
Rising From The Dead

Back in Freyton, everything was going as Jason had planned, things were changing in Freyton, one day the government headquarters in Freyton blew up as everyone who was inside and around the headquarters died, it was then passed off as a terrorist attack.

With so many casualties taking place Clara made her move, she blamed the government for not predicting this terrorist attack, while the previous Mafia Boss (Clara's bother) was in charge the Government have moved in a lot of people inside Freyton to slowly take over.

Now with this bomb blast, the influence that the government made got erased in one day, Clara made her move by putting down the government.

Then she set out a special force of herself to catch these terrorists, and after a few days, these so-called terrorists were found by this special force under Clara.

With Clara's support behind them, they became Freyton's private force replacing the police, many government workers lost their job but Clara moved in and gave them a job which paid a lot more than the government making Clara the perfect leader in the eyes of the people in Freyton.

The public supported Clara as their new leader and she was easily able to get the government from Freyton completely, the secret spies from the government were hunted down and killed.

The Mafia headquarters got shifted in Freyton making the mafia world of Soulia much stronger, with no government on their asses the Mafia could do everything they can.

Seeing Clara being so great at her work the other Mafia families stopped resisting her and let her sit on the throne.

Freyton will soon start to change into something much bigger.

And this was all Jason, he told Clara to make the bomb blast, put it on the government, move in and catch the terrorist, execute them, chase away the government away, when people lose their government job give them a job that pays higher.

Jason knows that the power behind the support of the public is much bigger than the influence gained from money, the person that is followed by the people is the real ruler of the world.

Jason's plan is a huge success and everything is going as he has expected, except for one thing.


Back to the place where Jason got his powers, inside this forest the house he spent his night with the Vampire Diana.

This hose is covered with vines and leaves, the leaves have covered most of the house, the door, the windows, everything is covered by vines.

A little distance away from the house under a tree, there is a bulge on the ground, this is the exact place Diana is buried.

Suddenly the mud on top of the bulge started to roll down and cracks appeared on it, then a hand suddenly came ripping out, the hand is white with sharp nails at the tip of its finger, another hand comes out and moves its finger.

Suddenly the bulge starts to expand and crack, it breaks down and a beautiful woman sits up straight, she looks around confused, her naked body is covered with dirt.

'What happened to me?'

She asked herself and looked at her body, she tried to remember what happened in the past, after some fuzzy thoughts she remembered herself dying on top of this human she wanted to make her slave.

"What happened? How am I still alive?"

She said and got up.

She looked at her arms and legs, she felt warm, for the first time in her whole life she felt warm.

"What happened to me?"

She questioned herself again and got out of her grave, she looked up and felt the sunlight on her face, she then realized something, the sun was not burning her, she looked at her finger and she didn't find her ring.

She is in shock, she rushes towards the house as her memories are still fresh, she walks in front of the door and rips the vines off and opens the door, she still had her memories from that day, how she and the human walked in and started to make love, she walked forward and looked around the house, she walked towards the bed where she died.

She remembered everything about that day, when she bit him he bit her as well and sucked up her blood till she died.

"Who was he, how did he not die even after drinking my blood, his guts should be splattered everywhere but from the looks of it he survived, or he must have died after walking outside, was he a hunter? No, he didn't have a hunter's aura, I have to mind that man, what was his name again? Yes, its Jason"

Diana said and walked towards the bathroom to clean herself when she walked in she saw herself in the mirror, she saw her skin was not pale white anymore, it had a slight redness to it.

"My blood is warm"

Diana said as she touched her body, she looked more human than a vampire now.

"Have I turned into a human?"

She asked herself but quickly erased that thought because she could tell if she turned into a human or not, she could still feel the power inside her body, she felt even more powerful than before.

"What have I become?"

Even though she is feeling powerful she doesn't know what changes her body has gone through during the time she was dead.

She looked at the mirror and broke it, she then took a shard and tried to cut her skin to see if she can heal or not.

She slowly glazed the edge of the shard on her skin but to her surprise, it didn't cut, she sighed, she would not get cut from this much pressure in her Vampire form as well so seeing her skin is still tough it was relieving.

This time she put more pressure on it and she cut herself halfway, at the beginning it didn't cut her skin, she realized her skin has gotten stronger so she put more pressure on the blade which finally made a cut, blood gushed out of her hand but slowly stopped as her skin closed up completely stopping the bleeding.

"Even my healing has gone up the notch, I have to find that man and ask him what he did to me".