Chapter 24 Elder Angel

"It's going to have to be smarter about attacking us, with so many humans around," said Airow as they waited for Cherry to wake up. She had still been sound asleep when they all woke from their midday naps.

"We need to be smarter on how to attack it," said Grey, looking at the little girl, perplexed. She looked older than she had when they first got her.

"Has she grown in her sleep?" asked Guit, tilting his head to the side to look at her from a different angle.

"Yes, she has aged about a year," said Airow, looking down carefully, so as not to shift his weight and wake her.

"The only place in the city that is safe to fight would be that estate that had the werewolf," said Grey thoughtfully.

"Perhaps it would be better to have the fight outside the town? That way we can minimize the damage?" mused Airow.

"If we use the estate, then we can lay traps. The surrounding countryside would be too easy for random people to stumble into or mess with the traps. Here, there's a wall that keeps the people out," said Guit.

"Bob said people would loot the estate and take it over," said Grey.

"True, but he didn't say when."

"Who's Bob?" asked Cherry, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.

"He's the owner of this inn," said Grey, as Airow helped Cherry stand up.

"You should set traps. Elder demons are scary."

They looked at each other, then back at the little girl. Her clothing seemed to have grown with her, not appearing tight or too small at all.

"Traps are an excellent idea, but I really don't think," started Grey, only to be interrupted by Cherry.

"If you think you can just get rid of me that easy, you have another thing coming. My dad said you are to take care of me, and because you were all going to kill my dad, I think it's the least you could do."

"I hardly think," began Airow, but again he was interrupted by the six-year-old.

"You should try to think more, if you hardly do it. I'm sure you would have lots of good ideas, being an angel and all."

"She has a point," said Guit, with a chuckle.

"So do you, though I think your point is starting to go away. You're almost a dailmond, like my dad was!" said Cherry in surprise.

Guit shrugged, uncomfortable and not sure how to respond to that.

"Perhaps we could investigate the estate, and decide whether or not to set the traps there, or outside the town. If there are too many people there, then the decision will be simple to make."

They all nodded at Airow's words, and prepared to leave the room. It wasn't long before they were all standing before the large house, gazing at the broken windows.

"It doesn't look like anyone has been here," said Guit, kicking some dirt over the broken glass.

"I'm not sure we will have much time to find a better spot," said Grey, looking at Airow. He nodded in agreement.

"The elder demon will probably show up after dark, to keep the many people from freaking out at the sight of him," said Argen, noting the distance of the sun to the horizon.

They only had a few hours, so they rushed inside to begin the preparations. Sure enough, just as the light faded from the sky, they heard the beating of wings outside, then the heavy steps of someone entering the front door.

Argen had volunteered to watch over Cherry, as the others had prepared, so that he didn't have to do much. But, when he tried to nap, she kept poking him, to keep him awake.

They hid now, as the elder angel/demon entered the great hall. Counting the steps, they all held their breath as it paused right before activating the first trap. Glancing at each other, they all wondered if he could sense it? Then the next step range out and the trap activated.

A ring of holy light flew out throughout the entire mansion, placing everyone who was currently inside, on holy ground. Guit and Argen realized that they must not be evil, as the elder angel/demon howled in anger and pain.

The first trap did more than just sanctify the ground, it also trapped all of them inside the mansion. None could enter or leave the holy area until all of the evil was gone, which meant, even if they failed to kill the demon, and ended up dying themselves, it would be trapped here until it died from holy damage.

It roared again, and charged through the mansion, looking for them, setting off more and more traps. By the time it found them, waiting for it in the dining room, its true form was exposed and it was breathing hard.

Thick plates covered the bulging muscles of its upper body, ending just shy of its neck, where sickly green skin wrinkled up to its chin. No skin around its mouth, exposed teeth that dripped a putrid green drool. Mustard yellow eyes glared at them, as it snarled in rage and charged.

Airow let loose the twenty holy bolts he had been charging from the moment the demon stepped foot into the mansion. They rushed at the demon, peeling off layers of plates, but not doing much more than that.

"I'll distract it while you charge your next blast!" cried Grey, rushing at him with her sword.

He swung at her, intending to knock her back, but she fell to her knees, leaning back, and slid under his arm, cutting his leg as she slid past, then swinging around, she shoved her sword into the back of his knee.

He screamed, throwing his head back and turning towards her. She rolled away as he stomped where she had just been, then dodged as he threw a black ball of darkness.

It landed where she had just been, shooting thick strands of black inky goo. As they all paused, it began to wobble, and bulge. The demon began to chuckle as Grey climbed to her feet and backed away from it.

"You will all die here. If you think these paltry traps you have spent so much effort on, will trap me here, you are sorely mistaken. I shall use the child you have conveniently provided me, as a sacrifice to desecrate this land."