

Jason and Charlotte stop right in front of a grand hotel.

"We should rent out a room here, till the Tortious day"

Jason said to Charlotte.

"Whatever you say"

She said and followed Jason into the grand hotel, after renting the room he decided to take a stroll around the city.

"So where do you plan to go?"

Charlotte asked.

"I was thinking of going around the city alone, see if there is something I can find interesting, you should do the same, it's better as we can cover more ground this way"

Jason said.

"Ok, Its fine with me, I wanted to buy some dress for myself as well, be careful out there"

Charlotte said and walked out of their room leaving Jason alone, he walked towards the window and looked outside at the huge city, he saw posters everywhere about the upcoming festival.

"I really am waiting for this festival, let's go outside and see how people prepare for this festival"

Jason said and walked out of his room as well.

As he stepped out of the hotel and into the road to look around. While going through the streets he saw many people walk into the weapons store and grabbing weapons that were under class 4, anything above class 4 was illegal during this festival, weapons that can take down buildings are not allowed, he also learned that government officials about class 6 were immune to this festival, if anybody tried to do anything to them during this festival will be seen has a huge crime and can even face death the next day.

He tried to listen to the people who are talking but he soon realized not many people talk English here and it's frustrating him, everything he learned about this festival was from a book he found in the book store, he learned that this festival has been going on for over a hundred years, it stated that when the first Tortious day was held people thought it was crazy but as years past people got used to it, some even got addicted to it.

While going through the city he heard about this festival over and over again through the radio, a man's voice kept repeating how people should not hide their inner feelings and go all out doing whatever they want, the more Jason listened to it the more he could tell that this voice is trying to manipulate people into doing stuff they are not meant to do.

'They really do manipulate the people here, the more I learn about this festival the more interested I get in it'

Jason thought and finally stopped in front of a mall, he saw a huge line of people waiting outside, he saw them walking into this stores name Ammonation.

'I didn't think I would ever see a gun shop inside a mall, this city is indeed crazy'

He thought and decided to go in as well.

He joined walked towards a young man who was all alone standing there and tapped him on his shoulder.

"Thank you for holding my spot, you can go now"

Jason said as he compelled him, the young man looked zoned out for a second before nodding his head, he smiled at Jason and let him take his place.

"See you later"

The young man said and walked away without any concern, the others who were waiting in the line before the young man was surprised by this, they had seen this young man standing here in this line for a very long time but he suddenly left without even thinking about it.

Jason took over the spot but no one complained as it was given to him by someone else.

The young woman behind him tapped his shoulder calling him, Jason turned around and looked at the young woman behind him, she is not as beautiful as Charlotte but she is still better than others.

"Yes, what is it?"

Jason asked.

"Why did that guy gave his place to you?"

She asked.

She has been waiting in the line for over an hour and that young man in front of her hear right before her, she talked to him a little and thought that he was also here for the same reason as she is.

"I paid him to reserve a spot for me"

Jason said.

"You can do that?"

She asked in surprise?.

"Is it illegal?"

Jason asked.

"No, It's not"

She said and thought about it.

"Indeed it's not, I don't like to wait so I paid the guy to take my place"

Jason said and turned around.

"I see"

The young woman said.

"By the way my name is Amanda, you don't look like someone from this country"

Amanda said.

"Indeed I came for a vacation, I thought of participating in the festival since I find it interesting"

Jason said.

"Weird, I never thought a foreigner would be interested in this savage festival, anyone I met gets scared and get out of the city before the festival even began"

Amanda said.

"I am insane, anything that doesn't make sense, I get attracted to it"

Jason said.

"Oh, I like you, maybe we can hang out during the festival"

Amanda said and giggled.

Jason looked at the young woman behind him and smirked, he sensed something really nasty inside this woman.