Last time Katsu thought about what Kosuke told him.
As Katsu scarfed down his food, Ally was worried. After breakfast, Katsu sat outside and looked up. Ally walked over to him and sat down. What's wrong with what Kosuke said? Ally asked. Katsu sighs. When Kosuke and I were children I was morbidly obese. People would pick on me. Ren would pick on me. Katsu replied. That sounds like that ass. Ally replied. Katsu chuckled. My dad's family rules and the stress from it lead to stress eating. My mom knew I was down and she would make me cake and cookies to feel better. Katsu replied. You became a stress eater. Ally replied. Yup, I stress ate to the point I became morbidly obese. Katsu replied. What was your wake up call? Ally asked. My summoning of being the next candidate of Higanbana and a girl I had a crush on in high school. Katsu replied. When I was a second year in high school. I pressured to ask her out. She called me pig and no one will ever want you. Katsu replied. Girls like her end up regretting down the line but continue. Ally replied. I took it hard and I fell into a depression. A few days later, my great-great-grandfather summoned me. A few of cousins were present as candidates as well. We all went up to Higanbana. The sword gravitate towards me. My cousins were jealous. I unsheathed the blade. I saw the tradegies of its previous owners and Higanbana's fate flash before my eyes. Soon after, I sheathed the blade. Tears were rushing down my face. Katsu replied. Are their lives were that sad? Ally asked. Yes but thankfully, I broke that generational curse by saving you. Katsu replied. Ally smiled. Higanbana spoke to me. At the moment, she clocked me in her darkness. I miraculously lost all my weight. But I knew that it was too good to be true so I exercised and watched what I ate ever since then. Everyone was shocked at my weight loss and my appearance change. I looked at my reflection and I looked like Hironori. Unsheathing the blade again its blade turned Crimson as blood. One of the maids dropped their basket and screamed "How did the Crimson Eyed Reaper appear in this era!" I didn't understand what she meant at the time. Eventually, I asked Hironori about it. He finally explained what happened and the name the maid said. His lover and children were all victims of the Great Fire of Xiwangmu Palace. Katsu replied. Wait did you say the Great Fire of Xiwangmu Palace? Ally asked. Hironori walks over. Katsu, it's my story to tell. Hironori replied. Hironori. Ally replied. He sat down and started to tell his story.
It was 700 years ago. I was one of the many Ira people who were asked to assist the imperial military. At the time I was a War General and my little sister, Wu Yù Lin. Wait your sister is the Red-haired Tactician? Ally asked. Annoying ass. Hironori replied. Wait did you say Wu as the Wu Clan? Katsu asked. I'll tell you another time. Hironori replied. We were infamous. But I was secretly dating Princess Hina for a few years. Little to my knowledge, the emperor had his eyes on her too. Hironori replied. He wanted to swoop her up before I propose to her. Hironori replied. So Princess Hina was the "It Girl" for that time? Ally asked. Yes. The thing is she had no interest in dating the emperor. He was persistent. Eventually tricked her mother into making a candidate for Empress. She became empress but she was pregnant with my triplets. Hironori replied. That's kind of funny. Ally and Katsu replied. After she had the kids. They didn't look like him. He waited until they were 6 to burn down the palace. Hina and their living courtiers in the process. I heard about a heist but I didn't know what. It came to my knowledge about this and I told the emperor. Touch Hina and my children. Your not going to have a palace but ruins. Hironori replied. So to spite me he went through with it. He burned his own Palace not me. The guards and soldiers were going strictly against my orders. Hironori replied. So you went on a killing spree basically? Ally replied. Unfortunately. Hironori replied. When I reached her room. She and triplets were barely breathing. I asked Yù Lin to grab the kids and get out. She escaped with the children. When I went to check on Hina and she was clinging onto dear life. Hina looked at me. She smiled and chuckled. So this is the way I die. All over a silly man's ego. Hina replied. I grabbed her body. As she was passing away. Yue appeared in my hand and put her body in a comatose state. She will only wake up if my direct descendants retrieve her body or me. Unfortunately, I couldn't save my children. Only thing I could do is leave them behind my three swords. Hironori replied. Hold on so she's alive? Katsu asked. Yes and me being alive is another thing. Headquarters has been hiding my existence as well. Hironori replied. Wait then you've met Megumi in the past? Ally asked. Yeah I met Yumeko as a teenager. She was an orphan when I met her. Wanting revenge towards Sophia and the Acedian royal family and their government for the way they took her mother from her. Feisty little girl she trained with the Ira People. Trained under the most dangerous swordsman and swordswoman. I can call her a woman now. Hironori replied. Wait child? Katsu asked. How old is she? Ally asked. Her age is a secret for a reason. Hironori replied. Do Kaoru and Ren even know? Ally asked. No, it's for the best that they don't. Megumi has plenty of enemies. Hironori replied. Wait so Juliet and her brother are your descendants? Ally asked. Yes but those two are another story. Hironori replied. Ally saw the way Hironori looked at Juliet. It seemed as if she looked at a familiar face. I replied. A demon appeared behind the three. Hironori turned and Katsu grabbed Ally. Juliet appeared through a portal in the sky. She landed on the ground. Stay away from them! Juliet yelled. No offense. You are supposed to be the all powerful previous, Shield of Ira. The Red-haired devil, Juliet Yamada. You don't give off terrifying. More like pathetic. Shin replied. Juliet smiles. Her eyes turned Crimson. She appeared in front of Shin. Her fist landed in his stomach. The impact caused him to be flung into the bushes. He fall the ground on his knees. He started coughing up blood. What did Juliet do to him? Ally asked. You just witnessed just a fraction of the strength of one of the Ira People. Hironori replied. Katsu looked at Juliet as her crimson eyes faded back to green. Juliet correct? Hironori asked. Yes. Juliet replied. Do you know of Wu Yù Lin? Hironori asked. Who doesn't. I'm her reincarnation after all. Juliet replied. She grabbed Shin and dragged him towards the portal. I need a bath and Nonna's Lemonade Cheesecake after all this. I hope Yuki didn't touch the cheesecake Nonna made for me. He will pay otherwise. Juliet replied. She chucked him into the portal. Then another portal was opened to bring her back. My mom's Lemonade Cheesecake doesn't sound bad actually. I think she made some. Katsu replied. That sounds good to me. Hironori replied. Same. Ally replied.
As Katsu and Hironori got their burdens off their chest. I can tell they felt better. Ally got hers off her chest but her sins were little deeper than she thought.
Stay Tuned.