Chapter 15 The Big City

"These weapons are far better than anything I have ever seen used, other than angelic weapons," said Grey as she examined a sword Ray had for sale.

"We've tried to acquire weapons after battles between the angels and demons, but the demonic weapons disappear after a short while, into black dust, and angels always come to retrieve the angelic weapons, almost as if they aren't willing to let any but angels use them," said Ray with a shake to his head.

"How much would you charge us for some of these swords?" asked Airow, examining one himself.

"I'll sell them to the lot of you for half price. For what you've done, and what you plan to do, I would love to just give them to you, but I have to pay my workers or they will starve."

"That is understandable," agreed Airow, moving over to the side to negotiate with what coins he had left.

When they finally came to an agreement, the four left the town with four new magical swords. Airow had been interested in the bows, but he hadn't had the coin for any. Ray wasn't able to lower the price on them enough, because humans fought the demons better from ranged positions, then up close.

It was several hours until dark, when they finally came to the city where the elder demon had a portal. They stopped at the edge of the trees, and watched the long line of refugees who were streaming into the city.

"This is nothing like what I had expected," said Grey, gazing through the open gates at the throng of people inside.

"If we had traveled on the roads, we would have been traveling with a lot of these people," said Airow, looking towards the end of the line snaking along the road.

"We better get in line, if we hope to get in the city before dark, when they close the gates," said Guit, trying to get his horse to move. It refused until Airow and Grey passed by.

They just managed to get into the city, before the guards decided to close the gates. Hurrying away from the cries of the crowd still outside, they quickly made their way through the throng until they found a somewhat empty spot to pause and collect themselves.

"So many people have gathered here, the surrounding countryside must be getting hit hard," said Airow.

"I thought you said there was a portal with an elder demon here?" asked Grey to Argen.

"There is," he said, almost dozing in his saddle.

"This place looks like the demon is preparing for a massive massacre. He must be planning to sacrifice a lot of people," said Guit, looking around at the people who were settling down to sleep along the sides of the streets.

"It would be dangerous to fight anything here on these crowded streets, many would be hurt and killed," said Grey, frowning.

"We're being watched," said Argen, his eyes barely open.

Everyone turned to look down the alley, where he was watching a figure. It was tall and dark, more of a shadow, but the glowing red eyes gave it away for what it was, a demon.

"How can there be demons with so many people?" asked Grey.

"We must keep moving," said Airow. "Perhaps we can find where the portal is."

"It's near the center of the city," said Argen turning his horse to follow them as they started moving again.

"How can you tell?" Grey glanced over at him curiously.

"My master can feel it," said Guit. "The shades must roam in the alleys and dark places, to keep an eye on the humans."

"But if the portal is in the center of the city, how are the hordes of demons getting out of the city without anyone seeing them?" Airow guided them around a large group of people who were in line at a soup kitchen. Children were either crying or standing with blank looks on their faces.

"These poor people! I wish there were something we could do for them!" said Grey.

"Why?" asked Guit. "They chose to come here. If they have no food, or shelter, it is their fault."

"The children didn't choose that!" she said angrily.

"Everyone has a choice," said Guit, with a shrug. "Just because they are young, doesn't mean they have no voice, or legs to run, or hands to steal."

"You must have had an awful childhood," said Airow.

"I wouldn't know, I don't remember it. Do you remember your childhood?" asked Guit.

"No," said Airow, softly.

"There," said Argen, nodding to the large building before them. "And the hordes are probably leaving the cities through the sewers, because I can feel them moving under our feet."

"Let us find a place to get food and sleep, then we can figure out what our next move shall be," said Airow. A cold chill was emanating from the unmarked building, causing goosebumps to form on his arms.

Grey nodded, and led them away from the center, weaving through the main streets trying to find an area not overrun by refugees. The rich who lived in the city, had barricaded the streets in order to keep the crowds away from their estates, and the vast majority of the remaining sections were too crowded to really stop.

Finally, towards midnight, they turned a corner and spied a sign. It was advertising for Bob's bar. With a sigh of relief, Grey guided them to the door, where a large burly man, who was not Bob, was guarding the entrance.

"Sorry, friends, but due to the crowds, you'll have to pay any unpaid tabs before you can enter."

"What do you mean?" asked Airow.

"Um, that would be our fault," said Guit with a weak smile. "We may have neglected to pay our bill for the food we ate, the first time you met us."

"Do you have any coin to pay your tab?" asked Grey, too shocked to be upset.

"No," said Argen.

With a sigh, Airow turned back to the bouncer. "How much is owed?"

"Two gold," answered the muscle-bound guy.

Grey rubbed her head in annoyance.

"We don't have two gold," said Airow, touching his pouch. "I spent most of the coins we had, getting our new weapons."

Guit turned to look over the mass of people who were ignoring them. "I might be able to find some coins laying around."

"No," said Grey, turning to the man, "Does Bob have any missions we could do for him, to pay back the debt?"

The man rubbed his chin for a moment, in thought, then nodded. "Go down the hall to the left, and enter the third door on the right."

They nodded, handing him the reigns to their horses as they entered the bar. Directly in front of them, tables littered the room, with people sleepily finishing the last of their meals and their drinks. Bob watched them from the back of the room, behind the bar, as they turned to their left and headed down the dim hall. The sounds of snoring could be heard from behind some of the doors, while others were very quiet.

As they came to the third door, Grey looked at Airow, and he nodded. With a deep breath, she pushed the door open.