Chapter 8

I got a rush of energy. I could finally get this backstabbing snake off the council and out of leadership.

"The south fields by San Diego, and as soon as we get there." Ryder responded slyly.

"Fine," I accepted, "But if any rules are broken, then all rules are off the table. Let's get going, I need to get back here as soon as possible to be able to tell everyone about my plans to take down our new enemy."

"And if they intervene then I automatically win," Ryder sneered.

Ryder glared at me and we started our walk towards the jeeps. "Carla this is insane, he's crazy, what were you thinking?" Carter quickly asked as we walked to the vehicles.

I stopped and turned towards him, "If you call me crazy one more time I'm going to be angry instead of just upset." I wasn't lying, this was my own decision and I didnt appreciate being called crazy.

Carter's face softened from extreme worry to just slight concern, "I just don't want you to get hurt or killed. You'll be without your powers."

"Carter my powers don't make me who I am, they're a part of me but not all of me. I'll be fine," I assured him. My little pep talk was also for me. Part of me feared this fight just because I haven't trained without powers in a few months.

I took a breath and jumped in the driver side door of one of the jeeps. We had two. One was Ryder's and one was everyone else's. He was really picky on that and we argued about it for about a week. I eventually got so exhausted with having the same arguement over and over that I just let him have his pathetic jeep.

Carter hopped in the passenger side door.

"What are you-?" I started. My question was cut off by Nathan, Hannah, Liam, and Kathy getting in the back of the jeep, followed by Cornelius who came out of nowhere and demanded to come with us. Eclipse was seated between the from two seats.

"Okay then," I sighed as I started to back out of the garage we had made for the jeeps. Ryder was already infront of me.

"Cornelius why did you insist on coming?" I asked as we drove. My brother never showed signs of wanting to do anything action packed since we left the island.

"I wanted to see my baby sister beat the snot out of this entitled jerk," Cornelius said with a smile.

I looked over at Carter for a second and then back at the road. We drove silently for a few more minutes before I started talking again.

"Where is Madelyn?" I asked.

"I'm handling headquarters," Madelyn informed me through my earpiece.

"Why are you at headquarters?" I asked.

"So if you need backup for whatever reason I can send the Mechs out," Madelyn answered.

"Nathan you finished those?" I confusedly asked.

"Yeah we finished the horses, your lion is almost finished. We already put the receiving chip in your earpiece so you can control him." Nathan responded.

"When did you-?" I started.

"When you took your earpiece out while you were napping the other day, we wanted to surprise you," Nathan explained, "I had to tell you now because you might need it closer than we thought."

I nodded and kept driving. The closer we got to San Diego, the more worried I got.

Before long we were almost there. Ryder was a few car lengths ahead of us.

"This is ridiculous, you shouldn't have to prove you should be leader," Kathy sighed as I stopped the car in an open field. Ryder had done the same.

"I don't want to be leader and I've explained this I dont know how many times. The only reason I'm doing this is so he doesn't become leader,"

The grass had grown up to my shoulders so I put my hand on the ground and cleared an area for us to brawl.

"Eclipse," I called. It didn't even take a second for him to be at my side.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and transferred most of my powers to him. I didn't trust Ryder so I was being cautious before I take his for the fight. I have transferred every power but power absorption to Eclipse.

I started to walk towards Ryder. He kind of sneered at me and then outreached a hand. Before I knew it a lightning bolt struck down and hit me.

I had given him weather control a few months ago.

I fell to the ground. I opened my eyes but my vision was hazy. I quickly got to my feet and called into the radio, "So how do I get this thing to come Madelyn?"

"Carla it's not ready," Madelyn quickly responded.

"Come on Madelyn, how much longer?" I asked.

"A few days Carla," Madelyn heaved. It sounded like she was lifting something heavy.

"Madelyn I dont have a choice right now, I don't have powe-"

My sentence was cut off by a short brown haired girl stepping between Ryder and I. She was wearing a dark gray t-shirt and jeans.

She shot a rock out of her hand at Ryder.

A large black lion walked beside me and lowly growled at the girl.

I scrambled backwards away from the mess.

"Eclipse help me!" I yelled in an attempt to get Eclipse to pull me away. I had fractured my ankle when my fell so I couldn't get up.

The black lion looked back at me.

I looked wide eyed at it and started to scramble backwards faster. I was about to get eaten.

"Eclipse! Come on bud I need help!" I screamed. My ankle hurt so bad and I could barely move.

The lion dropped down onto its haunches and flickered its ears back. Its mouth was shut but a low tones growl was still sounding.

I would fight it if I had the power to turn into a lioness but I gave my powers to Eclipse.

"Eclipse!" I screamed, "Come on bud I need you!"

Infront of my eyes the lion morphed into a human and looked me in the eyes with all too familiar golden dusted eyes and black wavy hair, "Stop screaming and come on."