
Organization Base

Ana and Sara soon became the focus of some camera's that were monitoring the hallway.

Ana walked towards the dead-end of the hallway and stood on the right side of it, suddenly a small hole opened up on the side and a ball-shaped scanner came out of it and scanned her who face, then her iris.

It beeped twice, then another square hole appeared right below it and a number pad appeared, Ana inputted a code and placed her finger on the bio metric reader.

As she did this the wall that seemed like a dead-end started to move and opened up revealing an even longer hallway that seems endless from where Ana and Sara are standing.

"Let's go"

Ana said and walked in, Sara followed behind her.

Sara realized that the whole ground is moving and they don't have to move to get to the other end but if you are in a hurry you can always walk to get to the other end faster.

After walking for a minute they finally arrived at the first checkpoint where two guards are stationed and they are holding extremely weird guns, they looked like guns straight from a sci-fi movie.

As the guards noticed Ana heading towards them, they turned and saluted her.

"Commander Ana, welcome"

Ana nodded and walked past them, Sara followed her, the guards didn't question Sara anything as she is with Ana.

In the past few months, Ana has gained a lot of respect around as he got a promotion and with her track record every new hunter wanted to be like her.

"Your mutation procedure will start in two days, during that we will put you under 24/7 observation, your mutation may take weeks or months depending on how powerful of an ability you might get"

Ana said.

"Why does the Hunter Organization perform Mutation?"

Sara asked.

She didn't understand why a Hunter Organization would try to mutate people and make them work for them.

"If it was a thousand years ago this might have not happened, but the war between the Demon Realm and Earth Realm nearly caused us, Hunters, to go extinct but our ancestors still had survivors and they were able to pass down their genes and powers but it was still limited.

We Hunters are very small in number and hunters with powerful bloodline are even rarer, so turning normal people into mutants is one way of making our organization strong.

Ana carefully chose her words while explaining this, she knows there is always someone monitoring the halls and if she said something negative about the organization there will be a huge trouble, so she kept the information at its basic.

Sara also nodded, she didn't want to ask anything stupid which will put them in a dangerous situation, they have already discussed what to talk and how to talk before coming here, they cannot make a single mistake as it is their master's order.

"You said a Mutation can vary depending on the time one spends on observation, why is that?"

Sara asked.

"Mutation is a process where the DNA of a person is so drastically changed that he or she will gain new powers due to it, some may cause side effects like shortening of life span while others can litter make you biologically Immortal, meaning you will never age and die but those cases are close to nonexistent, the longer one spends time in observation the more changes are going in his or her DNA which means more powerful attributes is being gained"

"You said biological immortality is close to nonexistence, do you mean it's still possible?"

Sara asked.

She couldn't believe a person like this can exist.

"There is one alive but she is under the protection of the biggest hunter family in the world, they call her the Ice Queen as she shows no emotion even while killing her comrades if they make a mistake"

Ana said, even she wouldn't believe if someone told her that a biologically immortal is present but that's the truth and she is under the protection of one of the deadliest and powerful hunter family.

From the rumors, she has heard that woman is more than 1000 years old and had participated in the massive war thousand years ago.

Sara still couldn't believe it but she decided to ask something else.

"What is the possibility of me being successfully mutated?"

Sara asked, she is still worried that it might fail and she won't be able to see Jason ever again.

"Don't worry there is no chance of failure, I have already checked, your body can easily survive a mutation and your attributes can at least reach above a Class 4"

Ana said.

"Class 4?"

"Yes, Mutants are classified into 4 categories. Gregs, Beta, Alpha, Omega.

Gregs is your average humans who barely survived the mutation and acquired some abilities that are not very useful but they can still be worked, they are separated into Class 0, Class 0.5, and Class 1, these three Classes come under Gregs.

Next, are the Betas, they are average humans that get lucky and will acquire some really useful ability, they are separated into Class 2, Class 2.5, and Class 3, these three Classes belong to Beta Mutants.

Then there are Alphas, they are very strong humans who surpassed their limit, once they go through mutation they get amazing abilities, they are separated into Class 4, Class 4.5, Class 5.

Then comes the Omegas, they are the strongest Mutants that roam this world, their abilities are terrifying, the Ice Queen I told you about she is also a Class Omega Mutant, these mutants are separated into Class 6, Class 6.5, and Class 7.

These are the four known Categories of Mutants.

There is also one called the Class Null but this name is just a formality, if a Mutant goes beyond Class Omega, they will have the Class Null title, but there has never been a mutant like this ever so there power value is non-existent that is why its called type Null"

Ana explained Sara about Mutants and their classes in detail, Sara took in all the information she needed as she has to do her best to prove herself to her beloved master.