
Visiting Wallter Again

Jason stayed in the coffee shop until they left, he learned that they will be working together to fight the supernaturals tomorrow.

He wanted to more so he stayed behind but he didn't receive anything else other than the information that the piece of Blue Silver could coat 100 swords, this surprised him, he realized the amount he had with him is extreme.

After they left Jason went back to Nalan district where his car is parked, after getting back to his car and started to drive, while doing so he took out his phone and texted a message to Ana.

[Ana, come meet me at my apartment tonight, be careful don't let anyone follow you]

After sending the message he hit the accelerator and drove towards the warehouse where he kept the blue silver.

After reaching the warehouse he noticed nothing has happened here, the corpse of the dead rat at the side is completely bones right now and he could see some maggots on it.

He opened the door of the warehouse and entered in, after walking towards the container her kept the blue silver, he removed the sheet and took out the brick of Blue Silver from which he broke off the chunk.

He broke another small chunk, smaller than the last one and got out of the warehouse, after placing everything back to how they were he left in his car.

After an hour he arrived in front of Wallter's workplace, he got out of his car and walked in, it was the same as usual but the workers were very busy compared to how they were weak ago.

Jason walked in Wallter's office and noticed the man cleaning a gun, Jason didn't find it any special as it is a modern gun, but Wallter still quickly hid it under his desk and sat straight.

"Kid, are you here for the money, don't worry you will receive it in three days"

Wallter said as he put the cleaning cloth aside.

"How much do you owe me?"

"53 million Gs"

Jason was surprised by the number but he didn't show it in his face, he knows this old man is greedy and he definitely lowered the number, he didn't expect to even receive 20 million Gs for it but he is certainly wrong.

"Hahaha, Old man do you think I am a fool, I know they are worth much more"

Jason looked at Old man with a smirk in his face.

"Ok, Ok, 55 million Gs"

"Come on old man, I won't fall for these puny tricks of yours, pay up the 10 percent"

"Ok, I will give you 60 million Gs, just shut up and get lost"

"Haha, don't be so rude old man, I lost five men because of this heist, you should compensate me more but I will let you off the hook this time"

Jason once again didn't expect the price to go 60 million but he is happy, he hasn't handled this much money for quite a long time.

"The gun material must be really impressive to fetch so much money"

"Indeed I thought I will get around a hundred million for it but the materials were very high quality, they fetched me around 700 million Gs"

Wallter suddenly realized that he misspoke, he looked at Jason and saw that smile on his face, he realized he fell into Jason's trap once again.

"Well, Well, looks like I will get 70 million, you are very generous Old man"

"You fucking bastard, you are even greedier than me"

"Well a deal is a deal, that is what you preach don't you, hehehe"

"Fuck you, well since its a deal I will send over 70 million so don't worry"

"Well, let's not talk about it right now, I am here for another purpose"

"Hmm? What is it?"

Jason took out the piece of Blue Silver and showed it to Wallter, seeing the blue silver on his desk Wallter's eyes went wide and he quickly snatched it and took a closer look.

"This can't be the Blue Silver that is going to be auctioned the day after tomorrow at the auction right?"

Wallter's eyes were glittering right now.

"Ding, ding, you are absolutely right"

"Wait how did you get it? Do you know the one is auction is estimated to go for around 200 million Gs and just for that one chunk"

Wallter carefully kept the Blue Silver upon a cloth and on the table, this is the most precious material he ever handled.

"Just say that I was just lucky when I was a kid, who would have thought it is worth a fortune"

"You are saying you found it when you were a kid? don't bullshit me"

"If you don't want to believe me, I have nothing to say, it's up to you"

Wallter calmed down and looked at Jason.

"What do you want to do with it?"

"I want you to melt it down and coat a large number of bullets with it"

Hearing Jason's request Wallter is about to burst with anger.

"What? do you know what are you even saying, I will never waste such precious material just to coat bullets"

"If you do as I say, I will give you a piece of Blue Silver"

"Wait? You have more?"

Wallter asked as he saw the grin on Jason's face.

"Ok I will do as you say but if you don't fulfill your side of agreement I will leak the information about you having such precious materials"

"You know, Old man I always pay my debts, you don't need to worry about it"

Wallter nodded, seeing they have reached to an agreement Jason got up from the chair.

"One more thing, do it yourself, I don't want any of your workers knowing about it"

Jason said

"Don't worry, I am not so irresponsible to let them handle such precious material, come tomorrow and it will be done"


Jason walked out and got into his car and drove away to his apartment.