9. Class Two Beast!

Zoro was seated beneath a rock hidden by large trees with Waning Moon rested on his lap.

That last battle had propelled him towards Late stage apprentice, right now he was marvelling in this feeling of breakthrough. With each breakthrough Zoro's Haki increased substantially and he could vaguely sense something different about his Haki.

Unlike before his Haki seemed different, like it had another element to it. He carefully sieved through his Haki but couldn't find anything.

' Huh? I am sure there is something but it's not clear. Let's leave it at that, it's not harmful so all is good."

Any other Warrior would break their head trying to figure out what was different with their Qi. After all it is the base of a person's strength, if he/she doesn't understand what's different about it then complications may arise in the future.

But Zoro was nonchalant about it. Travelling with Luffy for years his attitude towards certain things changed, if it's something he could grasp now he would do it, if it isn't then why pain over it?

Zoro cracked his neck and got up. He was prepared to stay here until he brokethrough to Master realm, taking Waning Moon he strolled forward.

He didn't have any particular destination, he would fight Beasts as they came along, gather what seemed precious to him, his days were spent in a methodical manner.

Zoro was walking forward when he came across a mangled body of a Beast. It was a Class one beast, Nine horned Doe.

He bent down and looked carefully. The Doe wasn't killed by a Warrior, its body seemed be clawed by some kind of large animal.

There was only three claw marks but it was enough to mangle a considerably large beast like a Nine horned Doe. Zoro rubbed his chin and walked away.

Several meters away from him, large trees clustered together. Vegetation was abundant near the base of it. Within this green was a pair of ruthless green eyes looking at him.

Zoro yawned lightly, he rubbed his belly and looked around to see for any beasts but he was disappointed.

With no choice he continued onwards. Soon he came across a stream of water.

The water flowed ever so gently, it was clean and pure without a single drop of blemish. Zoro was ecstatic to see something he could take, he ran towards the water and drank a mouthful.

Just as he was about to take in another gulp, a large mouth filled with razor sharp teeth came to his view. It was just inches away from his face.

Zoro wasn't startled, instead.....

" Food!! "

What attacked him was a species of overgrown fish, it was carnivorous and devoured anything that came across this stream but it's luck seemed to have run out.

It froze in mid air and fell down. As it touched the ground its body stretched showing several cuts along its body.

Zoro stared greedily at the water and put his head inside.

' Come and get me!! '

Several large fish saw their so called ' food ' and took a bite at Zoro.

Minutes later.....

Zoro was sitting near the stream with a bonfire infront of him. His right hand held a fish roasting over fire while he used his left to eat the already roasted ones.

Normally Warriors within Maple city would come here to train and discipline while some come to earn their living.... there are various reasons but all of them would have one similar mindset.

' Be extremely cautious of Demon Beast forest '

Zoro on the other hand... he did train but... he was too carefree. It was like these dangers didn't bother him.

The old man watching him from the shadows was gobsmacked by how he was behaving. He facepalmed himself and carefully sensed around to see if there were any danger surrounding Zoro.

' That damn kid!! Does he not realize where he is!?! '

Zoro finished his meal and took a small nap. Blue veins could be seen sticking out of the old man's forehead seeing his careless action in the midst of danger.

Zoro seemed to be in deep sleep. A pair of cold green eyes was looking at Zoro, those eyes were discerning if Zoro was asleep or not.

The old man seemed to have sensed another presence and looked at it.

" A Class two Beast! That kid better wake up or I will have to step in! "

A large figure slowly stepped out from the shadow. It's body was larger than an elephant with glowing red skin covered in stripes. Two large teeth protruded out of it's mouth, its tail was as thick as a man's thigh with a flame lit at its end.

Each step this large beast took would leave a large print into the ground.

Zoro was still sleeping, the bonfire crackled as the beast drew close to Zoro. The old man was getting worried, he found a suitable candidate after years of searching and now the kid is going to die.

He was prepared to kill the beast anytime, Qi condensed above his hand as a fire sword sparked to life, the sword was the size of a hairpin but the power it contained could easily decimate that large beast.

The beast looked at Zoro and growled, it raised it huge paws and took a swipe at Zoro.

The old man was about to flick his finger when he stopped. His eyes showed astonishment as he looked infront of him.

The large beasts paws were stopped by a sword. Sparks of fire danced around where the sword and claws met.

Zoro who seemed to have been sleeping just seconds before was now standing with his sword showing a grin.

" You have been eyeing me for some time now, since you didn't come all this time I took a small nap.

You won't mind, right? "