Chapter 22 You Are Just My Food

"They come. Nom nom..." [Yang Min You] says while munching beast jerky.

Yang Min You three people are waiting enemies to come in the open area which the range between giants trees a little far.

After a while, 8 people come. They show up and stop at nearby low branch. They half surrounds Yang Min You's three people. All of them wear black clothes. Their eyes are showing a cold and cruel personality.

"... ... Nom nom..." [Yang Min You] three people just stand and munch beast jerky while looking at 8 people.

"... ... ..." [Black Cloth men]

Yang Min You picks again a beast jerky and munching again slowly "... ... Nom Nom..."

( -_-+) "... ... ..." [Black Cloth men]

"Hey... One more... Nom Nom..." [You You Min] picks a beast jerky and munching in a loud noise.

( -_-#) "... ... ..." [Black Cloth men]

Mo Yan Yu also picks another beast jerky and munching without saying anything "... Nom Nom."

( ◣_◢#) "YOU... HOW DARE YOU DIRESPECT US?!?!" [Black Cloth man with Human Realm strength] shouts angrily and showing killing intent.

"... Did I know you? Nom nom." [Yang Min You]

"... No..." [Black Cloth man with Human Realm strength]

"Then why we must respect you? We were standing and eating here first. Or you are in here first?" [Yang Min You]

"This..." [Black Cloth man with Human Realm strength]

"Nom nom... Are you hungry people who trying to steal our snacks?" [Yang Min You]

"Who want to steal your snacks?" [Black Cloth man with Human Realm strength]

"ENOUGHHHH!!! JUST KILL THIS LOUD MOUTH. SECURE THAT TWO GIRLS." [Black Cloth man with Disaster Realm strength]

"YES LEADER!!!" [Black cloth men]

"WAIT A MINUTE!!! Why are you trying to kill Min You Ge and capture us?" [You You Min] shouts.

"Why? Hahahaha... Just blame a girl name Mu Yu Die. She ran away too far causing us overbudget. You girls are quite beautiful, after we train a bit, you will be sell at high price to some aristocrat in Fire Empire." [Black Cloth man with Human Realm strength] answers with lustful eye.

"SHUT UP!!! Talking unnecessary again, I'll take your head!" [Black Cloth man with Disaster Realm strength] glares at his subordinat.

"S-Sorry Leader!" [Black Cloth man with Human Realm strength] trembles in fright.

"Hey, why do you want to kill me?" [Yang Min You] looks at the black cloth men's leader.

"In my eyes, you are just ant. KILL THEM." [Black Cloth man with Disaster Realm strength] answers coldly.

Six Nascent Realm black cloth men jump to attack Yang Min You three people at the same time.

'New God's Domain upgrade is completed.'

There is an announcement in Yang Min You three people and ring's mind.

"Hahahaha, then in our eyes, you eight people are foods." [Yang Min You] throws the beast jerky package to New God's Domain, and summons his two small shields.

Σ( ° △ °) "WHAT!!! Space storage??? ATTACK!!! THEY ARE NOT ORDINARY PEOPLE." [Black Cloth leader] shocks and immediately also joins in the attack.

"DOUBLE SHIELDS THROW!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts while throwing his two shield widely to the most left and most right enemy. His right shield is thrown to the most left enemy, and his left shield is thrown to the most right enemy. And he maintains his crossing hand position.

The enemies evade the shields easily by jumping inside. The most left enemy jumps to his right, and the most right enemy jumps to his left. That makes the enemies a little crowded in the center and begins to prepare their stance with their swords and knives while running toward Yang Min You.

"Lightning Ball!!! Shoot!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] uses her Lightning Martial Spirit and creates lightning ball. When Lightning Ball reach Volley Ball's size, she throws the lightning ball toward Yang Min You.

Yang Min You with his control technique, absorbs the lightning ball from his back and creates lightning rope from both of his wrists and shoots toward the spinning thrown shields and connects it.

"What??? Friendly attack?" [Six black cloth men with Nascent Realm strength] shock and causing their reaction a little slow.

"IDIOT!!! DODGE!!!" [Black Cloth man leader]

"Too late!!! BOOMERANG!!!!" [Yang Min You] shouts and swings open his crossing hands. The left shield swings to the right and the right shield swings to the left. Both swings in wide range before return to Yang Min You hands.

All six black cloth men with Nascent Realm strength are stunned. They are not knocked by shields, but they are stunned by the passing lightning rope.

"DOUBLE SAN XING DA FA!!!" [Yang Min You, You You Min and Mo Yan Yu] shout. Each person attack two heads of the stunned enemy.

Before enemies fall down, Yang Min You already jumps to attack the Black Cloth Leader, and You You Min jumps to attack the Black Cloth Vice Leader.

The Vice Leader shocks and immediately gathers his Profound Qi to his twin daggers. His daggers illuminate with green colour. He smiles wickedly toward the coming You You Min and prepares to slash her.

"QI SLASH!!!" [Mo Yan Yu] throws two thick ordinary curves Qi at high speed toward Vice Leader.

The Vice Leader is shocked and immediately swings his twin daggers to block the coming Qi Slashes. Mo Yan Yu's Qi Slashes are too fast, and he couldn't evade it.

The Vice Leader blocks both Qi Slashes but both his hands was numbed by Qi Slashes power.

"DOUBLE PALMS!!! SAN XING DA FA!!!" [You You Min] already arrives in front of him and throws double palm his chest.

"Crap!!!" [Vice Leader] shocks and cold sweat. He receives the double palm and vomits a mouthful blood toward You You Min.

The Vice Leader is thrown out for dozen metres and knocked out.

You You Min makes a layer of Profound Qi to defend her and Ruby from blood.

The leader gathers his Qi in his steel claws. His steel claws are coated with black Qi. And they are thicker compared to Vice Leader Qi.

"DARK CLAWS!!!" [The Leader] swings both his steel claws and dark Qi resemble two claws shoot toward Yang Min You.

"QI SLASH!!!" [Yang Min You] gathers from surrounding Profound Qi to his right index finger, and swing it horisontally.

Yang Min You's thin Qi Slash was shot at high speed. It is much faster than Mo Yan Yu's Qi Slash. Yang Min You's one Qi Slash confronts twin dark claws. The dark claws was cut in the middle and Yang Min You's Qi Slash move toward the leader.

"Imposibble!!!" [The Leader] shocks when he saw his Dark Claw broken. He immediately blocks Yang Min You's Qi Slash using his double steel claws.

He was thrown backward for several metre and success to block Yang Min You's Qi Slash. But when he tries to look toward Yang Min You, he is shocked by the coming rotating shield. He can see that the shield is coated by uneven thin Qi in the edge. He is frightened by the high pitching sound of shield.



He immediately blocks again with his twin steel claws. But his steel claws are cracked and broken. Before he could stand steadily, Yang Min You already arrive in front of him. He prepares to counter attacks.

"ROARRRR!!!" 'Shi Zi Hou' [Yang Min You] roars toward the leader, but he controls his Profound Qi to attack his ears.

The leader was losing his balance under sound attack at close range.

"See!!! You are just my food. SAN XING DA FA!!!" [Yang Min You] slams the leader's head.