Undritch the Traitor

"I see you came," The man said without turning around, "I thank you."

"Who are you?"

"That doesn't matter."

"Who are you? What do you want?"

"Slow down a little," He said, "I came to offer you some information."

"About what?"

"Noxus. I am a expelled Noxian."

"Noxian? You have balls to come to Bilgewater."

"Enough about that, I am here to give you information about Noxus, information that you might need."

"How can I trust you?" The man removed his coat, still with his back turned to Hugo, revealing a Noxian banner with a large X scar through it, "And that is supposed to make me trust you?"

"Look smart ass, if I walk into any Noxian city and they see this, I will get executed, you hear me?" He said getting up and walking towards Hugo, "I have some information for you, do you want to hear it?"

"There has to be something for you in this, what is it?"

"I just need a place of refuge until the war is over and I can return to my homeland," He said, "I swear to the creator, that I will not attack anyone or cause any problems."

"Seems reasonable, come with me," He said, "We need a quiet place to speak of this."

"Of course, of course," They walked up the path and stopped outside of his house. Hugo sat down at the table, and motioned for the man to do so as well.

"I have a deal to make with you."

"What may that be?" He asked, "What would you need to offer me, if I ask for a meager home?"

"Here is what I think," Hugo said, "Since you know Noxus so well as a former general, you will join us on the war front and from there, when we win, you will regain your home land, what do you think?"

"Sound tempting."

"I heard that there was a new Noxian leader, is that so?"

"Actually yes," The man said as he leaned forward, "He is a stubborn one, he is 24 years old, he took the role of his father, Swain, the military genius, who died recently."

"You said stubborn what do you mean?"

"He doesn't change his mind easily or give up, unless."

"Unless what?"

"He is some sort of crazy, you know, in a love type of way," He chuckled, "Much like you were."

"What do you mean?"

"Like you and Cassidy," He said, "I know a lot of things, I have some pretty good contacts here, for the smuggling I used to do."

"I assume they banished you because of that?"

"Yep, and I was working with Demacian, Shuriman and Ionian smugglers," He laughed, "More money than just being a general."

"So what else do you know about this guy? Is he married?"

"No, that is the thing, he is in love with a thane of his court," He said, "But she is already married, but she still has huge influence over him."

"Who is this thane's husband? A general?"

"Yes, exactly, so he is on the war front, so well, they have an affair."

"Isn't he a king? Doesn't he have the power to do that?"

"He does but you know, public image and all that," He leaned back and took a drink from his bottle, "So yeah, I would--"

"Hugo, I am back, who are you talking to-, who is this?" Hugo got up to greet her, he leaned over and whispered in her ear.

"I will tell you later, don't bother thinking about it, it is for the war," He kissed her cheek.

"I am going to get changed then, see you in a bit, oh and it is two, just to let you know."

"Okay, dear," He said as he returned to his seat, "You were saying."

"I don't think she will like that you are talking to me," He whispered, "Maybe when you go get Nami we can talk."

"How do you know so much about me?"

"Contacts, do you want to hear some names the Noxians give you?"

"Go ahead, surprise me."

"I'll skip the insult ones, you got the name of Noxian nightmare or Bilgewater scourge," He laughed as he lit a cigarette, "That is my favorite, the scourge, it suits the way you fight alongside your father. Don't raise your eyebrow, every Noxian knows that you fight with him, not that he is your father, they call him your 'best man' if you know what I mean."

"I do," He shook his head, "Do they all insult me?"

"Of course, they hate you, but if you hand the governing to a Noxian, they will feel a bit better I think, like there will be less of a feeling of oppression."

"I guess you are right."

"You know, I really liked what you did to her parents." He leaned forward.

"What do you mean? They were Noxians."

"They were --"

"Shut up," He said, "Hey Cass, you can join us if you want."

"Okay," She said as she sat down, "So who is this guy?"

"I am Undritch, the--" He turned to Hugo, "Should I tell her?"

"Tell me what?"

"Go ahead, she will understand," He said as he took a drink, "She isn't a child."

"I am a banished Noxian General."

"What?! Hugo, how could you let this guy be here? He could be a spy, he could want to harm these lands."

"No, my lady, look here," He removed his coat revealing the Noxian Banner with the scars forming an X, "If any Noxian man saw this in the Noxian lands, he would try to kill me, have no fear."

"Why did that happen? What did you do that they hated? And how does that make you trustworthy?"

"Well, I worked in the smuggling business, with all the empires, mainly Demacia and Bilgewater, they put me in jail waiting as I waited for my execution, but having the many contacts I have, I was able to get one of my men, a Noxian guard, to help me escape, then I left the city and crossed into Shurima and took a boat from there to here," He said, "I came here to help someone destroy the Noxians but the Demacians aren't at war nor are the Shurimans and Ionians, I mean with the Noxians, the Demacians are busy fighting the Ionians and the Ionians are dealing with infighting, so I came here, I found it impressive, your take of Xianjino."


"The last city you took, the new leader moved more troops towards it but clearly they didn't get there in time," He laughed, "He isn't very good on strategy, he is young."

"How young?" Cassidy asked interrupting him, "Do you know?"

"He is 24, that is very young, he is at the head of one of the most powerful empires of Terruna, and he is very stubborn and doesn't give up on things he wants to do."

"24? Weren't you younger when you took over the city as the leader?" She said turning to Hugo, "Like 22?"

"Yeah, I was, I don't think I was stubborn though, at least I don't think so."

"Ha ha ha, you weren't," Undritch laughed, "The people loved you."

"How old are you?"

"I am 53 years old," He said, "If they hadn't kicked me out, I would have retired and lived in luxury, but they found out and, well, you know the rest, I served 35 years, from simple soldier up to general."

"Were you married?" Cassidy asked.

"No, I wasn't, I hadn't found the time, but enough about me, it is three, you should probably go get Nami," He said, "How old was she? 4 or 5?"

"You are getting a little creepy, you know that, right?" Cassidy said uneasy, "Well, if you want Hugo, I can go get her and you keep talking with him, what do you think?"

"I'll go get her, don't worry," He said as he got up, "Undritch, come with me."

"Uh, Hugo? Are you sure?"

"Don't be paranoid, He is fine."

"If Nami asks?"

"I figure it out," He said as they left, "See you later!"

"See you later," They walked down the path. Undritch tapped his cigarette before asking Hugo something.

"Why bring me along?"

"Cass is a little paranoid," He said, taking a drink, "Ever since I am on the front line, she wants to make sure I will return to her."

"Weren't you immortal?"

"I can't be killed by age, a well-paced bullet will," He laughed, "Unless I protect myself."

"How can you protect yourself from a bullet?"

"I can tell you later," He said as they arrived in front of the school, "Good day."

"Good day Captain," She said bowing her head, "I'll tell Nami that you are waiting for her."

"Okay," He said as he grabbed Undritch's cigarette.

"Oye, why did you do that?"

"Nami doesn't need that to make her sick, she isn't very strong, she is just 4 years old."

"You could have just told me, it isn't like you are allowing me to live here."

"Father!" Nami said as she ran to him, he lowered himself and she jumped into his arms. He lifted her up and waved to the headmaster. Undritch simply followed Hugo.

"Father, who is that?"

"This is Uncle Undritch, he came to visit," He said, "He will be leaving with me when I leave."

"When are you leaving?"

"In a month or a month and a half, I think," He said as he kissed her forehead, "How was school?"

"It was," She paused thinking about her sentence, "It was okay."

"Did you learn something new?"

"We did writing and math today."

"That sounds great, I am sure you did well," He said as they walked up the path, "Undritch, I will join you in the tavern later, see you later."

"See you later."