Chapter 20 Can You Cook?

Grace Mainland.

"Hey, since it is only 2 km away, why don't we play a race? Who is faster among us?" [Yang Min You]

ヾ(〃^∇^)ノ "Agree. What is the reward?" [You You Min] looks happy.

"Reward? ... Can I ask for help in purifying my Profound Qi?" [Mo Yan Yu]

"Deal, if one of you wins against me, I will help stabilize and purifying your Profound Qi for one hour. One hour for each of you." [Yang Min You]

"Yes!!!" [You You Min and Mo Yan Yu]

'Wait, You Min, you put me in your neck, I will pretend as your necklace. Since you are not from around here, you are suitable for pretending as a hidden True God Realm master.' [Ruby]

"Ok." [You You Min]

"You Min, don't forget, if you want to colaboration with Ruby, you can talk with mind chat, but make sure the Profound Qi is flowing from your body to Ruby directly. If you are facing an expert, he or she will know the flaw." [Yang Min You]

"Got it." [You You Min]

"Now, let's begin. Three... Two... One... Go!!!!" [Yang Min You]


Σ(O_O;) "..." A tall, robust and yellow hair middle age man with a large sword looks perplexed and becomes vigilant.

"What's wrong Boss Luo? Dark World's scout?" a young man asks. He is about 25 years old with a tall and slender body. But from his body can be sensed leadership aura. His name is Zhao Xin.

"Everyone, be careful. A Nascent realm warrior is coming here. But his speed is abnormal, about Disaster Realm's speed. This Nascent Realm must be his cover." [Luo Hao] cold sweats.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "WHATTT!!!! Formation. Die, you are in the middle." A young woman with crisps voice shouts. Her name is Di Ya Lan. She has a beautiful bordeaux long hair, and she wears a sexy red bikini armor. Her face are ordinary, not too beautiful, but her flat belly and long legs are her unique charm.

Mu Yu Die, a young girl with a white dress. She is a tall and beautiful girl, her beauty on the same level with Mo Yan Yu. Her slender figure with long hair are her charm. But she is very pale, her martial spirit was damaged.

The last one is Hu Long, a young man with tall figure. He is a talkative person but a little dumb.

Luo Hao and Mu Yu Die are running away from Fire Empire. They hired a small team mercenary which is a little weaker, Nascent Realm team. They couldn't choose stronger team because of running out of time.

Mu Yu Die's grandfather is a great general from Fire Empire. His name is Mu Ku. Luo Hao is his trusted subordinate. His cultivation is Nirvana Realm, and he is wellknown in Fire Country, Merchant Union, and God Blessed Empire. It was a pity, because of politic issues, he was killed by five Nirvana Realm warriors. And his family was hunted and killed by his enemy.

Mu Yu Die is the last one from Mu Family. She was pursued by an assasin organization from Fire Empire. This organization name is Dark World. Mu Yu Die is seeking refuge from Merchant Union.

Zhao Xin, Hu Long, and Di Ya Lan are a team. Originally, this team had four people. But one of them was dead because of beast a year ago. He was Di Ya Lan's husband. These husband and wife were pitiful, their marriage only one month old.

"Be careful, he is coming!!!" [Luo Hao]

"So fast!!!" [Zhao Xin]

"YESSS!!! I am first!" [a young girl] suddenly shows up and stops in 50 metres from the team.

Σ(⊙▽⊙") "... WHATTT!!! A young girl??? Is she a member of Dark World? But she doesn't wear black robe..." [Di Ya Lan]

"Who are you? Why are you..." [Luo Hao] asks but he is stopped because of another two people suddenly show up too. He becomes extremely vigilant.

"Yan Yu!!! These race is not fair!!! Both of you already team up, but You Min still jumped and piggybacked on me." [a young man] shows up, and he piggybacks a young girl.

These young man is only in average height. He has short hair with strange cloth. The other two girl also wear strange clothes.

"Who are you? What realm are you? Why I cann't feel your realm?" [Luo Hao]

"What??? Boss Luo, you, a Disaster Realm couldn't sense the last two people???" [Zhao Xin] is agitated.

(。・ω・。)ノ "Fine... Fine... I lost. Tonight I help you two to purified your Profound Qi. Hey, Uncle. My name is Yang Min You, these two girl are my wives. The red one is You You Min, and the white one is Mo Yan Yu. About our cultivation, hahahahaha... That is a secret." [Yang Min You]

"... Where do you come from? Your clothes... I never seen them before. And why did your hair short? I never seen a man with short hair before. Everyone in here are either long hair or bald." [Mu Yu Die]

"Are you idiot? His hair is short, of course for bald prevention. Beside that, when you are fighting in close range, your hair is your obstacle. You only need to grab that long hair to disrupt their fighting rhythm." [You You Min] sneered.

"That's... Girl, you are too vicious, don't you know about battle ethic?" [Zhao Xin] shocks when he heard You You Min's answer.

(´ ▽`)..o "Hahahahaha... Bro, you are funny... It is a miracle if you are survived until now. Battle ethic is only for friendly battle. Who cares about battle ethic when you are in deadly battle. Sometimes, even one people is ambushed and forced to fight against dozen of people. And you care about battle ethic? You die first." [Yang Min You] laughs while explaining.

"... That's..." [Zhao Xin]'s face become red because of embarrassment. He couldn't refute .

"He is right. Die's grandfather is the example. Young man, it seems your battle experience is richer than us. Thanks for your reminder." [Luo Hao] answers with grateful.

"Hey, White Girl, our clothes is called modern sportwears. There are a lot of models and colour too. It is a pity, you will not be able to wear these kind of fashion in your entire life." [Mo Yan Yu] answers and her eyes shows pity.

"Why did you say that? Is it an expensive clothes that you looked down on us? On poor people." [Di Ya Lan] is provoked by Mo Yan Yu's expression.

"Nope, these clothes are one of privilege that you can get by becoming Min You Ge's wives. That's why you will not be able to get these clothes. Except..." [Mo Yan Yu] grins.

"Y-y-you are a rogue girl." [Mu Yu Die] looks a little angry. Di Ya Lan is dumbfounded by a strange answer.

(|||゚д゚) "Yan Yu, enough... Don't suddenly recruit another new sister. Oh right, I have an important question to your group." [Yang Min You]

"What is it?" [Luo Hao]

"Can you cook?" [Yang Min You] asks with a serious face.

Σ(っ°Д °; )っ "... WHATT!?!?!" a group of five people are shocked and speechless about this strange question. Their vigilant reduce a lot by their shock.

"Y-y-you come to us at high speed only to ask 'Can you cook?'. Come on, this is the weirdest situation I ever met." [Hu Long]