Planning The Ambush

"I need Snipers"

Jason said to Wallter.

"Snipers, How many?"


"Hmm, Ok I will send the shooters to your warehouse, you can talk to them"

"When will they arrive?'

"Tomorrow, few of them are busy today"

"Ok then, tomorrow it is"

Jason cut the call and looked outside, he got out of his car again and started to roam around the harbor, he is trying to find the perfect sniping spots, after walking around he found the right places for the perfect sniping spots.

He got back to his car and drove off since he has nothing to do he decided to go home and look at his new guns.

Once he reached his apartment he went straight into his room, sitting on his bed he took out both, the guns, he looked at them for a few minutes but no matter how he looked at them they seem and function like normal guns, the only thing that was standing out where the words only he could see at the bottom of these guns 'Loviatar' and 'Azrael'.

"What are Loviatar and Azrael?"

Jason wondered and took out his phone to search for them on the internet.

He opened the phone browser and typed in 'Loviatar', soon the results were out, he saw that Allpedia had a description so he clicked on the link.

The web page opened and the description was in front of him

[Loviatar - The Evil Goddess of Pain and Agony]

"So Loviatar stands for Pain and Agony, well if you look at this gun properly, the name does suit it, though it can kill, it is designed more to inflict small and deep wounds in the body which will cause the person to be shot scream in pain"

Jason looked at the small barrel gun Red Gun 'Loviatar', he really liked it, he kept it down and lifted the other Gun, the big Revolver.

"This says Azrael, let's see what Azrael means"

Jason typed in Azrael in his phone and hit the search button, the web page got loaded and Jason clicked the Allpedia's link, and soon the description was in front of him.

[Azrael - The bringer of Death/ Angel of Death/ Angel of Destruction and Renewal]

"Looks like they are just names of these Guns, indicating what they do, Loviatar inflicts pain, Azrael kills, nothing more nothing less, the maker must have carved these names representing what they stand for, but still why couldn't Mr. Wallter see these names"

Jason wondered for a while and forgot about it, he was not the type to think too much about something which won't lead to anywhere.

He put the guns in his belt and looked at his new weapon, he really liked what Wallter did to it, it can be used both as a blunt weapon, a stabbing weapon, cutting and slicing weapon.

"I think I should name this as well. Since I have guns that have name why not this as well"

Jason smiled as he twisted the Eagle head and took out the blade which was inside it, he checked the edge of the blade and it was pretty sharp, he even cut his finger while testing it.

"Shit I cut my self"

Jason looked at the small cut on his finger and suddenly saw the blood which came out of the wound turned into red gas and went back into the wound and the wound closed itself, his finger turned back to normal, just a second ago there was a small but deep cut but now there is nothing, just his finger.

"Shit I got regeneration too, awesome. Wait, it looks very different from what I saw that ugly creature does, its blood didn't go back into its body but mine did"

"What have I turned into?"

Jason wondered but he had no answers.

"Well thinking about it won't help, that bitch Diana is dead, my only options are the cells, hope they find something interesting"

As he had nothing to do for the day Jason sat in his home and watched TV the whole day until he fell asleep.


Next morning Jason woke up, he took and bath wore his clothes and went out, as usual when he walked out he saw the old lady making meat skewers but now she had more customers, 4 men were standing around her stall and eating.

"I haven't eaten one for a few days, let me get some"

Jason walked towards the Old lady's stall.

"Old Lady give me two skewers"

The Old lady took out two skewers from the fryer and sprinkled it with spices and gave it to Jason.

Jason took the skewers and walked away, the old lady didn't say anything and continued her work.

Jason ate the skewers while riding his car to his hideout.

As he reached there he saw few of his minions practicing shooting with rubber bullets.

Jason walked passed them and walked in front of a whiteboard placed at one corner of the warehouse, he took a marker and started to draw a rough figure of the harbor.

"All of you gather up"

Jason shouted and soon all the minions present in the scene gathered up, they were fifty of them right now.

"As you all know tomorrow is a big day and after tomorrow you people won't need to work for months"


All the minions shouted in excitement.

"The guards on the ship won't be a problem, the main problem are the ones who are coming to take away the cargo, I want most of you on the harbor hiding to prepare for the ambush, everyone should be there at 4 pm and set traps and remote bombs all over the harbor"

Jason started to tell his minions when and where they should hide in the harbor to prepare for the ambush, after talking with the captain he knew that this is a big heist so he needs more manpower taking out Gazo's men.

"The rest of the plan will be the same, five people with me to take over the ship and after everything is done we party"


All his minions were excited, soon the snipers who were supposed to be sent by Wallter came to his hideout, Jason briefly explained them the plan and told them where to set their guns on the harbor.

"You seven will start the shootout, first eliminate the leader of the group"

Jason pointed out one of them to do the work.

"As they start to panic my men will move forward and launch an all-out attack, and the seven of you will be backing them off"

"Once all of Gazo's men are eliminated, we will dump their bodies into the water, hopefully, this will all be over before the ship arrives, since the information is genuine we don't have to worry about that, once the ship arrives be on the look out and eliminate the guards who will try to interfere with my men who will be in charge of transporting the cargo to the trucks"

"Do you understand?"


"Then, that's all for today, be at the harbor at 4 pm and set up your guns and be alert all the time"

Jason said and walked away.