24. First Elder!

Elder Shi grinned looking at Zoro. He had no idea what kind of talent Zoro possessed but he is sure of one thing he absolutely is a genius.

Both of them walked to the inner rooms of the building. Attendants gave the duo a weird look but ignored after a second.

Just as they were about to go up the next floor and attendant asked

" Who might sir be looking for? "

It was a young man who asked this, he was polite and had a friendly smile on his face.

Elder Shi glanced at the young man

" Take me to the branch master."

The attendant blanked out for a second then responded

" Sir... that, the branch master is currently receiving some guests. And I am afraid he won't see anyone without prior notice."

Zoro was quite surprised, the attitude this guy was showing was day and night compared to that guard just did. Elder Shi nodded in approval seeing the attendants attitude.

" What's your name? "

" Oh, my name is Kail."

" Kail, just take me to him. You don't have to worry about anything else."

The young man named Kail seemed to be in a dilemma, he showed an apologetic smile and said

" Sir.... it's not that I don't want to bring you there, just that.... i went through a lot to get this job. If I bring someone without prior arrangement the branch master will kick me out."

Elder Shi nodded in understanding. He patted the young man's shoulder and reassured

" Don't worry young man. Noone will do anything to you, just bring me to him."

Kail hesitated for a bit and ultimately decided to bring them to the branch master.

' At worst I would have to look for another job.'

The other attendants sneered seeing Kail lead two unknown people to the branch master. He was already on the bad side of the branch master when he offended his son yesterday, it's just a matter of time before he is kicked out.

After they were out of sight the other attendants began to discuss something.

" Serves him right, a big hero he is. So what if he saved a young girl from being harassed? "

" * sigh *....For an unknown girl he offended the branch master's son."

" If not the branch master being busy with today's matter he would have already been kicked out and now he is bringing two unknown people to him. He got guts."

The opinions differed, some scorned him, some pitied him and some were happy.

Kail of course understood how these people thought but even if it happened again he would do the same.

The three of them now stood before a considerably big door. Kail knocked on the door before entering with Elder Shi and Zoro.

Inside the room a middle-aged man was seated with two other people. One of them was a man while the other was a young woman.

They were the ones Zoro had seen outside the forger building. The leader of Blaze family and his daughter.

The branch master was obviously disgruntled for the sudden interruption. He looked to see who it was and narrowed his eyes.

" I haven't even got to you and you have the guts to come before me!? "

Kail took a deep breath and bowed.

" Branch master, this elder wish to speak with you."

The branch master's voice grew cold.

" Kail, you can leave the forger branch. And take those beggars with you."

Zoro looked at his clothes and sure they looked unkempt. Both of them travelled through the jungle for him to train and lived there as well so there dress was crumbled and a bit dirty.

He looked at Elder Shi with a gaze that clearly meant

' Old man, we should have gone to an inn first.'

Elder Shi's mouth twitched. When had he ever come across such a situation before?

" Guards! Throw these two out!! "

The branch master yelled out. Two men wearing armour walked inside, they didn't care for any formalities and grabbed at Zoro and Elder Shi.


Thud! Thud!

Before they even touched them their body rocketed back and printed themselves onto the walls.

" So this is how forger association branch managers behave, scum like you had taken root at this holy place."

Elder Shi said plainly. His voice neither loud nor low but every word was heard by all of them. The blaze family leader raised an eyebrow, he felt something wrong with the old man before him.

The branch master was obviously shrewd as well, he immediately asked

" Who are you? Do you know where you are? "

" Pipe down."

As those words left elder shi's mouth an invisible pressure fell upon the branch master. His body creaked from that power and looked at the old man before him with terror.

He immediately understood what kind of existence was before him. His face went pale and explained

" Si.... sir..... this is a misunderstanding. Please don't take it to heart. I believe sir also don't want to cause a commotion here."

Not only the branch master even the blaze family leader was also terrifying sensing the pressure from this old man before him.

" hoo~ afraid to cause a commotion? Why do you think I don't want to cause one? "

The branch master felt his heart clench.

" Sir! Please be calm. This is the Forgers Association, you will bring a lot of trouble upon yourself if you cause a mess! "

Elder Shi suddenly laughed out loud. He tossed out the token in his hands, the branch master caught it. Just as his eyes fell on it his heart shivered and his blood seemed to run cold.

He tumbled infront of the old man before him and suddenly kneeled.

" Elder.... elder please forgive me!! "

The blaze family leader also saw the token. He immediately understood who stood before him.

' First elder of Forger Headquarters!!! '