Watch Horror Movies?

It was already morning and Jason was still wondering what to do.

"What should I do? Am I one of those freaks now, or will I turn into that disgusting thing I saw in the alley?"

Jason was questioning himself, he wanted to figure out what happened to him but he didn't know where to look for his answers.

He calmed down and took a deep breath, he started to feel his body and clearly noticed the difference in it, he felt much stronger and faster than before.

"Wow my muscles have become very flexible as well, and my eyesight, I can even see those tiny hairs on that spider's legs"

Jason didn't know how he felt right now, a part of him was excited by these newfound powers and the other side was worried if it had any side effects.

"I think I should ask them to look into it"

Jason pulled out his flip phone from his pocket and flipped it open, he saw the date and realized that three days have already passed.

"What? How come I didn't notice it, Wait? did I sleep under a corpse for three whole days"

What bothered Jason more was that he was sleeping under a corpse for three days, instead of the reason behind his continuous sleep for three days.

"I need holy cleansing"

Jason undressed and quickly took a shower, dressed up and got back to his phone.

"Ok, So three days have passed and I was unconscious the whole time. Wait that doesn't help at all what am I even doing?"

Jason didn't know what to do, he couldn't just go out any random person in the street and ask about the changes he went through.

"Ah, yes let me use them"

Jason dialed Derry's phone number and waited for him to pick up

"Yo brother Jason what's up, Do you need an ambulance?"

"Why would I need an ambulance?"

"Because you only call me when you need an ambulance"

"Do I?"


"Anyways, I want all the cells to go active, tell them to search for anything related to death caused by draining the murdered victim's blood"

"Why do you want the cells to go active for that? Perhaps you want to do business in Blood Market?"

"No, you idiot, just do what I say. Contact me when something weird pops up"


"Ya, something like blood-sucking creatures or some shit"

"You mean vampires?"

"Vampires? What is that?"

"Brother Jason, don't you watch horror movies? about 30% of them are based on Vampires"

"Vampires, I see. You just activate the cells, I will look into this Vampire shit you are talking about"

"Ok then"

Jason hangs off the call and started to think.

'Vampires? What is that, Derry said they are in horror movies. Well usually I only watch news and cartoons, never heard about this Vampire stuff. Let me see what these Vampires are'

Jason, once again looked at his phone to search for Vampires when he suddenly realized something, he noticed that today was Thursday, that means the cargo ship that he had to raid will arrive in two days.

"Shit, I didn't even notice it, I have to prepare a small team for the heist"

Jason dialed one of his minion's numbers which were just named Brat and followed up by a number.

"Boss, how may I help you?"

"Prepare a team of 15 people, we will attempt a heist this Saturday, go to Mr. Wallter and ask him to supply guns"

"Ok boss got it"

Jason hanged the call and looked at his phone once again.

"Ok now, let's search for Vampires"

Jason went to the local browser in his phone and typed in Vampires, his phone had a button based keypad which was very hard to type on but Jason was used to it.

As he entered the word Vampire, the web page got loaded with links and information, as he scrolled down he saw Allpedia (just like Wikipedia) had some information about Vampires. Jason clicked on the link and a page opened describing what is a Vampire.

[Vampire are being of folklore or fiction that subsists by feeding on the vital force(blood) of the living]

"Well the internet says that it is a being of the fiction and nothing more"

Jason looked around the page and finds a picture of a vampire for a movie.

"Hmm, the resemblance is quite accurate, pale skin, sharp fangs, and long sharp nails."

Jason clicks on the picture and it takes him to the movie site of the movie.

"So this is the vampire movie Derry was talking about, Hmm let's go to the internet cafe and see how this movie is"

Jason closed his phone and walked out of the apartment and saw the old lady doing her usual, he also saw the young teenager from whom he borrowed the car.

"Brother Jason my car?"

"Oh hey kid, what was your name again?"

Jason asked as he has totally forgotten this young teenager's name

"Its Max"

"Ah, Max, well I will be keeping the car for myself, tell me your bank details I will transfer 10000 Gs to it"

Jason wanted to finish this matter by buying the car on the spot, so he asked Max's bank details.


"No buts, quickly tell me"

Jason looked at Max as if he will kill him on the spot if he doesn't give his bank details to Jason


Max quickly told Jason his bank details, well he told everything from his account details to credit card's password from fear and not even realizing it, Jason did some quick work in his phone and transferred 10000 Gs to Max's account

"See I have made the transaction, now that car is mine"

"What?" *beeb**beeb*

Max got a notification on his phone, he looked at it and saw that 10000 Gs was really transferred to his account, the thing is Max didn't want to sell the car at all, he just said 10000 Gs so that Jason can give up, he also thought that Jason didn't have much money.

But now that the deed was done, he knew he cannot go back or his face will get slammed on the concrete road.

"Ok then I am off"

Jason sat in his car and drove off.