Book Three: Part 1: Chapter Two: Megumi Part 2

Last time, Megumi started talking about her past.

I directed them to the Calypso Valley. Where are we? Aiden asked. In the Calypso Valley it's known for its beautiful scenery. Megumi replied. It is very breathtaking. Senji replied. We need to take a detour to the docks. Megumi replied. I would love to come back one of these days. Aiden replied.

As I was directing them to the docks in the Port City of Ithaca, I saw an old friend of mine. Megumi replied. A man walking with a pipe appeared behind the boys. I'll be damned, Yumeko Tempus. What brings you to my city? Strato asked. Why if it isn't Strato? Megumi asked. The one and only, my beautiful goddess. Strato replied. He kisses the back of her palm. Oh, you flatter me. Megumi replied. Now the Yumeko I know isn't as dense as your acting. Strato replied. Alright, I'll stop playing with you. Megumi replied. I need a favor from you Strato. Megumi replied. Anything for you my goddess. Strato replied. Can you get me a boat for my friends, to get to Caduceus? Megumi asked. Yes, I can do that but who are your friends. I pointed to your father and Senji. Strato was not liking that company. He looked at me and said these very words to me. Yumeko, you are a very attractive woman. You should shower with that exact company. Strato replied. Could you not insult them, they are right in front of you? Megumi asked. Senji glared at him. Your father kept his emotions in. Strato, these guys are actually Med studies who want to visit Caduceus. Megumi asked. So you are doing this for them or both? Strato asked. Both, I am looking for my mother's heirloom sword. I know Sophia knows the whereabouts. I will make her pay for taking my mother from me. Megumi thought. I can tell in your eyes, your mind is made up. Strato replied. You are right. Megumi replied. As I smiled at Strato, your father was immediately jealous. He started taunting your father soon after. You like Yumeko, huh? Strato asked. Your dad blushes and looked out at the sea. Strato blows out some smoke out of his mouth. She's a beautiful mystery that can't be figured out with the normal means. Strato replied. What do you mean? Aiden asked. She's a very complicated woman whose beautiful face hides all her insecurities. Strato replied. Is she really that complicated? Aiden thought. I can tell your future, you will stay by her. Can you do that for me? Strato asked. Sure. Aiden replied. Strato and your father shook hands that night. That started a troublesome friendship. Megumi replied.

The next morning, he gave us a boat and a staff with it. As we left, he gave me a map and routes to invade the police from catching us. I gave Strato a hug. See you next time, my goddess! Strato yelled. As we were on open sea, your father and Senji were acting like they have never been on a nice boat before. Stop acting like you had nothing. Megumi replies. Sorry, this is such a luxurious boat, and we are living in it. Aiden replied. As I unraveled the map, I saw were not very far from the coast of Luxuria. Megumi replied. We are actually close to the Ancient Capital of Ishtar, my birthplace. Megumi replied.

Stay Tuned.