Brother Mu

Chapter 13: Brother Mu

"So strong!"

"This is the power of someone in the Nascent Realm?"

"Young Master Shen's cultivation seems to have improved since the last time I have seen him. Indeed a talent, sigh. The other fellow's fate is sealed; he should not have offended the young master."


As the dust began to clear up, two figures could be seen standing with some distance between them.

"He is still alive?"


"How is this possible?"

"How could he block our Young Master's attack?"

"It seems he was hiding his strength; otherwise, how could he survive an attack from Young Master Shen?"

As there was some distance between them, Shen Tang couldn't help feel more incensed when he saw that he was pushed back by several meters.

When their fist's collided, Shen Tang's arm trembled and he was even blown backwards several meters. Although Zhao Yun flew back further than him, he found this humiliating.

Before their fist's collided, Zhao Yun had used a strange martial art that he couldn't recognise at all. Although Shen Tang appeared to be hot-tempered, he was actually very calculative, applying his mind to overcome people in a fight. If the enemies weakness were exposed, he would exploit it with not just one trick but with several.

Seeing how he couldn't recall a martial art that fit the description of Zhao Yun's technique. He frowned: 'My family is the most influential family in Qingwei Town, I would have heard of someone this skilled in being in our territory...'

While Shen Tang was in deep thought about the identity of this guy, Zhao Yun was thinking to himself.

Zhao Yun couldn't help but flinch in slight pain. Looking down at his arm that could still be found trembling from the collision. His arm was completely numb, and he discovered that it was hard even to move his fingers: 'Tsk, so this is the strength of someone in the Nascent Realm. Even using the Water Form Fifth Style wasn't enough to come out unscathed. It seems I have no choice but to escape. Unless...'

He had a lingering feeling as to why Shen Tang had come here in person. However, he wasn't sure.

"Master, what was the technique that Daoist has just used?" A disciple who was curious about the technique that Zhao Yun had just used, looked up to his master next to him asked.

The disciples master narrowed his eyes as he tried to peer into Zhao Yun. After a long while, he couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment: "I am afraid not, even in my days of wandering the great cities and lands. I cannot decipher the technique's origin. But, it seems to be a very profound technique that has to do with the movement of the feet."

The disciple could only say: "Oh" before remaining quiet.

Although the master did not know of Zhao Yun's technique, he could quickly ascertain its primary function. Others in the crowd nodded their heads as they agreed with this master's thoughts.

Shen Tang's brows furrowed as he carefully observed Zhao Yun, flexing his fingers to rid of the stiffness, he spoke in a cold tone: "It seems you have some skill, who are you? What is your relation to the cripple of the shop you just walked out of? Answer me"

Zhao Yun's arms were at his side with his right hand slightly hidden from sight. He was trying to use his spiritual energy to heal the numbing sensation on his fist when he heard Shen Tang speak up.

'Cripple? Who am I? Bastard, I am right here! What do you mean, who am I?'

With an indifferent face, Zhao Yun waved his hand and replied in the same cold tone: "I am just a random person, no one important. As for my relation to the cripple, well, why should I answer you?"

How was I supposed to answer you? What was my relation to the cripple? Well, the cripple you are seemingly looking for was right in front of your eyes! If I told you who I was, how much trouble would I get myself into? Do you take me for an idiot? Besides, even if I did tell you, would you believe I was the cripple? Of course not.

Shen Tang's face blackened. One of the subordinates took a step forward and pointed at Zhao Yun while yelling: "How dare you talk like this to our Young Master! Are you not afraid of dying-"

Before the subordinate could finish, he was interrupted by a swing of an arm from his young master. Quickly, he shut his mouth and remained silent. However, he continued to stare daggers at Zhao Yun.

Another subordinate stepped forward and spoke quietly: "Young Master Shen, Brother Yuting's wounds are so severe. I-I am afraid that if we don't leave now to get him help, h-his arm will have permanent damage!"

Hearing his underling speak, he was much annoyed: 'This was not supposed to happen.'

With gritted teeth, he ordered: "Go! Tell Uncle Kong I sent you to heal Yuting's wound."

"Right away!" Immediately, a few out of the dozen underlings behind him picked up the groaning Zhen Yuting and hurried away.

After they left, Shen Tang looked back at the white hair youth and said coldly: "Fine. It doesn't really matter to me if you don't wish to answer. But, you crippled my little brother's arm, so there is only one ending for you... death!"

"Hugh!" Channelling his spiritual energy, bursts of wind emanated from Shen Tang causing everyone's clothes and hair to flutter. Everyone within the vicinity tensed up as they felt the pressure press down on their shoulders, causing their breaths to become heavy.

"It looks like the Young Master Shen is getting serious!"

Zhao Yun's eyes widened a little: 'This is... spiritual pressure? It seems he was holding back a lot in his last punch. My cultivation isn't higher enough to come out unscathed like the last time...'

He could only silently mutter in his heart: 'I hope I am right about this...'

In the face of this attack, Zhao Yun merely acted as if there wasn't a problem at all, which made Young Master Shen somewhat wary.

Shen Tang took a stance before rushing forward, within just a second he had already arrived in front of Zhao Yun. Before attacking, Shen Tang raised an eyebrow in surprise: "Why does he not take a stance? Hmph, die then."

The spiritual energy began to amass around his fist. Without any mercy, he struck his fist with the intent to kill!

"Brother Tang, it has been some while" At this moment, a voice yelled startling everyone in surprise.

A young man that looked to be around 17 years old landed in the between Zhao Yun and Shen Tang. Without hesitation, this young man channelled his spiritual energy and struck out his palm to counter Shen Tang's incoming fist.

"Haha, he came..." A small, almost unnoticeable glint flashed over Shen Tang's eyes.

"Boom!" With another loud boom that was akin to a thunderclap, everyone raised their arms to cover their eyes from the kicked up dust that was in the air.

Zhao Yun had to leap back just not to be caught up into the fight: "Hehe, it looks like this guy really came."

After the point of impact, they took a jump back as well. Unknowingly, Zhao Yun and Shen Tang were wanting to the same thing.

"Brother Tang seems to think bullying the weak is a very honourable thing to do hmm?" The young man smiled a little with his eyes resting on Shen Tang.

"Hmph, if it isn't the Young Master Mu Cheng. Always poking your nose into other peoples business, like a dog. Move aside; I don't have time to deal with you." Shen Tang retorted.

Mu Cheng frowned slightly, he wasn't annoyed because of Shen Tang's retort but was curious about what this guy was plotting.

When the crowd recovered, they saw the appearance of the new arrival and gasped.

"Isn't that Young Master Mu from the Mu Family?"

"Why is he here?"

The young man was somewhat tall, wore a dark blue robe with white edges and had his hair up. His charming face, his bright brown eyes, and the way he presented himself indicated that he was someone from a wealthy family.

The Mu Family was the second most influential family in Qingwei Town, even having connections in the Qing City. However, because of the Mu's Family Head Leaders cultivation that was only a stage behind the Shen Family's, Head Leader, Shen Wuyan, they were ultimately placed under them — being placed in the second most influential family.

Zhao Yun was observing this guy's appearance while recalling his memories. When he saw that this young man countered Shen Tang's attack without any real effort, his lips curved up.

Mu Cheng spoke with coldness after a moment: "Shen Tang If I find out you have anything to do with Zi Yun's disappearance, I won't hold back!" (Author's Note: Zi Yun is the name of Zhao Yun's body)

Shen Tang squinted his eyes.

As Mu Cheng spoke, he turned his head to look at the white-haired boy behind him.

Before he arrived, he had heard that Shen Tang was heading towards Zi Yun's herbal shop with a group of his underlings. He grew concerned and went to the outer district himself.

Half a month has gone by since the last time he had seen Zi Yun, and even after sending a few people to investigate his whereabouts, he still couldn't find him.

This was why he was very suspicious of Shen Tang. It was because Shen Tang's underlings would often make trouble for Zi Yun. He found it hard to believe that his disappearance didn't have anything to do with Shen Tang.

The reason why he was uneasy was that, if Shen Tang did have something to do with Zi Yun's disappearance, then why was he here? Could it be, that he didn't have anything to do with Zi Yun?

When Brother Mu turned around and saw this young boy's face, he froze.

"What the...?"