
A light drizzle started to moisten the sharp autumn grass. A few leaves had fallen but it was merely early autumn, so not many had decided to detach and float to the ground.

It was a week after the attack. Henry, Charlotte, Cleo, and Gena were the only survivors. The four of them took charge in the community. Everyone mourned over those they had lost. Those who were so gruesomely murdered were buried behind the Cabin. It took Cleo a few days to be able to even step foot in the house. She felt as if she had just got them back and now she's lost them all again.

Dinners were silent for months. Nobody talked about those they lost. Charlotte and Henry had seen their mom for a month before the attack. And now they've felt as if they've lost them all over again.

Gena had only gotten close to Paige and Carla. She watched them both be beaten before she was knocked out.

Henry felt defeated. He had used his power to try to save his mom and ended up killing everyone else in the process and because Carla still had his power, he had no way of trying again.

But Henry knew something that nobody else did. He refused to say a word to them in the fear that they'd go looking. Amongst the dead, one was missing. And Henry full heartedly knew that she was off saving the world.

A strong warrior that walked amongst them had learned her strength several fights ago. She learned that she didn't need to kill to save people. She was the only person who could truly relate to everyone she came across. She always found a way to make someone smile. She tried their hardest to hide what she was feeling and had confided in a wild wolf for comfort. And even though he slightly creeped her out, she trusted him with her life. She was determined to bring back everything that was taken from her, destroying everything that stood between point "A" and "B." In addition to all that, she was determined to fix everything she felt she had ruined, and pretend it was just another atrocious Nightmare.