia Bamboos in their height between 5 to 6 meters is collected.

With the construction of their first relay and storehouse as a priority, they moved the processed bamboo in the form of floorings, walls, scaffolding foundations, and many more to the location to start assembling them.

Through the total manpower of 40 humans as the leading constructor, 20 goblins as the handymen, and 100 orcs as the labor force, a third of the building is now completed. Additionally, Mu Qing Lang ordered them to cultivates a few fields of Mingwen Soybean here to provide edible food for the workers.

Mu Qing Lang did not bother with the construction and how it goes. With Yulin handling the direction where Xiao Hui should go, Mu Qing Lang returned to his carriage for his own works. Especially when he still has 36 leaves of Prairie Rock Sage and the Chang Peony Grass available for cultivation.


Inside the carriage.



[Please choose from the following option:]


[1] Xian-Ren Grass Processing

[2] Amber Root Processing

[3] Prairie Herbal-Cress Processing

[4] Demonic Juniper Fruit Processing

[5] Medicinal Opium Latex Processing

[6] Miscellaneous Processing


"Prairie Herbal-Cress Processing." Mu Qing Lang tapped on the third option, knowing that he has too many Prairie Herbal-Cress with him.


[Please choose from the following option:]


[1] Refine (1) Xian-Qin Pill through the cost of (1) stalk of Xian-Ren Grass and (100) grams of Prairie Herbal-Cress


[2] Refine (1) Dou-Xian Pill using (1) Fighter Extract, (5) stalks of Xian-Ren Grass, and (500) grams of Prairie Herbal-Cress


[3] Refine (1) Suqin Pill using (1) Fighter Extract, (5) leaves of Prairie Rock Sage, and (500) grams of Prairie Herbal-Cress


[4] *New* Concoct (1) Perfect Prairie Herbal Solution using (1) Prairie Rock Sage, (1) Prairie Sugar Root, (1) Demonic Juniper Fruit, (1) Chang Peony Flower, and (100) grams Prairie Herbal-Cress


[5] *New* Genetically produces (1) seed of Root-Cress Plant using (500) Kilograms of Prairie Herbal-Cress, (10) Medicinal Extracts, (5) Pure Growth Crystals, (300) ml worth of Root Sucrose Liquid, and (1,000) Stalks of Xian-Ren Grass.


"Root Cress? What kind of seed need such cost to make one of them?" Mu Qing Lang was not surprised by the magical ability of his Carriage of Immortality, but the cost to produce this seed can be said as extravagant.

Five hundred kilograms of Prairie Herbal-Cress cost him four harvests to fulfill the needs. It was a lucky streak for him as he has a low requirement for Prairie Herbal-Cress products. One must not miss the fact four harvests need eight days to complete them.

As for the ten Medicinal Extracts, he can refine them from a thousand grams of Medicinal Opium Latex, which took 5 days to harvest. The Pure Growth Crystals and Root Sucrose Liquid both comes from Prairie Sugar Root.

Five crystals mean Mu Qing Lang have to process them from 1,000 rhizomes. Next would be the 300ml Root Sucrose Liquid, which cost him a total of 1,500 rhizomes to get them done. Luckily, he had sufficient stock of everything in his inventory, which can be said to be the only good news in his mind.

"Let's make one of it and see what can I get the plant when it matured." Mu Qing Lang moved the option to the ingredient first. 300ml of Root Sucrose Liquid quickly refilled into the previous bottle gourd, with five extra Pure Growth Crystal inside his inventory.

Afterward, Mu Qing Lang selected the Medicinal Opium Latex Processing option to refine ten Medicinal Extracts. With all the preparation is done, Mu Qing Lang tapped into the fifth option to creates the seed for his first Root-Cress Plant.

This made the next product he's going to make lack of luster. The finger of his tapped on the fourth option five times to concoct five bottles of Perfect Herbal Solution, which made from the mixture of five different types of Herbal Medicine grown in this prairie.

"I'll have to check the information for the special plant quick!" Mu Qing Lang withdraws both the seed and herbal solution before he landed his buttock on the seat.



[*Root-Cress Plant*]

[*Perfected Herbal Solution*]


"We'll read the plant's information first." Mu Qing Lang tapped on the first option impatiently.


= = = = = = = = = =

Root-Cress [Unranked]

Condition: plantable seeds

Maturity: 10 days in a natural condition (Must be fed with Pure Growth Crystal daily)

Harvest: 1 matured rhizome of Qin-Gang Root / 10% chances for a secondary sapling to grow


Item Description: an oddity seed of a root plant genetically made by the WUYI Saint Carriage. The Qin-Gang Root that grown from this seed packs a ten to thousandfold of medicinal properties that can be made into medicinal of State-Destruction Level.

= = = = = = = = = =

"Ah... So I'll have to feed you with Pure Growth Crystals for ten consecutive days before harvest... Your appetite is quite big, Qin-Gang Root." Mu Qing Lang holds the seed in between of his two fingers.

"What about the Perfected Herbal Solution?" Mu Qing Lang tapped into the second row of information, although his anticipation on this product is not that eager as before.

= = = = = = = = = =

Perfected Herbal Solution [Basic Mortal]

Condition: Medicinal Base

Benefit: Improve overall Health when taken (Applicable to all lifeform)

Side Benefit:

[1] Can be used as a mixer to produce drinkable medicine

[2] Nullified and expels other medicinal side effects when taken regularly


Item Description: made from five different medicinal plants as the base, this herbal solution brings benefit to those taking them regularly. Can be treated as the medicinal base to produce a drinkable solution. Enhance the shelf-life of medicine by two hundred days.

= = = = = = = = = =

"Both products have their own uses. I should focus more on trying to grow the Chang Peony Grass for my next harvest, then I'll have enough of them to make more solution." Mu Qing Lang calms himself from getting overexcited with what he has.

"I have to stop feeling so confident of myself. Although my settlement won against the Namu Settlement, it does not mean I'm stronger than them in term of armed force. I have to be well prepared to fight against their next trick when the time comes." Mu Qing Lang put his Ashen Full Set properly and left his carriage.

They're on their way entering the settlement. With the time already close to dinner period, Mu Qing Lang joins the others for a proper meal again and give some of his time to have fun with the descendant of the Eleventh Marquis.

This entertainment is, of course, accompanied by Yulin by his side. But after trying to feed this "God of Wealth" with many different kinds of plant, it still insisted on having the Xian-Ren Grass as its meal. In return of his kindness today, this god gives him with one more Eastern Sea Spiritual Pearl.

"Hahaha, thank you, my Marquis." Mu Qing Lang kept the pearl and returned to his carriage. Face with no disturbance for the entire day, Mu Qing Lang went to rest without worries in his mind today.




Day Thirty-Three.

Mu Qing Lang attends the other in the farm for his thirty-third day in this world. Early in the morning, two Goblin Gatherers came to pay respect to him. Amongst his thirty-three goblins, thirteen of them has evolved into their own respective class, with thirty more to go.

Furthermore, in the next two days, two female goblins from the earliest batch are going to give birth to their goblin child. As for Qing Yi, she says that she's expecting her's about seventeen days later.

Their group is divided into two groups today. The first group is consist of the human and orcs, who left after harvesting the second batch of Yunxia Bamboos. The bamboos will be used to continue with the relay and storehouse construction, which is expected to have a two-third completion for today.

From what Guan Yi reported, although the storehouse is still incomplete, it did not stop the thirty miners from bringing back their harvest from the old den of the Ashen Wolves.

Up to date, about two to three hundred kilograms of stones are delivered to the storehouse. If the flow went without any disturbance, Mu Qing Lang is going to expect their settlement to reaches the threshold to qualify as Medium Settlement.

"Chief, did you call for me?" Han Xi from the first group of captured people from Namu Settlement came to him after he got the order to find Mu Qing Lang after his works.

"Do you think that you can represent me in building up a pre-planned city we're going to use in the future?"