32. Message

Elder Shi floated in the sky. His eyes sharp, cold and indifferent.

The soldiers didn't dare to move an inch, not only because they were afraid but because their bodies couldn't. An invisible energy bound them, threatening to extinguish their life any second.

The woman knew Elder Shi was someone far stronger than her late husband. Suppressing the anger within her heart she bowed.

" Sir, this matter concerns the City Lord manor."

Elder Shi curled his lips. A teasing smile hung on his face.

" Is that so? That brat is my one and only disciple."


The graceful woman was stumped. However the young lady beside her wasn't, a new born calf wouldn't fear a tiger. She raised her head and glared at Elder Shi.

" He killed my brother, and when my father wanted to seek justice he also killed him. He is a cold blooded murderer, I want justice!! "

" Hahahaha!!! "

Elder Shi laughed out loud. His laughter only added salt to their wounds, the young woman felt scorn from his voice.

" Justice? Lad, don't try to fool me. Do you know what your brother did? "

The graceful woman felt scared. She felt a change in Elder Shi's words, hastily she went beside her daughter and defended her.

" Sir, please forgive my daughter's rude attitude."

" Oh..... you have something to say? "

" Sir, my son... can his death mean nothing. Can't I seek justice for him!? "

" You still don't acknowledge. Fine, let me make you. Lady Lily, step forward and explain what happened."

Lily who was standing in a corner sighed and stepped out. The graceful woman and the young lady glared at her. Lily ignored their looks and bowed to Elder Shi.

" Elder, this is what happened....

As she explained, both woman's expression went green.

" Just because he said few words you killed him!? "

The young lady glared at Zoro, if looks could kill Zoro would have died a thousand times.

Zoro's eyes went cold, he was about to reply when a murderous intent locked the woman and the young lady.

" Zoro, your choice. Should I kill them all? "

These words echoed through the sky. The people gathered around were stunned, they looked at Elder Shi with an unbelievable expression.

The woman yelled out loud.

" No! You can't kill us! The Royal Family will chase you down if you did! "

" Lady, for worthless trash like you the emperor won't do anything to me. Atmost he might get angry at me and that's a far fetched outcome."

' What!? Does he not fear the Royal Family!? '

Zoro ignored the crowd, he turned around and walked. Elder Shi nodded at Zoro's decision. He too disappeared in the sky.

The young lady lost her strength and sat down. She felt cold, tears started to drip down her face.

The women, held her daughter and said with an evil tone.

" Don't worry. They will die, I will make sure of it. No matter what!! "


Elder Shi looked at Zoro and asked.

"Is it alright to let them be? "

" I have no enmity them."

" But theirs just started."

" Then they are free seek me out in the future, either way I will cut them down."

" Hahaha, Good!! "

Zoro placed his swords on his lap and swallowed a healing pill. His body was badly battered from that battle. After several minutes he opened his eyes and asked.

" What were you doing? "

" Huh? Yeah. I got a message from the Headquarters, I have to leave soon."

" Why? "

" Someone requested to create a Class 8 Artifact."

" Class 8? Can you create one? "

Zoro's eyes blazed upon hearing Class 8. Elder Shi promptly poured cold water over his head.

" No."

" Che! "

" Did you just scorn me, brat!? I will have you know that noone can make a Class 8 weapon, atleast not alone."

" Alone? "

" Yes. With the Head of Blacksmith Association as well as five Elders we can make one. It will be the lowest tier, but still it's a Class 8 Artifact."

" So we need to leave soon."

" Yes."

Zoro thought for a while and shook his head.

" You go ahead. I will catch up, it would take me some time before I start to forge anyway so it wouldn't harm for me to gain experience along the way."

Elder Shi thought for a second and agreed. Either way it would take two months to make that artifact, by this time Zoro could reach the Headquarters so it was fine.

Elder Shi left Zoro to heal.

Zoro took one more healing pill and recuperated. Faint reddish black Qi could be seen gathering around his body. Like sponge absorbing water it went back inside him. This repeated several more time before Zoro opened his eyes.

' These pills are amazing! What would normally take me three days was healed in just five hours!! '

Zoro checked his body before calming his breath.

He turned his palm, several pills appeared above. Faint aroma spread around the room, just breathing in this fragrance made his Haki tremble in excitement.

Zoro popped five pills at the same time. If anyone witnessed this scenes their eyed would definitely pop out.

A single pill contained huge amount of medicinal essence and Zoro was eating them like cabbage.

Minutes passed by. Zoro took out three more pills and swallowed them down. His body trembled for a second before releasing a large amount of Haki.

Zoro breathed out. The energy he released was taken back, he got up and stretched his body.

" Peak Warrior Master... not bad. That fight allowed me to skip a level. Lucky."

Zoro eat lavishly under the stunned gaze of the crowd. Elder Shi drank his tea like a monk shielded from worldly affairs.

Tomorrow was another day and the start of Zoro's journey, albeit a short one.