
The Savage Festival

Jason finally decided to leave this city and continue towards Giumcua, but before he gets there he has to go the other side of the continent and it will be a long journey filled with things he has never seen or experienced before.

Inside his room, Jason gets up from his bed and packed his stuff, he put his weapon belt over his chest and placed both Loviatar and Azrael into them, he then placed the baton on the back and got up, Charlotte saw the guns on Jason and was surprised.

Charlotte "Those guns? where did you get them?"

Julian "These, I got them from a weaponsmith at my home city"

He said.

Charlotte "I don't think a normal weaponsmith can come even close to making one of these"

She said.

Julian "How do you know they are handcrafted?"

Charlotte "Because I know my history, I love researching ancient history, I know those carvings on those guns, they are from the 14th century, I think they were made by Gibil, he was said to be the weaponsmith of gods, his weapons are powerful, they may look ordinary at first but they hold a lot of power"

She said.

Julian "Really, I know they are powerful but it is not as strong as you say"

He said.

Charlotte "Because you have been using them wrong the whole time, there is still mystory on how Gibil made his weapons, any of his weapons could be used with the ammunition of the future just like those two, but they were not built for ammunition, they were built to kill supernaturals, not humans"

She said and walked towards him and took out Loviatar from the gun holder and looked at the carvings, they were very new too her.

Charlotte "Yes, they are made by the Gibil but these two they are different, I don't know how to use these ones, they are older than I think, I have no knowledge about it"

She said in surprise, she had been reading about ancient times, they smiths, their philosophers and many famous beings that lived at that time, the ancient civilization had the answer to everything this world had, but it was destroyed, people started to evolve, their mind becomes more complex, they started to create things that made their life easier, they started to abandon the world's giving, and soon greed kicked in, war came destroyed everything.

Once everything was ruined new civilization was created with more knowledge about survival but less about the world, and the knowledge of this world disappeared as the cycle continued, again and again, the history repeated, first came war, then came survival, then came civilization, people found peace, greed took in, struggle for power again, war and it repeated.

This happened over and over again to this day and now the people in this world have advanced so much that they don't even know the truth about the world they are living.

She was fascinated by these guns.

"Looks there is a lot to learn from you"

He said and took the gun and put it back to the holder and brought Charlotte closer and kissed her.

"If you keep doing this, I will have to fight your other lovers to get the top position"

Charlotte said

"Hahaha, good I like a woman who likes to fight for their right"

Jason said

"Or I can coexist with them"

She said and kissed him.

"Good, then let's go, we are leaving in a few hours"

Jason said and put on his dress.

"Ok, I will be back after packing my stuff"

Charlotte said and walked out of the room after wearing her clothes that were on the floor, she went back to her room to get ready, once she was done she came out of her room and saw Jason waiting for her.

"Come let's go"

He said and took her hand and led her to the elevator, the elevator door closed behind them and they left the hotel after checking out they got into Jason's new car and left.

"So what's the next destination?"

Charlotte asked.

"I don't know, you tell me"

Jason said.

"Then let's head to Amialika, the city is full of surprises, you might find one to your liking"

Charlotte said.

"What is so special about Amialika?"

He asked.

"Amialika, this city is very different from what you imagine, this city is filled with adventure and soon this city is going have a festival, and this festival is something very cruel, some call it savage and some worship this festival"

Charlotte said.

"Festival huh, this festival sounds really interesting, ok let's go to Amialika"

Jason said and hit the accelerator as the car drove off as they left the city.

"Tell me more about this city and its festival?"

Jason asked as they hit the highway, since its a long drive he wanted to learn about this festival that Charlotte deemed to be savage and cruel just the way he likes.

"Every year this festival is held the street of this city get littered with dead bodies"

She said which caught Jason by surprise.


He asked as he got curious about it.

"Because this festival day, the laws don't matter, everything becomes legal for 14 hours, murder, rape, every crime that is illegal is legal during these 14 hours"

Charlotte said.

"You can't be serious right?"

Jason asked, because what he heard felt like something straight out of fiction.

"I am serious"

Charlotte said and looked him in his eyes.

Jason believed her.