
Controlling (2)

Jason stood at the edge of the building as he watched Charlotte leave, he then turned around and looked in the opposite direction and walked towards it.

While he had the five people in the room he placed his aura around them so he could track them down, he stopped the big tit woman let the other four go so they become wary of her, this will surely lead the other four to group together to have an exclusive meeting to figure out their situation.

Jason had already predicted that these people will go against him no matter how much fear he installed in them because the organization that rules over them has already brainwashed them, even Aron who seems to know something is still their puppet.

Jason followed one of the trails and finally saw his target, it was the woman who sat in the lead chair, she was the best potential candidate to be his original spy, the woman with big tits was just a distraction while this woman will be the main, no one will suspect her because she was the main bitch, the organization put her in charge of all the things that would go around here while Aron will be supervising everything secretly.

A huge organization that is planning to start a continental-wide war wouldn't let some incompetent, untrusted person in charge of everything.

He followed the woman till she arrived at an apartment, Jason checked around the apartment and tried to find any cameras that were around the apartment, luckily he didn't find any.

Well, cameras are not well secured and anyone can hack into them, seeing that this woman wouldn't want to get spied on she would try not to be under the radar of public or private cameras.

Jason followed her into her apartment, he watched as she entered her room, Jason waited for a while till he can enter, he stood outside trying to hear what is going on inside, he listened as the woman entered into her shower, seeing his chance he easily broke into the house and started to look around, finding nothing he decided to wait and sat down on the couch.

After a few minutes, the woman walked out of her bathroom with a towel around her, as she walked towards her bedroom through the hall she suddenly stopped her steps as she noticed someone at the corner of the room sitting with a bottle of wine in his hand.

"I couldn't find any beer, so I took this expensive wine, hope you don't mind?"

Jason said as he looked at her and smiled

Seeing Jason the woman got shocked and fell on the ground as her towel came lose revealing her body, even though she is not young she still has a nice body, she quickly got back to her feet and covered herself once again with the towel.

"What are you doing here?"

She asked as she slowly backed away.

"You will know soon"

Jason said and got up from the couch and approached the woman as his eyes glowed, after five minutes he walks out of the door and gets back to the hotel room, once he gets there he sees Charlotte has tied up herself on the bed with handcuffs and a gag in her mouth, seeing Jason enter the room Charlotte shook a little as she got excited as what is going to happen next.

"Looks like you want to be to go full hardcore today?"

Jason said and he undressed, Charlotte nodded her head as she waited for Jason.

Jason got onto the bed and started to fuck Charlotte till she couldn't think straight.


The next day, it was time for Jason to move to the next city and get a little closer to his destination.

But before that, he needed to call Derry and confirm something, he got up from the bed and saw that Charlotte is still tied up all dirty with her legs spread.

Jason shook his head and made a call to Derry.


"Yes, Derry how are you and how is Freyton doing?"

Jason asked.

"I am doing fine and so is Freyton, Clara is handling it very well, Freyton can become the next advance city in South Cobia"

Derry said.

"Good, I sent you the picture of five people, I want you too look into them and see if you can monitor them"

Jason said.

"Oh, I got those pictures, that woman with big tits is freaking sexy, did you fuck her?"

Derry said.

"No, and just do what I told you to, don't ask about my sex life"

"Ok, ok, I will look into it"

"Ok, you do that while I do my thing"

Jason said and ended the call.

Being in Dorma was good but Jason missed Freyton and the things happening there, even though he is a psychopath he cares about his birth city even though he shows not to. If something happened to Freyton he would try to destroy everyone that was related to its destruction, that is why he killed off those maggots that were polluting Freyton for their own benefits.

Jason untied Charlotte and woke her up and told her to get ready to leave, his car still needs to be fixed but with money, it could be handled in an hour and Jason has a lot to spend if he wants to.