War on Noxus

Several years later...

"Capt'n, a letter for you from the capital," One of his soldiers walked into his tent.

"Who sent it?"

"Your wife, Capt'n."

"Give it to me," He said as he took the letter, "Return to your post, thank you," He opened the sealed letter as the soldier exited his tent. He began reading it:

Dear Hugo,

We haven't talked in a long while, recently, our daughter fell sick, she has been in bed for a few days now. The doctor has said that she should be fine but that she will need to rest for a few more days. I hope you are well, and I hope to see you soon.

We miss you.


He turned the page around. Nothing, she wrote very little, well, I suppose nothing much has been happening on the island. He put the page back into the letter and shoved it into a chest on the shelf near his bed. He walked out of the tent. The camp had been set up after the last push into the Noxian empire. He stopped to take a drink. Maybe after this final take on the Noxian outpost, I shall return to the capital. Mother and Cass are probably eager to see us again.

"Capt'n, the soldiers are ready to take the city," One of his generals said as she walked next to him, "I think this should be an easy take, we have been bombing the city the entire night."

"Then call the other generals."

"Yes, Capt'n" She nodded as she left to go find the others. Hugo walked back into his tent. Omega was sitting on the chair behind the table.

"When did you get here?"

"When you were talking, so you want to rush the city?" Omega said, "Support was spotted twenty kilometers away this morning, so we have to move fast."

"I have a plan to rush it."

"Capt'n," The generals walked in.

"We need to beat the arrival of the support, the first and the second division will head east and attack in a pincer like raid, me and Omega will attack the front with the third division and the fourth and fifth will attack by the west, the sixth will stay back."

"Very well Capt'n, we will head out now," The generals said as they left the tent, "We will launch a signal flare when we are ready."

"Let's go," Hugo said as he followed them out, "The reinforcements will be there soon, so get there fast and attack."

"Yes Capt'n."

They arrived near the gates of the city, Omega unleashed his demonborn form, Hugo grabbed a rifle, "Staying back?"

"No, I want to only use it when I need it."

"More fun for me," Omega shrugged, "There, two flares, let's go," Gunfire quickly broke the silence as the guards tried to defend against the raid. Hugo fired a couple rounds towards the guards as fell, one by one on the walls. Omega smashed the closed gate and the rest of the soldiers flowed into the city. Hugo climbed onto the wall and used his hands, now as hooks, to pull himself up to the top of the wall. He knelt down and fired rounds towards the other guards. The other gates were being overrun and the Noxians retreated towards the town hall. Their general must be there. He jumped onto a roof and ran across the top, before jumping onto another. He jumped over a street and fired a hailstorm of rounds into the Noxian barricade that had held up after the first assault. The men got distracted and were soon gunned down by the Bilgewater troops. He continued to head towards the town hall. He jumped down and Omega joined him. They looked at each other and nodded. Omega changed his entire body into a massive bipedal beast covered in black spikes. He charged at the men and curled into a ball, slamming through the defensive lines of the Noxians and killing most of them. He regained his natural form and brutally ended the remaining men that Hugo hadn't shot. He smashed the metal door and Hugo quickly joined him. The room was empty, except for the general who was sitting on a throne at the other end of the room. He was calm and smiled. Omega walked in front of Hugo. They reached the middle of the room. The general didn't move, he simply stared them down. Two massive creatures crashed through the walls. They surrounded Hugo and Omega. Omega removed his bone arm and made it into a bone blade. He turned to Hugo and nodded. He jumped off of the floor dodging the beast's massive claws and scaled its arm. It swung its other claws at Omega, but missed throwing it off balance. Omega planted his blade into the beast's arm and swung down and landed on its chest and jammed the blade into it's chest and extending the bone blade, making it leave through the other side. The beast shook its massive body and tried to kill Omega by squashing him. Omega jumped off and landed on the other beast's shoulder. Hugo moved away from both beasts as they tried to kill Omega as he moved along their bodies. One of the beast swung and missed Omega but didn't miss the other beast, slashing right through it. The beast let out a dying roar and collapsed to the floor. Omega jumped onto the other monster's arm and regained his bone arm and drove it into one of the beast's massive eyes. It lurched in pain. Hugo fired a round into the other. The beast, now blinded flailed around as Omega jumped off its head and created a giant bone blade from his arm and slashed it down the back of the beast's head. The beast fell as Omega hit the ground. The Noxian general drew his gun to kill Omega. Hugo aimed and fired, shattering the gun out of the man's hand. He drew his blade as Omega approached him and swung it. Omega bit the blade as it swung and shattered the blade into many pieces. Omega grabbed the general by the throat and lifted him. Hugo walked to his side. He tapped his shoulder and Omega dropped the man and he fell to the floor. Hugo tossed his rifle and drew his revolver.

"Why hello there Noxian, you joined the wrong side in this war," Hugo said as he held his gun on the man's forehead, "You should have fled like the other generals, you lost the city, you barely killed any Bilgewater and you will lose your own life," A gunshot resonated through the empty town hall. Omega hit his back.

"Nice shot," He laughed, "I didn't notice it."

"We are a good team," He said as they left the town hall, "You ready to go back? Go back and see Cass and Sona?"

"Ha ha ha, you bet, it's been a year, I receive a message this morning from her, she said that your daughter got sick, but that everything was fine."

"Yeah, Cass told me, I can't wait, the we will be leaving tonight once the city is cleared and the controlled, and maybe we could have someone check those things," Hugo said pointing at the beasts, "How did you know what to do?"

"Ah, that my son, is called practice, practice from my life in Runatra, I need to tell you those stories some day."

"Maybe on the way back to the mainland?"

"Probably," He said as they walked out and met the Generals, "Losses?"

"Only 9 from the first and 4 from the second, they had spotted us before so they defended the eastern entrance heavily."

"Have a letter sent to the families," Hugo said, "Unlucky, I would have hoped for a clean sweep, but were their any prisoners?"

"No, the only people who are remaining are civilians, we searched the houses and found no real danger. What happened to the general? We heard loud roars, like some sort of beasts."

"About that, have someone come and record data from those things, we need to be able to know what they are and how to easily beat them, they were clearly controlled by the general."

"Very well, Capt'n, the next outpost is 50 kilometers away, shall we advance on it?"

"No, me and Omega are returning to the Capital, we will build up our defenses here and defend it, the men who have done two rotations will return with us and be replaced by new men, this is the beginning of the end for the Noxians," Hugo laughed, "Tell the generals to move their troops here, have two other camps built to defend our lands, with two divisions in each."

"Yes Capt'n, I will send them the message," She said, "Should we continue our search in the city?"

"Yes, search each house to find anything worth keeping and make sure to loot the fallen Noxians, but do it neatly, the people shouldn't feel like we are here to kill them, we are only here to capture the city and cause the less civilian deaths."

"Yes Capt'n, I will get to that right away," She bowed her head and left them. Hugo sighed and took a drink. Omega grabbed the bottle after he finish and took a drink as well. They walked towards the civilians who were getting rounded up by the soldiers. There was about 50 of them, mostly families.

"Is that all of them?"

"Yes, what shall we do?"

"What do you mean? This is a small town, they live here and therefore they can stay, this is their home, we treat them with respect and we don't humiliate them, if any of your men do so, I will need a report and I will deal with them myself, am I understood?"

"Yes Capt'n, don't worry, I will do as you say."

"If you don't, you know the price you will have to pay," Hugo and Omega left on that icy message. They walked over to a house that had been turned to rubble by the bombing. He sat down and lit a cigarette. He sighed and pulled out his gun. He opened the cartridges and spun it. He let it spin and then shut it.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I am just thinking about Nami, I hope she is fine."

"She will be, don't worry," Omega said, "Sona would notice if something bad would happen to her, and the doctor is checking up on her."

"Yeah, I know," He said looking down at the ground, "With this war, I might gain popularity but I have to sacrifice the time I can spend with my family."

"I think you are doing the right choice, Jarvan the Third hasn't attacked you, and I think you will enjoy seeing Cassidy more than you usually do."

"Yeah, I guess you are right," He shrugged as he got up and tossed his cigarette, "Maybe we should go get our things at the camp, you coming?"
