"Shirinerris Ven Daemnila." She spoke "I guess that´s the name of the owner of this sword?"
After she inspected the sword and tried to search for information for this name, but to no avail. Thus she lifted her head up and looked at the throne in front of her.
The throne is a high back chair made of a deep dark metal finish with a red velvet cushion. The throne sit at the top of a three stepped platform which just adds to the Prestige of power that she feeled suddenly.
The chair was crested with several jewels and decorative metals forming an elegant coat of arms.
A grand shield with a symmetrical sharp, outwards curving cornered top and a symmetrical double downwards curving bottom is supported by a pelican and an elephant. All of which rests on a flower field.
A lavish crown, or coronet, rests atop the shield, it's a crown of crosses and an abundance of similar gems decorate the outer sides.
On top of the coronet sits an armet helm, which itself supports the crest, in this case a lavish dragon's head. 2 petals serve as the emblem, or charge, and a fancy ribbon, reaching from supporter to supporter, carries the motto, which reads: "Strength, prosperity, perseverance.".
After she finished the inspection of the throne with its coat of arms, she went to the door on the other side of the room, opened it and looked inside.
Beyond the door lies a large, filthy room. It's covered in bat droppings, dead vermin and dead insects.
Her eyes or better her innate ability to see in the dark allows her to see a pillaged body of what seems like a soldier, destroyed and defaced by time itself with only the bare bones and some part of the armor remaining.
Further ahead are three paths.
"What happened in this place?" She asked herself.
She proceeds onward to the dead body or what is left of it, deeper into the room's shadows. The body itself was a mess and probably eaten by someone or better something.
As she looked further ahead she spotted three paths ahead, she takes the path in the middle.
She passes many different passages, some have collapsed, others are dead ends or too dangerous to try. She eventually makes it to what is likely the final room. A big metal door blocks her path. Countless odd symbols are all over it, somehow untouched by time and the elements.
The big metal door is made out of what seems like a silver like metal. The handle is made out of another metal this time with a black color. However, the combination of this strand of silver and black metal means the door is probably either closed or very heavy.
The big metal door measures 3 meters high and has intricate carvings on its handle. The particular strand of silver metal used in this door seems very uncommon and expensive.
She steps closer to inspect it and.. wait.. She is pretty sure she is being watched.
She turns around to find out that she sees a grotesque monster.
Five fierce eyes stare at her with a dazing violence, and another shriek rushes from its disheveled mouth in pure agony.
Four jagged horns adorns its shrunken head, which itself is covered in small gashes. Calm breathing escapes the creature's crooked nostrils set within a stubby nose.
Its shrunken head sits atop a compact, inflated body. Scars cover nearly every inch of it, suggesting this being has survived a lot of fights in its life.
The creature rushes forward, its two legs gracefully carry its infernal body with a harrowing energy. A shadowy tail follows behind it, coarse hairs cover it sporadically.
Two draconic wings extend themselves fully. Cracked bones, and fiery feathers stretch upward before gently lowering again. The creature's eyes never once stopped watching your every move.
The big door was very close behind her now. She continued to retreat. the monster in black continued advancing. Then she countered with drawing the sword in her hand. And the creature in black rushed to her.
While the monster rushed to her side she swung her sword at the monster hitting in the the motion when suddenly the monster shrieked in pain of being hit by the sharp blade of the sword.
She landed a successful hit at the monster while being excited of her victory of this fight she did not notice that the monster before it collapsed, hit her with its massive claws.
A dull pulsing pain crept up her body, increasing in intensity every second. Ten seconds passed, and then another ten. The pain would soon become unbearable. For a moment she thought about just giving in to the pain, letting it consume her completely as there seemed to be no way out. It took her a minute or two to gather her composure, but conflicting thoughts still plagued her mind while she stood still and looked at the now dead monster in front of her.
She felt thirsty and tired and sweat stains were clearly visible now, but she was determined to keep going. Perhaps against her better judgment she swallowed the pain and continued onward, but taking at least some care to prevent making it worse.
Thus she ignored the dead monster in front of her walked to the big door and to her surprise it was not very difficult to open.