Wedding Terrors

He awoke. The sun had just started to peek into the night, and started its chase of the moon. He turned onto his side. She was lying on her back. Cold sweat covered her face and body. She had moved away from him and had clutched the blanket. He sighed, and sat up on the side of the bed. He rubbed his eyes and took a drink from the bottle on the side of the bed. He got to his feet and cracked his back. Hopefully she didn't wake up and slept through the night, she was scared of being alone and me being asleep when she awoke would have made it worse. He sat at the table and took another drink. He looked around the room, something caught his attention. He took a knife and walked over to the wall near the bed. The blood splatter had dried on the wooden wall and on the shelf next to the bed. He peeled it off with the knife and let it fall to the floor. That guy didn't have a wife, no one will care about him, to me, he is less a human, he is a monster, attacking Cass and trying to rape her, what type of thought has to go through your head to think like that? He jammed the knife into the table, making a large thunk that resonated through the room. He heard Cassidy gasp and when he turned around she was sitting upright in the bed. Sweat covered her face. She was trembling. He sighed and got up and sat next to her. He cuddled next to her, with his right arm around her. Her teeth clattered as if she was freezing, sweat dripped down her face.

"Wha-What was that?" She whispered weakly, "Di-Did you hear that?"

"Don't worry, that was me," He said reassuringly as he pointed at the knife that was jammed into the table, "No one is here to hurt you. If you want you can sleep some more, I will be here all day, so don't worry."

"I think I should try to sleep," She said as she lied down. Hugo got up, "Where are you going?" She grabbed his hand.

"I am going to work outside, I won't be far," He crouched next to her and past his hand through her hair. He got up and put his coat on. He took a drink and unlocked the door before heading out. He sat the table on his front porch. He lit a cigarette, and his advisor soon arrived.

"Good morning Capt'n," His advisor said, "I brought the news the people have sent to be put up."

"Let me see then," Hugo took the files, "What are they about?"

"There is one about a merchant who is starting a business, there is one about a women's tea party, and one about a farmer looking for workers in the inland, among others."

"I see, you can hang the tea party, the merchant and the farmers," He said, "But for this one, I don't think that Sevinor's death should be used to promote the military, remove it entirely. Change it to a simple promotion of the military with the reports on the Noxian bombing or showing a Bilgewater seaman stomping a Noxian Banner, something impressive."

"Very well, Capt'n," He said as he put away in a folder, "Anything else?"

"I think that the one about me should be removed, I can't have people making stories about me, that is something I will do later," Hugo said as he blew smoke, "I think that should be fine, the rest seem good."

"Very well, Capt'n," His advisor said as he sorted the files into two different folders, "I will have them hung on the bulletin board at noon, can I do anything else for you?"

"How is the marriage getting along?"

"Ah yes, I forgot, the marriage organizer wanted to see your wife to prepare her dress, you know, measurements and other things."

"Have her come, but not right now, maybe in an hour or so."

"Very well, Capt'n. Have a good day," His advisor waved as he walked back down to the city with his folders under his arms. Hugo blew more smoke and pulled the chest closer to the table, he opened it. The material he needed for the suit was there. He took out his plans for his suit and started working under the beating sun.

He worked until he noticed his advisor walking towards him, "The tailor is here," He said as Hugo noticed a woman and two men carrying a chest behind her.

"I'll see if she is fine to do this today," Hugo said as he walked into the house.

"What happened?" His advisor asked.

"She got attacked and nearly raped by the captain I killed yesterday."

"Very well," He said. Hugo walked into the house and saw Cassidy sitting with and empty bottle next to her.

"By the creator, are you okay?" He rushed to her side.

"Yeah, I am fine, I was a little thirsty," She said lightly.

"Is is okay if the tailor takes measures for your dress?"

"Can you stay with me?"

"Yes, Of course I can."

"Then yes, she can."

"I'll be right back," He said as he walked back outside, "Come in. To warn you, she had a rough day yesterday, so do what you will with that."

"Good morning, my lady," The tailor said as she introduced herself, "I am the tailor in charge for the leader's clothes, therefore yours as well," She turned, "Put it there, and take out my measuring tape," The men followed her orders. Hugo sat on the bed next to Cassidy.

"I would need you to stand, my lady," She said. Cassidy rose to her feet. I am sorry Cassidy, I should've waited but at least it will be over and you won't have to do it again.

It seemed as if hours went by, the tailor had done this once for him but he was feeling more and more uneasy. Cassidy seemed exhausted. She barely spoke when the tailor asked her questions. Hugo sat and watched wishing she would find what she wanted and leave. Cassidy was probably thinking the same way. After waiting what felt like an eternity, the tailor finally put her fabric back into the chest and put away her stuff and the men closed the chest.

"Thank you very much, my lady," The tailor said, "It has been an honor, the dress will be done very soon, I hope you will like it."

"Thanks," Cassidy said as they left the room, she stood in the middle of the room for some time before rubbing her eyes and sitting on the bed, "Why was it so long?"

"She was hired for her talent, not her speed," He said as she lied down on his lap, "I am sorry it took so long."

"Don't worry," She said, "I was just thinking of tonight," She smiled and bit her lower lip and moved his head towards hers and kissed him. The sun was still high in the sky.

"You will have to wait for tonight," He said, pointing outside, "It is still noon, do you want some food?"

"Yeah, I would like some," She said looking up at him, "What do you have in here?"

"Dry food."


"Jerky, some dried fruits, salted fish, basic things."

"You know what?"

"What are you thinking?"

"You should have someone that you can call to get food and other things for you."

"Not a bad idea," He said, "I'll arrange for it, but do you want anything here or should I go get some," Those words sent shivers down her spine.

"No, I-I think that I can find something I'll eat," She said, "I don't really want anything from the tavern."

"If you want, I'll be outside," He said as he picked her up and laid her back down on the bed, "I will be working just outside."

"Okay, what are you building?"

"Something I will show you when it is finished."

"A secret? Well, I'll grab something to eat, have fun," She said as he walked out of the door, he sat at the table once again and pulled out the chest, he had nearly finished the body of the suit. Now I need to make the propelling system, it might be more complicated than I thought, no, it shouldn't be hard. He continued to work until the sun started setting. He had finished the suit, now he needed to test it. He started to talk to himself.

"It works using air or water to propel me through the water and the air, I'll probably stick to water, the dorsal blade will help me go fast through the water, and with the speed I should be able to leap in and out of the water," He put it on, "This shoulder blade is a little tight," He took it off and started bending it to shape, he lifted his head when his advisor came walking towards him with a box.

"Good evening, Capt'n," He said as he handed him the box, "The merchant wanted to offer you something for helping him start his business, it's some food."


"Yes, some fish, some shrimps, some muscles and some crab, he said that one of his colleagues said you liked seafood."

"Tell him thank you from my part," He said, "Talking about food, Cass wanted to know if it would be possible to have a sort of delivery system for food."

"I think that I can arrange that, Capt'n," He said as he scribbled something into his notebook, "Anything else?"

"No, if there is any news, we can talk about it tomorrow, no need to rush."

"Very well, Capt'n, have a good night," His advisor turned and left. Hugo put on the suit again, it fit him perfectly, he took it off and put it back in the chest, he took the box and walked back inside. Cassidy was sitting on a chair with a cigarette in her mouth, with her legs on the table. She looked up surprised and pointed at the box Hugo had just put on the table.

"What is that?"

"A present from a merchant," He said, "Some cooked food, something you like," He took the cigarette from her mouth and took a puff before putting it back in her mouth, "Take a guess."

"Seafood?" She smiled and opened the box, "It looks great!"

"Take some," He said as he sat down and took a drink, "Want some?" He held out his bottle.

"Sure, I spent the whole afternoon smoking and waiting for tonight."

"Did you take any?"

"Any what?" She said with a playful tone, "Ah, I see what you mean, maybe I took one, who knows?"

"Well then, why don't we eat and then we can have some fun," He said with a malicious grin, before he change the topic completely, "The food is from a merchant who asked for the permission to spread the news about his business and so I allowed it and so he thanked me."

"The seafood? How did he guess that?" She asked as she took a drink.

"My advisor said that one of his 'colleagues' said that I liked seafood," He said smiling, "They don't know that it is you who likes the seafood so much here."

"Hey Mister, seafood is great."

He put his hands up, "Never said it was bad."

"You were implying it."

"At least it is more subtle than your clues," She blushed, "A little eye candy is never bad," He softly lifted her chin and she bit her lower lip, "Let's finish eating to get rid of that desire that is eating you alive."