Chapter 3 Bob

"How is that possible?" asked Grey, on edge. None should be able to tell that they were angels!

"My inn is special. I am outside of your little ongoing war. This area is neutral territory, and no fighting is allowed while on the premises."

Grey looked at Airow and he finally nodded.

"I believe I remember hearing something about that when I was a very young angel. Though I believe the exact wording was something along the lines of, do not ever go near Bob."

With a laugh, Bob said, "I could believe that, though I assure you, there will be no repercussions for coming into my bar and speaking with me. It would be impossible to make entering a neutral territory a sin. And by definition, a neutral territory cannot be evil."

"My head hurts," said Grey, rubbing her forehead as she tried to follow his logic.

"That tends to happen when someone falls as you have." Bob slid a glass of ale down the counter to a man waving at him, collected the fee, then returned to them with a smile again.

"You are no mere mortal," guessed Airow.

"You are correct. Allow me to explain the situation to you, since this is your first time in my bar. I know everything. But I never give anything away for free, because there is a price for everything. Because you have saved me from a tremendous amount of grief, by clearing away the demons before they reached my inn, I shall grant you the information I have already shared, for free. Future questions, however, will cost you."

"If this is a neutral territory, why would the demons have caused you grief?"

"Outside of my inn, is not considered part of my neutral area, thus, had they reached my inn, then I would have had to fake damage inside to hide the truth to the other mortals."

Airow nodded in understanding. Even Bob was constrained with the need for illusion on the part of the humans.

"He knows everything?" Grey whispered to Airow; her eyes gleaming with hope. If she could find out how to gain back her angelic status, then they could return home to the heavens. Airow wasn't so sure he trusted this Bob. What if he was a plant? The demons would have a heyday, running a couple of angels around with tricks and mirrors.

"How can I get my angel status back and get my wings white again?" asked Grey, before Airow could stop her.

Bob smiled, setting the glass he was polishing down. "You must repay your sin a hundred-fold. For taking the life of an innocent child, you must now save the lives of a hundred innocent children. For each life you save, a feather upon your back will be restored."

"And our payment?" asked Airow, glancing at Grey to remind her of their new debt. "We have no coins upon us."

Grey looked down in horror and shame. The excitement of how to redeem herself had been too much for her to focus on the facts. How could she claim to be an angelic commander of an entire company, if she couldn't even remember that nothing was free?

"Owning an inn, incurs debt among the humans. And I am no different. This inn has acquired a substantial amount of back taxes, according to the corrupt officials of this town. I believe they do not wish for me to remain here, because no matter how much I attempt to remove the debt on my inn from their books, the amount owed seems to grow.

"In order to pay off all of the debt at once, to ensure they can't claim something new has occurred to continue its growth, I require two hundred gold pieces. Unfortunately, this small town was just struck by calamity, and the poor people could never pay me that much before the year is up. Therefor, I require for you to get me two hundred gold pieces before the year is up, in order for me to pay my overdue back taxes."

Grey looked around at the haggard faces on the people around them. There wasn't two hundred gold pieces in the whole town, she didn't think.

"How are we to do that?" she asked, turning back to Bob.

"I'm glad you asked. There is a Lord Stonewall, who has an estate in the middle of town. I believe it was protected enough, from the demon attack, that no damage occurred there. Lord Stonewall would surely have the funds to meet my needs."

"Why do I think this isn't a mere mission to ask him for a donation?" asked Airow.

"Probably because it isn't. I assume there's a reason you want us to deal with him?" asked Grey.

"You are both correct. There are rumors circulating throughout the townspeople, that Lord Stonewall is involved in child trafficking."

Airow watched as Grey's eyes grew large. There was no way she would turn down the mission if it also meant she could accomplish part of her own goal along the way.

"While you are on my quest, I will allow you free room and board, here at my inn, for the duration. However, if you cannot come up with the two hundred gold pieces by the end of the year, I fear you will not like the repercussions."

"You do not need to threaten us," warned Grey, standing up tall and nodding to Airow. A hint of her former glory could be seen as she led him through the throng and up the stairs. As they settled into the room, given to them by Bob, she seemed to deflate a bit as she sat on the edge of the only bed.

"I will remain by your side, until we can both return home again," said Airow, placing his hand on her shoulder.

"I appreciate your loyalty. I fear after the fall, I have lost memories of our homes' grandeur. I am tired, Airow. Could you watch over me while I sleep?"

He nodded gravely. Sleep was not needed for him, as he still retained his full angelic status, but because she had fallen, the primal need to rest overcame her. However, only a few short hours had passed before she woke again. Apparently, only four hours were needed to sate her exhaustion.

"It is time to find out the truth about this Lord Stonewall," concluded Grey.