Last time, we're informed on the church's sketchy intentions of stealing Hagne from different sources.
Soon after work, Ally and Katsu go to see what's happening. I wonder why they truly want Hagne? Ally asked. Hagne is one of swords that has an heavenly attributes but also Demonic attributes too. Katsu replied.
Lila runs into Ally and Katsu. Alice and Katsu, I'm glad I caught you. Lila replied. What's up, Lila? Ally asked. The church is trying to close up the gate to the underworld. They are going about it the wrong way. Hagne's wielder is our great ancestor who is locked up. I know where her room is. Lila replied. She taught you your magic, Lila? Ally asked. Yes, they only let her out for certain reasons. Unfortunately, Lila is correct. Araceli is forbidden to leave. I know her personally, she is the second generation of Earth goddesses in Avaritia. A powerful swordswoman in a league of her own. Hironori replied. So your in on the heist? Katsu asked. Of course, I witnessed the current head capturing her 2,000 years ago. He's been living this long keeping her captive. Hironori replied. So she's a victim as I was. Ally replied. Katsu hugged Ally. I won't let anyone hurt you again, Ally. Katsu replied. Ally hugged back. Since we're all on the same page. Let's reconvene tomorrow elsewhere. Hironori replied. Yes, I don't need them tracking us down. Ally replied. Hagne talks. Lady Alice, don't go home tonight stay with that demon for tonight. Just grab clothes from your place. Hagne replied. Hey, Katsu is my boyfriend now. Ally replied. My lady? Hagne asked. Don't worry, he is treating well. Ally asked. I'll be on my best behavior. Hagne replied.
Hey Katsu, can I spend the night? Ally asked. Sure, I just need to clean up a little. Katsu replied. The house is clean so don't worry. Hironori replied. Alright, follow me to my house, please. Ally replied. Just do it, she's being stalked by those people. Hironori replied. I hope you'll get to and from safe. Lila replied.
Ally and Katsu drove off. Oh your not safe either, you are being assigned a bodyguard. Hironori replied. Wait, who could that be? Lila asked. He's sitting behind you. Surprised a creature of the night can walk around during the day. Hironori replied. I am a rare case. Rafi replied. I see you met Rafi Zeparis, the Incubus and Vampire hybrid. Yumi replied. Uhm, Yumi he's an Incubus. Him being around me would be hard on him. Lila replied. Lila, he's too work driven to care about that. Yumi replied. Holy attributes don't bother me. Rafi replied. Your a day walker, not many of you exist. The name Zeparis is a noble house. Hironori replied. That maybe true but right now I am carrying out my duties for this job. Rafi replied. Lila is surprised. I'd rather you leave for the day, Ms. Nigatsu. Rafi replied. Why, I'm still on the clock? Lila asked. Very simple, you and Ms. Bellerose are being stalked. Rafi replied. I didn't sense them. Hironori thought. Rafi grabbed his sword handle. Not right now, they think your a normal cadet. Yumi whispered. Rafi unhanded his sword. Take her back to her dorm. Yumi replied. Yes captain. Rafi replied.
Later that night, Ally stayed with Katsu and he was a little surprised at Ally pajamas. He gulped.
Hironori texted Katsu.
Hironori: Stop being a bitch and let her sleep in your bed.
Katsu: I know but it's weird thinking about it. I know I'm dating her.
Hironori: I know but you have to share a bed at some point.
Katsu: Fine.
You can sleep in my room. Katsu replied. Are you sure? Telling from your reaction you look very uncomfortable. Ally replied. She can read my emotions? Katsu thought. Are you sure? Ally asked. Don't worry I'm fine. Katsu replied. As the night came a close, Ally slept in Katsu's bed. He was uneasy at first but became comfortable.
Meanwhile, Lila fell asleep in her room. Rafi sits in her chair at her desk near her bed. Rafi's eyes change colors. He shook his head. I can't bite her. If I mark her I could get the both of us in trouble. Rafi thought. Lila rolled over and her chest is a little exposed.He grabbed his wrist. I can't follow her around all through the day. People would think I'm suspicious. Maybe, I could be in my humanoid form? Oh well, this is my next resort. Rafi mumbled. He pulled back Lila's hair and bite her neck. His brand appeared on her neck and then disappeared. Something triggered in Rafi to suck her blood. He stopped himself. Why did I just want to do that just now? Rafi thought. He pulled out a needle and injected himself. Lila heard the puncture of the needle in the skin and felt him bite her neck. She blushed in embarrassment and shock.
Stay Tuned.