It's already 5 Pm and Alpha is ready with all the things, he is wearing a black latex suit with some light armor made from a very special material called Cavec, its a very light but shock observing material, it can easily stop bullets and many fast and powerful projectile.
His muscles could be easily seen through his latex suit.
Alpha is the leader of the group and he is the most dangerous of the seven, he has mastered every martial art in the world and them combined all of their greatest aspects to create his own version that is meant to kill, he is a prodigy in martial arts, every move he makes are meant to kill.
Epsilon comes walking by and looks at the trucks behind Alpha which he has prepared, she gets into the main truck and gets equipped as well, she took two large sniper rifles and strapped them to her back with bullet magazines for them.
"When will they arrive?"
Alpha asked as he saw Epsilon get out of the truck all suited up with her equipments.
"They should be here in a few minutes I guess"
Epsilon said and suddenly they both heard a loud engine roaring towards them, they looked straight up and saw a huge van coming towards them, the van stopped right inches in front of them, then the gigantic fat man standing 8 feet 8 inches gets out he is Gamma, Gamma looks at the tiny people in front of him and waves his gigantic hands at them.
"You are you two little ones doing?"
He asks them.
"We are doing fine Gamma, looks like you haven't changed a bit"
Alpha said as he looked at the giant in front of him, the only people Alpha could never defeat in hand to hand combats are Jason and this huge man in front of him, no matter how much you hit this man, it feels like hitting a giant rubber ball.
"Where are my gauntlets?"
Gamma asked as he looked at Epsilon.
"It's inside, wait I will get them for you"
Epsilon said and walked into the truck and brought out two huge Metallic Gauntlets made from tungsten, these metallic gauntlets have blunt protrusions in front of the knuckles, these Gauntlets are made for smashing and nothing else.
Gamma said and put on the gauntlets and smashed them against each other to create and loud and crushing sound.
It didn't take long for the next group to arrive, a red car came storming towards them and stopped right behind Gamma's van.
Out came Beta and Delta, the lovers.
"What's up my man, Alpha"
Beta said and hugged Alpha, Delta and Epsilon greeted each other as well.
"Nothing much, just the same old usual"
Alpha answered.
Beta then looked at Gamma and grinned.
"Yo big man, did you crush someone on your way because you couldn't see them?"
Beta said and laughed.
"Oh, I was just about to crush you without even looking at you, your annoying voice saved your life"
Gamma said and slammed his two gauntlets causing Beta's ear to vibrate.
"Still cocky as before huh? hahaha that is what I expect from you"
Beta said and laughed.
"Where are the twins?"
Beta asked as he looked around.
"They should be here as well by any time now"
Epsilon said and looked around when they heard a plane going above them, they looked up and saw two people jumping out of the plane and opening their parachute, Zeta and Eta landed on top of the trucks and went in to get equipped and came out with their belongings.
"Don't you know you have to greet people first, then do your work"
Beta said as he looked at the twins walking out with their equipment already on them.
"Whatever, I don't take orders from you"
Eta said and loaded her shotgun.
Now all the seven are here, Jason's greatest and more reliable force, no one knows about them, all the special forces of the world are after them but they are now all together in one group following the order of a 25-year-old young man.
"So do any of you know what the boss really wants?"
Delta asked the last time they all met was to eliminate more than 200 men that their boss had lured out for one clean sweep.
"The boss want's us to handle a shipment"
Alpha said.
"A shipment, cant his minions do it for him why does he need all seven of us"
Beta asked.
"If this could be done by his local minions he would have never called me, I think there is more to this shipment, and if my hunch is right, Boss himself will be accompanying us"
Alpha said.
"That's weird, the boss rarely makes such a huge move, why would he move this time?"
Zeta asked.
"I don't know, I only know is that these shipments are about some empty containers"
Alpha said.
"Empty containers, what is the use of Empty containers?"
Eta asked.
"Who cares, let's get over there and know what really is the case"
Gamma said and got in his van, the other six nodded and got in the trucks and followed Alpha as he is the only one who knows where Jason is right now.
Jason is laying down on the grass as he looks at the orange sky as the sun is about to set.
"Freyton can survive but to do that I have to clean it up carefully and put it under protection, the seven will be here, looks like I have to put a very juicy bait out there"
Jason said and laughed.
He took out his phone and made some calls for everything to get ready.