
The Festival Begins

It's festival day and people are already on their edge, the festival will start at 7 pm till tomorrow at 9 am, things are already getting crazy, people are already forming gangs and setting up traps for the night, some gangs are even planning on how to steal money from the bank so they have been working hard to track down the money.

During this festival, the biggest target is a bank so these banks move their money to somewhere safe before the festival starts but that doesn't mean they are safe, people can still track them down and steal all that money.

Jason is standing next to the window as he looks down on the street as people are in chaos trying to reach their home where they might be safe behind their thin barricades that are totally useless against guns but it still provides them some help by giving false hope of safety.

"What are you looking at?"

Charlotte asked as she walked towards him from behind and hugged him.

"Looks at these people, rushing towards their home or any place they can find safety while others are causing a riot around"

Jason said.

"Savagery was in human nature, after years and years of evolution they lost it but during this festival, the people living in this city bring out their internal desires and go around committing violence, while putting a false sense of cleansing in their mind"

Charlotte said.

"Too bad, I think I was never a human, I was always cold to others, killing is the only thing I did since a very young age"

Jason said.

"You are not the only one, I have done the same, our race is cursed, without killing once or twice we cannot be sane, you might have done your killing for a reason but now me, I did it just because I could, when I was young I thought it was a hunting game, I would chase humans in forest stalking them and killing them one after the other just for fun, luckily I got out of that phase"

Charlotte said.

"So you ready?"

Jason asked.

"Yes, I am"

Charlotte said.

Jason continued looking outside when his phone buzzed, he took it out and saw a message from the girl he met a few days ago in the mall, Amanda.

"She must have sent the location of the meeting"

Jason said.

Charlotte peeked in to see what the text was about as well, Jason opened it and the first thing he saw was Amanda and her friends wearing very little leather dress that was red in color and had spikes around the breast and vagina parts of the dress, and below that is the location of the place they are going to meet.

"Would you look at that, is it a coincidence that they are camping outside the central city high state building?"

Jason asked.

"I don't think so, why don't you ask"

Charlotte said.

She got a little jealous because some random woman who just met him a few days ago sent him such lewd pictures of herself and her friends.

"I think I will"

Jason said and texted Amanda asking why they are meeting at the central city high state-building, the reply came in, Amanda texted [There is going to be a break-in at the central city high state-building, many people will try to barge in and loot, we plan to do so as well, come on it will be fun]

The text read.

"Would you look at this, these anti-TDFO guys are planning a huge break-in, it's going to be fun I guess"

Jason said.

"What are you going to do?"

She asked.

"Of course everyone that belongs to the TDFO in that building is mine, anyone that gets in my way will die. War is near and even if I am on a vacation I cannot waste time, I need funds for the upcoming war"

Jason said.

"Whose side are you one by the way?"

Charlotte asked.

She knew her clan will be supporting the Werebeast during the war.

"I am siding with no one, I am on my own, a slow invasion that will start from inside"

Jason said.

"I see, can I be of any help to you?"

She asked.

She has had this thought of returning the favor that Jason did for her, finding her sister's murderer.

"Maybe, we will have to wait and watch"

Jason said.

Time passed by and there were only 5 minutes left for the festival to start, the sky is turning dark and people have already closing of their house surrounded by the barricades.

Jason heard a knock on the door so he walked towards it and opened it to see one of the hotel management guys standing there.

"Sir its time to leave, if you want to stay here you can still make the payment"

The man said.

"Don't worry we are leaving, Charlotte, its time to go"

Jason said and called Charlotte out, Charlotte soon walked out wearing a short black leather dress the showed her long legs, there were openings on the side that showed her hips as well.

"I am ready, let's go"

She said.

The hotel staff looked at Charlotte with eyes filled with lust, he didn't think he would see such a hot woman today.

"Now get out of our way"

Jason said and pushed the man to the side and walked away wit Charlotte's hips around his arm.