
It was already night and most of the shops and stores were closed, few were open but they were all 24x7 stores and these stores had protection from the local gang, Jason walked slowly as he enjoyed the peace and quiet of the night.

Jason's favorite time was night time, some people would end there day and sleep in their bed peacefully, some people would start their work at night, many people did many things at night, whether it is illegal or legal but no one cared.

What Jason liked most about the night was its darkness. He felt comfortable while it was dark maybe it was due to the way he grew up or any other reason he didn't care, he just liked the night and its darkness.

As he was about to reach his home he came across the same alley where he beat up those ten people and sent them to the hospital.

"Hmm?" Jason noticed that the rod he used that day was still there so he went in a picked it up, the blood on it had dried.

'I like this one, I should take it back to my apartment' Jason swung the rod a few times and was about to leave when he heard something very faint.

'What's that?' Jason looked around and tried to hear again, as he concentrated he heard a faint growling sound, but it was not just growling it was as if something is being sucked at the same time.

Jason pinpointed the source of the sound and saw that it was coming from deep inside the alley.

'What could it be?' Jason walked deeper into the ally and the growling sound became clear and when he was close enough to the sound he looked around and saw something which caught his attention.

He saw a man from his back sitting on top of a corps as it was biting down on the corps neck and sucking the blood out of it, the corps had already shrunk into skin and bones.

"What the fuck?" Jason exclaimed as he saw this

Hearing Jason the man who was drinking blood from the corps turned around and looked at Jason as he growled.

Jason was shocked seeing what was in front of him, the skin was pale white but it looked like they were dying, its face was filled with wrinkles and dead skin, its mouth was covered with blood, it had long fangs, its eyes were brownish yellow and they were glowing, its arms were thin, its fingers were long and at the end of it were sharp long nails and blood dripped off them.

"What on earth is this disgusting ugly motherfu*ker" Jason exclaimed, he was not scared seeing this bizarre creature, he was disgusted.

"The fuck man, are you trying to pull a prank or something? If you are you are fucked" Jason said to this creature but his instinct said this was not a prank, he could feel the blood lust coming of this creature.

"Are you some kind of genetic experiment gone wrong or what?" Jason started to ask questions as he now became interested in what this creature was in front of him.

The creature growled one last time and pounced at Jason with full speed exposing its fangs which dripped of blood.

"The fuck, you crazy?" Jason got mad seeing this and swung his iron rod right before the creature could reach him, the creature was fast indeed but Jason was faster, he was not some normal run of the mill gangster, he had trained his body to the extreme.

The iron rod hit the jaw of the creature and sent it crashing on a wall nearby completely destroying it.

"That's what you get, you piece of shit!" Jason said as he laughed, but he saw the creature slowly getting up from the pile of rubble, Jason saw that the creature's jaw was completely destroyed, he didn't think much about it as he knew he had shattered this creature's jaw when he made contact with the rod, what surprised him more was that the shattered jaw slowly started to heal and went back to normal.

"Oh shit, you really might be a failed scientific experiment!" Jason said as he was astonished by this ability of this creature.

The creature was a bloodthirsty beast that didn't understand human speech, it only wanted blood because if it didn't it will die.

The creature became desperate and again launched towards Jason.

"Looks like this motherfu*ker is out of its mind!" Jason said and swung his iron rod again and this time it was a direct hit to the skull and it had more force than before.

The creature was sent crashing into a wall again, it now had a huge dent on its head, Jason approached the creature and looked carefully and saw that the dent that he just made was slowly healing.

"Looks like a single strike isn't enough" Saying so Jason started to swing the rod as if he was playing golf, he hit the skull of the creature on its head multiple times, the creature wailed and struggled to get away but it was in no shape, Jason broke its hands and legs, completely ripped it off from its body by continuously hitting its joints.

"Now heal you motherfu*ker, strike, strike, strike" Jason swung the rod, again and again, yelling strike and completely shattered the creature's skull, its dead brain splattered all over the place.

Now it was truly dead.

"The fuck, that disgusting thing ruined my weapon!" Jason said as he looked at the iron rod in his hand, it was completely bent.

"Ah man, well I should visit Mr. Wallter and ask him to make me a very durable and light one" Jason threw away the bent iron rod and walked away as if nothing happened.

After he reached his rundown apartment he tossed his dirty blood-stained clothes to the side took and bath and sat on his bed and started to watch TV while munching on the chips that were left last night until he fell asleep.

Back in the alleyway where the dead corpse and the destroyed creature's motionless body laid, two figures wearing a black long coat and glowing purple eyes suddenly appeared out of nowhere, they looked at the two motionless bodies and were surprised seeing the scene in front of them.

"Would you look at this, this Bloodbane is completely destroyed, who could do this?" One of them looked at the dead creature body which had no hands nor legs and half of its head was missing, the other person stayed silent and looked at the other dead body, he saw bite marks on its neck and confirmed that this body was the pray of the Bloodbane.

"Hahaha, who could be so cruel, look at it, the one who did this broke its joints and ripped its hands and legs and then hit its head till it completely shattered, who on devils name would think that there is someone so cruel, even crueler than you Carl"

"Shutup and investigative, Van"

"Ya, ya, why are you always so serious" Van started to look around and found the iron rod which was completely bent.

"Hoho, would you look at this I found a murder weapon!" Van said as he examined the iron rod, Carl snatched it from his hand and looked carefully

"Human" Carl said as his purple eyes glowed brighter

"You are saying a human killed a Bloodbane, don't make me laugh" Van laughed loudly.

"It is indeed a human and a very strong one, his scent is on this rod, he must be a hunter"

Van stopped laughing as he became serious.

"Do you think the hunters are in this city?" Van said as his voice became deeper

"I guess so, an ordinary human cannot kill a Bloodbane, a hunter with a bloodline is the only thing I can think of right now"

"Do you think they are after Diana?"

"Possible, from the day she went rouge she is creating Bloodbanes everywhere, the hunter must have found out about it and now trying to hunt her down"

"Well since one of them killed her Bloodbane she would have definitely found out who the killer is, she is a viscount, she can easily take care of some hunters"

"Our mission is to capture her and bring her back to the nest, we cannot allow the hunters to get hold of her or her blood"

"You said it then let's go" Saying so Van disappeared, Carl looked at the rod in his hand and frowned, even though the only possibility and reasonable explanation is a hunter, Carl's instinct screamed he is wrong.

He didn't waste time and disappeared as well.