
Born To Fear

This is the first time Jason has ever transformed, he didn't think he could transform at all, he could feel his shark teeth, his energy being very chaotic and ready to destroy anything that it touches.

The room is filled with a weird sensation, the red aura around Jason turns to black as soon as it goes far from him.

The Djinn who is standing opposite to him is frozen on the spot, fear is overwhelming him, is not any normal fear, it is not like he has seen a scary being and he wants to run away, this fear felt different, he felt that this fear was installed in him during his birth itself.

It is as if he was born to fear Jason.

The Djinn started to quiver and suddenly he started to piss from fear, the Djinn couldn't control himself at all, he started to shout in fear and tried to run the opposite direction to Jason but his path is blocked by the thick wall.

But he didn't care about it, he just wanted to escape from here.

Jason looked at the Djinn and is confused but his reaction, he has seen men quiver in fear but nothing like this before, he could tell the Djinn is just too scared of him.

Jason looked at his body once again, it is the same as before, the only changes that took place are his eyes, teeth and the deep cuts on his cheekbones.

'I think there is more to me than just being something indifferent, why was I the only one who survived whereas anyone else taking the Vampire blood would just die, there is more to this and Vampires are the only thing that could help me find out about it, but they are too hard to find, even Derry is not able to track them back to their base'

Jason thought.

Derry can easily hack into the most powerful defensive program on any government in the world but he couldn't even come close to find the location of their base.

There have only been two reasons for Jason to start this war, the first thing is domination, to rule over everyone and second is finding his identity but it's not on him do list right now because he gets bored if things go too long.

With this war, he can achieve one thing, that is to get close to the Vampires and it will also set him on the path of taking over this world.

Jason stared at Djinn who is just clawing on the thick wall trying to escape, he is so scared that he cannot even think properly.

'Don't tell me I am that scary?'

Jason thought and looked at the Succubus on the side to find her still knocked out cold.

'I should fix things here'

Jason thought and started to walk towards the Djinn, the Djinn who has been clawing at the wall for a long time felt Jason walking towards him, his heart started to beat faster and faster and fear overwhelmed him, he turned around and saw Jason walking towards him, Jason's eyes were very scary, it was like a deep abyss, the only things that prevented it from being a deep abyss is the glowing red outer circle.

"Don't come towards me, please I beg you, go away, go away, go away"

The Djinn started to go crazy as he tried to throw anything his hands to reach Jason, flower vase, chairs, paintings, broke glass, anything that he could grab he threw it at Jason.

Jason just tossed these things to the side and stood right in front of the Djinn, the Djinn feels helpless right now, even though he is powerful the fear that he is going through makes him look like a retard who cannot think of anything.

Jason grabbed the Djinn's head and lifted him up in the air, the Djinn is frozen and has given up on everything, Jason hasn't even done anything and this Djinn already scared to the core, Jason doesn't understand why but seeing the Djinn's reaction made him wonder once again over his own identity, why was he the only one, why is this Djinn scared of him to this extent, why? this is his biggest question.

"Shut up"

Jason said as his eyes revealed a blinding red glow causing the Djinn to stop moving, he just hung there looking at Jason, Jason has used this compulsion to calm down this Djinn or he would have just died from a heart attack.

"This idiot can be very useful to me, he will be my scapegoat to distract Charlotte from investigating more into Celicy's murder"

Jason said and smiled, he looked at the Djinn and started to give him instruction that he will do.

After he is done he put the Djinn to the side and then walked towards the Succubus, he needed her to play a big role in his little game as well.

He made her sit back straight and woke her up from her state and manipulated her as well, he soon explained what she needs to do.

The two are now just his servants that would do anything that he tells them to do, Jason realized that in this form he can make the people who he manipulated do anything with his thought alone, but he realized it was very taxing and he felt tired, this is the first time he felt tired after turning into whatever he is.

After everything was taken care of he returned back to his normal form and he suddenly felt very weak so he sat down on the chair and took a deep breath.

"Wow, that was very taxing, looks like that form will give me overwhelming power but once I return back to normal this will happen"

He said as his head felt lite.

He sat down for an hour as his body recovered and he returned back to normal.

"I should only use that when I face someone who I cannot defeat"

He said and looked at the two on the side, they were like puppets but with their own though.

"You know what to do right? get it done, I don't want to wait for long"

Jason said and walked away.