Chapter 11

Carla's POV

I fell onto the dark green grass in what seemed like the same meadow. The spindly guy was nowhere to be seen, neither were my friends. I looked around some more. Nobody was around. Had they left me there?

I turned to the direction of the cabin and sprinted as fast as I could in lioness form. As soon as I reached the town everyone started cheering. I didn't understand it. It was midnight, why was anyone up anyway?

I downshifted as I walked up the cabin steps. As I walked through the front door I apperently interrupted dinner. Nathan dramatically dropped his fork.

Nobody looked the same. Everyone looked older. There was a teenager, about fifteen, sitting between Nathan and Hannah. A teenage boy sat beside Kathy and another one beside Madelyn. And another teenage girl beside Sage. I didn't recognize any of them. How long had I been laying in that field.

"Where is Carter?" I managed to let slip out of my lips as I studied everyone's facial expressions. Carter wasn't in the room and I had instantly gotten worried.

"I was about to ask you the same thing," Nathan started, "Have you seen Charlotte, she stormed out a few minutes ago."

"Charlotte? Who's Charlotte?" I asked.

"Your daughter," Cleo responded, "Did you get hit upside the head, you've been gone for three years, you have a twenty year old daughter."

"What are you guys even talking about, I'm only seventeen!" I protested.

Madelyn stood up from the table, "Carla have you seen Henry? Lately?"

"Who's Henry?" I asked.

"Paige and Ryder's son Henry," Madelyn explained, "He's a skinny kid, not much muscle, weird powers."

"Like spindly kid, creepy smile, talks kinda like an alien, can shoot people into the future and give them horrific nightmares?" I asked.

"Who made him angry?" Madelyn screamed at the table as she spun her head.

"Charlotte did," the girl next to Sage explained.

"I told you guys putting a teenager in charge was a bad idea," Madelyn yelled as she walked back to the table.

"Well welcome to the future then Carla," Sage sighed.

"Tell me about Henry," I said as I took a seat at an empty chair.

"You raised him after Paige died," Hannah explained, "He grew up as Charlotte's brother pretty much. He always hated her and she had no idea why."

"He really just resented that both of her parents were still alive," Sage explained.

"Well yesterday, Charlotte banished him from all properties owned by the alliances," The girl next to Sage explained, "So he stormed away."

"And this person can time travel and nobody told him the repercussions of that?" I asked with a tone. I was slightly irritated that they didn't do anything to prevent it and now I was stuck in the wrong timeline.

"You taught him everything, and you taught him well. You taught him just like you taught me. And you told him all the repercussions of timetravel," Hannah explained, "He obviously didn't listen though."

I got an idea and it would be a longshot.

"A skinny earpiece, its black and real little, I need one," I said in a happy voice as I looked directly at Nathan.

He took his earpiece off and handed it to me. I started fiddling with the pieces and wires a little bit.

"Don't break it!" Nathan demanded.

"I'm not, I'm connecting my timeline," I explained as I shocked it with lightning.

"You're gonna fry it be careful!" Nathan yelled.

"Please sit down," I asked kindly , "I'll be done in a few seconds."

Surely enough a few seconds later I had finished it. I still had the earpiece that I was given for my mech lion so all I needed now was a monitor to tap into his camera.

"How did you learn to do this?" Liam asked.

I shrugged, "I'm just guessing and going with my first instinct like I thought it over."

I walked out the door and down to Headquarters. Once I got down the stairs I realized just how high tech it has become. I flipped the lights witch but nothing turned on. I tried it again but still nothing.

"Ugh," I groaned, "Fine then."

I created a ball of fire in my hand to give me some light to work with. Instantly something came from the shadows. A big dark wolf walked out, he reminded me of Eclipse. Maybe he's future Eclipse?

"Foos," I ordered in German. Eclipse was trained in German commands so maybe this wolf was too. My command didn't work and the wolf still didn't stand down.

I tried again. Still no response.

"Stand down it's Carla," I demanded.

He slowed but still walked towards me.

"Come on buddy, it's me," I continued to keep trying to get him to stop engaging

"Stand down," I growled.

My growl just made him angry and he was almost on me. The headpiece he had on didn't seem normal. His snow white teeth glistened in the firelight. I wasn't scared, I was worried though. I was honestly hurt at the fact he was being so aggressive towards me. I wouldn't hurt him. There was no way I would hurt him, I couldn't bring myself to hurt a dog. I crouched down and held the hand of fire behind me so I wouldn't accidently burn him. I held my other hand out so he could smell it. I desperately wanted him to stop trying to attack. He snapped at my hand and I instantly pulled it back to me. He took a leap and pounced.