Chapter 7 An Unexpected Entry

When Airow got back to the inn, he saw Grey talking to Bob. He walked up to her and sat down.

"Airow! We were just talking about how there's no place for people to go, when they lose their homes. I know it won't help my feathers get white, but I was wondering about trying to come up with a way to help them?" she said embarrassed.

"That's good! You're wanting to do something good that you don't need to do, to get your feathers white. This may help some of the children that aren't orphans."

"I'm glad you're not mad. Bob said that once we get him paid back, he has a lot of things we can do for him, called missions. What do you think?"

"Don't people go to guilds to do missions?"

"There are no more guilds. They were all wiped out when the angels and demons started fighting," explained Bob.


"Soon, the angels will manage to kill the elder demon Vargul, and that will open the way for you to become the next elder," snickered the greater imp, Guit.

"If it happens, then it happens," said the shadow, as it shrugged. Magic flecks sparked off its fingers as it twirled its sword in the air, lazily.

"You are always like that, not caring about anything!" howled the greater imp, flapping its bat-like wings in annoyance.

"I don't care about the things most demons find important."

"Then what do you care about?"

"Does it matter?"

"Of course! How are we to entice you to do anything if we can't find something to give you! There are hundreds of us, willing to march under your name, into battle, but you sit here, playing with your sword! What am I to tell your generals?" asked the imp, frothing at the mouth.

"The elder demons all control a portal to the plains of hell. When you kill one of the elder demons, the portal it controlled, is destroyed. If you really think I should be an elder demon, then I will need a portal."

"Portal, huh, well, how do we get you a portal?" asked the imp, scratching its chin.

"Portals need followers. Human followers. I hear some of the humans are being acquired as children and raised up to be followers, if you really care about any of this."

"Human children are weak, and die easily. Why do portals need them?" asked Guit, confused.

"They're easily manipulated, and they have what we don't," explained the shadow, leaning back into a stretch, yawning.

"We don't have a lot of things," whined the imp, wiping snot from its nose.

"Souls. They have souls."


"What rewards would we get for completing these missions?" asked Grey. She wanted her wings white, but knew they needed money to accomplish things as well.

"I can pay you in goods or coin. Whichever you want."

"My job isn't working well for me, since my clothes don't get dirty. They don't think I'm working."

"That would be a problem," agreed Grey. "Maybe we should start the missions now, instead of trying to get a job?"

"We only need two silver, and I have five copper so far. What missions are available?" asked Airow.

"I have several small missions, that will pay five copper each, if you're interested?"

"Is nothing going on in this part of the world?"

"I have a lot of missions, but I need proof that you guys are capable of doing all of them. I normally start off with smaller missions and hand out harder ones as you complete them. It's not just you, or this area, but standard policy." Bob wiped down the counter, with a white rag, then waited for them to decide.

"Go ahead and give us a few missions."

"There is a family of three, a mother and two children, who have lost their father/husband. They need a home to live in, and there are several houses that are empty, because of people dying or leaving the city. The mother is afraid to go looking through houses in case she is attacked for trying to steal, so you are needed to find her a home to live in."

"So, we can be attacked for trying to steal," muttered Airow, in annoyance.

"The difference, is that we are better equipped to survive such an attack," said Grey.

"You are right. Let's go."

They started as far from the battle sight, as possible, to keep the mother away from any future attacks. There were plenty of houses to look through, but the area seemed very poor and worn down. As they walked toward the first house, a large man stepped out of the shadows. They saw he was holding a knife and was eyeing Grey.

"Hey there, missy, are you lost?" he asked, ignoring Airow.

"No, I am not lost. Who are you?" she asked, confused. Was this man a guard of the area?

"My name's Shrab. If you're not lost, would you be interested in spending some time with me?" he chuckled darkly.

"No, thank you. I'm afraid I'm quite busy right now. But perhaps you could help me. We are looking for an empty house for a mother and two children to live in. Are any of these houses empty?"

The man, Shrab, looked at her for a moment, confusion and amusement written all over his face. "No one lives in these houses. They all belong to thieves and muggers. You don't want to put a lady and kids down here. Try over closer to the market. It's a lot safer there."

"Ah, thanks!" she said with a bright smile.

"Bless you!" said Airow, as they turned to leave.

The man had a puzzled look come over his face, then glanced down at the knife in his hand. With a slight shake of his head, he put the knife away, then turned and headed away from the houses, in a different direction from the one they were taking.

"He seemed kind of strange, but was nice," said Grey, as they made their way closer to the market. The houses were in much better shape here, but many already had families in them.

"After this, maybe we should check out these thieves and muggers? Surely that would bring you some white feathers," he added.

"I wonder what happened to make them do such things? There may be a way to bring the light back to their darkness, as we are working to bring the white back to my grey?"

Airow smiled as he spied another white patch appear on her cloak.