16. Conflict

After bidding farewell to his mother, Zoro and Elder Stone decided to stay for the day and set off tomorrow.

Zoro was very quiet, he knew who his enemy was but as he is right now they could easily kill him. Luckily he wasn't that brash Xiao Yan but an experienced swordsman. Even under such hatred Zoro could easily calm his heart.

This is one of the many advantages of having trained to such a high level in Sword techniques, once someone crosses a certain threshold their will be as steady as a mountain and as sharp as a sword.

Elder Stone was even more gratified seeing how Zoro was able to maintain such a calm attitude.

' His mental fortitude is higher than I thought, looks like my worry was unnecessary. Also I better check out his past, that amount of bone chilling murderous intent isn't something normal.

sigh ~ He must have gone through some cruel experience.'

They both checked in an inn located near the city gates. Zoro spoke a bit to Elder Stone and went to his room.

The room was quite simple with a bed, desk, a single chair and a bathroom. This could be considered a good treatment compared to what he was living in before.

The sky outside was turning dark, Zoro watched as the sun set reigning darkness all over the city.

Zoro pressed something similar to a switch, and his room was lit up. He looked up to the see the source of light, a small glass structure in shape of a box hung above.

A small crystal was floating inside, it was a beast core.

What Zoro was seeing is one of the uses of beast cores. Of course high ranked cores would never be used just to light a room, these cores used in inn's are of inferior quality.

Zoro sat cross-legged on the bed, he took out Waning moon and the sword given by Elder Stone, named Blue mist.

Blue Mist was the same size as Waning moon but it's blade was tinted with a slight blue colour. According to Elder Stone this sword had incorporated the horn of a Aqua Beast.

Zoro placed both swords on his lap and closed his eyes. His body and spirit became one as he tuned to the rhythm of his swords.

In his last life Zoro had reached an incredible level in swordsmanship, eventually he was crowned the strongest Swordsman when he defeated Hawkeye. His strength didn't stop there, he figured out that there was a higher realm in sword.

He tried to pursue such heights but ultimately failed. He didn't know why but Zoro knew it was his world limiting him from going further, as for the why..... he had no idea.

Currently Zoro had already reached Peak stage Warrior Apprentice. It would take some time before he could breakthrough again, Zoro wasn't clear with how these realms went. It was evident in his fight against that Saber Toothed Tiger.

But fortunately he came across a great Master who could show him the way.

As of right now Zoro wasn't able to utilize his comprehension in sword, his body wasn't strong enough. He reckoned he would atleast have to be a Warrior King to fully use his sword.

But that was fine, reforging his path could possibly give him new understanding.


Inside Zhao Residence.....


A young man smashed his fist into a desk. The desk creaked and broke into tiny pieces.

An old man and several servants stood before him. The old man was calm but the servants behind him were sweating hard.

" You couldn't even handle a trash!! "

" Young Master Zhao, calm down. There seemed to be some discrepancies regarding that youngster."

The old man spoke up, his voice was calm and serene like he had everything under control.

The young man he spoke to was Zhao Yuan!

The old man is the personal bodyguard of Zhao Yuan and the steward of Zhao Residence.

Zhao Yuan was a rising talent of Zhao, his safety was priority, so his father had the old man take this position.

" Huh? What could that trash do? "

" Young Master, according to intelligence he was the one who killed those three we send after him."

Zhao Yuan yelled out immediately

" Impossible!! How can that trash defeat three early stage Warrior Masters!? Impossible! "

" No young master, this did happen. From their injuries it was a single precise sword cut to their necks. The stunning fact is that each of their wounds were in the exact same spot, which indicates a mastery over sword."

Zhao Yuan stood there, shocked. His mind recalled Xiao Yun's face and shook his head numerous times. He found it hard to believe a person could change that much in such short time.

" How is that even possible!? He was a trash a month ago!! Are you saying he was able to beat a Warrior Master after a month of training."

" It's hard to believe but it's the fact. According to what I gathered he was expelled from the Xiao family more than a month ago. After that he spend few days in his mother's place and bought a sword.

He then left for Demon Beast forest. He spend a month inside and came out alive, in these three months his training went from zero to a level where early stage Warrior Masters are nothing more than weeds in his eyes."

Zhao Yuan's heart chilled as he listened to the old man's analysis.

" Was he that talented? Or did he come across some kind of fortuitous encounter inside Demon Beast forest? "

The old man thought for a bit and spoke his mind.

" The second possibly is out of question, no matter what kind of fortuitous encounter he has gotten it is impossible for him to have such mastery over swords."

" That means...

" Yes. He is exceptionally gifted in sword arts. The Xiao family was dumb, just because he is the son of a servant they suppressed him and failed to see his talent.

But that doesn't matter. What worries me is our conflict with him, if he were to grow stronger he will one day come asking for revenge."

Zhao Yuan felt afraid. He had always thrashed Xiao Yun because of jealousy, Xiao Yun would definitely remember those days and he will definitely come for him one day.

What's worse is that Xiao Yun's mother was killed by their family. That kind of hatred can't be buried away.

" Young master, this is a serious issue. I will have to inform the clan leader. The conflict between Xiao Yun and Zhao family can only end with his death or ours."